Episode 37~ A Friend in Need is Friend Indeed

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Coming up in today's episode:

The mother-son duo turned their head and found Yoyo, his chamchas, Ester, Sahil and Tanya coming towards them. Randhir noticed their sad, worried face and realized that they found out. Yoyo hurried towards them and engulfed Randhir in a tight hug.

'Don't be sad, Paji. We are there with you. Always.' He cried. His two chamchas and Sahil also hugged Yoyo and Randhir tightly. Randhir felt the warmth in the group hug.

'Yes, Randhir.' Ester said

'We all are with you.' Tanya added. Both their voices had pain. Randhir didn't hug anyone, he was just too numb.

After a long time, they parted. Randhir saw tears in everyone's eyes. Their concern touched him, and he felt better.

'Paji, how did this happen? This shouldn't have happened.'

'Randhir be strong.' Sahil consoled him. Yoyo's chamchas nodded. Randhir nodded not looking at anyone. He knew if did, he will cry, and he didn't want to show his vulnerable side to them.

'Paji, I and Ester have decided to ditch our Christian wedding.' Yoyo said confidently. Randhir looked at him and he nodded firmly.

'Yes, Randhir.' Ester sounded just as confident as her husband. She held Yoyo's arm, showing her support. Randhir shook his head.

'No.' – He said firmly. When Yoyo protested he placed his hand firmly on his shoulder, - 'I don't want you guys to spoil your happiness because of me.' He said.

Yoyo shook his head and held his hand, - 'What happiness, Paji? How can we celebrate when such a tragedy happened to you. No, Paji. It will be a shame on us.' He said seriously. His chamchas agreed. Randhir shook his head.

'Yoyo. People live and die but life goes on.' – Randhir spoke over Yoyo as he protested, - 'If you respect me as your friend, then you should do what was planned. But – sorry I won't be able to come.' He admitted. Yoyo wanted to protest further but knew Randhir was very stubborn. So, he nodded and hugged his friend again.

'If there is anything you want me to do for you, Paji,' – He looked at Randhir, - 'I am always there.'

'Us too.' Sahil said and everyone group hugged each other.

'Sanyukta.' Tanya's voice distracted everyone. They parted. Randhir looked ahead and found Sanyukta standing a few distance away from them. She looked back with a sad expression. Yoyo wanted to say something when Ester grabbed his arm and stopped him. Randhir kept looking at Sanyukta until his gaze fell on Kishore and he looked away. But Sanyukta kept looking at him. She was relieved that Randhir was alright. Even though he looked mentally drained and very tired. Like him even she hadn't slept the whole night.

Sanyukta had come with her family and Parth, who sat on a wheelchair.

Kishore walked towards Renuka who sat on one of the chairs. Ankit and Vidhushi walked with Sanyukta towards Randhir. Again, they began looking at each other.

'Mrs. Saniyal.' – He hesitated for a second before placing his palm on her shoulder, - 'These are tough times. I can understand how you must be feeling,' – Kishore paused as tears brimmed his eyes, - 'I felt the same when Anju had passed away.' – Renuka couldn't stop her tears too, - 'But you need to be strong. The loss is irreplaceable. I pray that you get the strength to cope with the loss. And whenever you need any support, Sanyukta and I are there for you and Randhir.' He said seriously. Renuka nodded and sniffed.

'Thanks, Mr. Agarwal.' She acknowledged him. He nodded and stepped aside.

Sanyukta stood still for a second before leaning forward and she wrapped her arms around Randhir's neck. He doesn't hug her, but she held him closer. Tears pooled his eyes as he felt an inner strength with her presence. Others looked at them with a smile and even Ankit doesn't protest.

After a while, Sanyukta parted from Randhir. She had tears in her eyes. Slowly, she moved her hand to touch his cheek, but Ankit interrupted them.

'Randhir,' – Randhir looked at him, - 'Be strong,' – He held his shoulder and then hugged him. Everyone was surprised. Sanyukta was taken aback as well. The hug was for just a second and Ankit moved back. Quickly, he wiped tears from the corner of his eyes. Sanyukta smiled looking at her brother.

'Thanks,' – Randhir said to him and then turned to everyone, - 'Thanks, everyone.' He said warmly.

'Koi nahin, Paji. We are your friends. If we can't be with you in time of need than shame on us.' He said seriously, and everyone agreed. After what seemed like eternity Randhir smiled albeit a small smile. But this smile was short-lived when a nurse came to them and asked for Randhir. He and Renuka both hurried to her. Others looked at them with full attention.

'Mr. Shekawat, come and claim the body.' She said with a straight tone. This angered Randhir.

'What do you mean by body, huh?' – He roared making everyone flinch, - 'He is my father, not a body.' He thundered in anger. Sanyukta hurried to him and grabbed his arm. Yoyo and others also hurried to him. The nurse was taken aback and quietened instantly. Few people, who were earlier minding their own business, stopped in their tracks and began to watch.

'Randhir, please calm down.' Sanyukta said and he turned sharply to look at her.

'How dare she say my father like that?' Randhir jerked his arm free from her grip. Sanyukta shook her head silently requesting him to calm down.

'Okay, sir. Sorry. Please come with me.' The nurse did the damage control. Randhir calmed down a little.

'Sanyukta you go with Randhir.' Kishore said. At first, Sanyukta was surprised but she agreed. Even Renuka insisted she came but Randhir convinced her otherwise.

'Don't worry,' – Parth held his hand, - 'We are with Ma'am.' He said. Randhir nodded at him and then looked at Sanyukta.


Randhir felt goose-bumps as he walked into the dark morgue. There wasn't any other body there. He saw his father on the stretcher. Looking at his lifeless body Randhir stumbled back. Sanyukta was quick to grab him and helped him stand.

'Dad.' – Randhir called in a small voice, then he hurried to him, - 'Dad.' He shook Harsh's lifeless body. He was crying again. Sanyukta hurried to him and held his shoulder.

'You—you can't—leave me—and Mom like that—you can't—can't.' He shook Harsh vigorously.

Sanyukta held him tighter.

'Dad!' He fell over and hugged his father's lifeless body. Then broke down crying. He clung to him very tightly. Sanyukta stood there watching him. A stabbing pain inside her chest. She couldn't resist and hugged Randhir from behind. Randhir wasn't in his senses, he just kept clinging to his father and crying like a kid. Sanyukta cried with him.


The week following Harsh's death was tough on Randhir and Renuka. With Sanyukta's support, it became a bit easier for both. She would visit them often. His friends were also there as a strong pillar during these tough times.

Few days after the last rites were done Randhir joined work, but Renuka decided to take some more time. Sanyukta made different excuses to join Randhir at his office and even he made excuses to come meet Sanyukta in her office. But the surprising turn of events was that Randhir and Renuka now had a cordial relationship.

One day, Randhir surprised Renuka by hanging a family portrait of the Shekawats. Mother and Son had tears in their eyes. They hugged each other and cried silently.


Another week went by and there were only very slight changes with Randhir. Though, he was grateful he had his mother with him and Sanyukta as his strength.

Sunday, Randhir was sitting in the living room and Renuka was with him. She was reading a newspaper while he was simply staring at the wall in front of him. Just then the door-bell rang. Renuka looked over the newspaper. Randhir looked at his mother and suggested he will get the door.

Before a butler would open the door, Randhir stepped ahead and opened the door.

'Hi!' Sanyukta greeted him brightly.

Randhir was shocked to see Sanyukta standing at his door-steps. She was in totally different attire. Plain pink, thick blue bordered saree, and blue-white floral blouse. Red and gold glass bangle adorned her wrists. A modern, short and delicate Mangalsutra around her neck and a little peck of sindoor peeking from her hairline. She smiled widely at visibly confused Randhir. He looked away from her and looked behind her. Her driver coming towards them, dragging a wheeled bag.

'What happened?'- Sanyukta spoke and Randhir looked back at her, - 'Won't Mr. Shekawat welcome his Mrs. Shekawat?'

Randhir was even more baffled now. Unable to respond he kept blinking at her. Sanyukta rolled her eyes and pushed past him. He kept staring front, his mouth slightly open.

The Shekawats, Randhir's dream of a complete and happy family *tears*

Mrs. Shekawat has shifted to her sasural (Yaaay). How did this happen *shocked face*? Kishore Uncle? And, how will this turn of event affect Sandhir? Will they come closer? Will Randhir get his wish fulfilled? 

Stay Tuned and find out *smiles*

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