~Chapter 10~

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Chapter 10

The next morning went as usual, getting ready for work and bantering with Nate. This time before we left the elevator though we shared a small kiss, both agreeing it would be best to share as many as possible to get used to each other. While neither of us wanted to admit to ourselves or each other that it felt incredible.

It was now lunch time, and as I walked briskly to Betsy's diner I felt a lump in my throat. I had purposefully came slightly early. I had called Nick early letting him know that I would be there with my mother's dreadful match.

I sat in a booth waiting to meet my 'husband-to-be' if my mother has anything to say about it. Nick placed my food down, a Cheeseburger with pineapple and BBQ sauce, and a small strawberry and banana milkshake.

"Nervous Em?" I looked up at Nick, shaking my head slightly in dismay.

"I'll be fine, I'm an adult Nickie." I responded, both of us shaking our heads as he walked into the back of his restaurant, no doubt lurking somewhere to watch the big reveal. The time inched towards noon and my stress levels were off the charts until someone I knew walked in the door.

"Central Park Guy? Harry?" I questioned smirking at him slightly knowing fully well that I had gotten his name wrong.

"Emily well isn't this a surprise." He laughed slightly, as his hand went into his hair brushing it back with a his eyes boring into mine.

"How are you Harris?"

"Not well, my mother sent me to meet someone, an Ameillia?" We both looked at each other and a sharp breath echoed throughout the room.

"Your Brandon." I responded with realization, assuming that one of the names was his middle. I took him in wondering what caused him to agree with what our families had asked of us. But no matter how interesting he was, he wasn't Nate or my freedom.

"Your Ameilia." He let out a chuckle sitting down across from me, "I'm actually surprised that you're not some obedient little girl." I couldn't help but laugh at that suggestion knowing fully well that what he hated was what my mother wanted me to be.

"I've always hated expectations." I responded with a smile, "I was expecting some old man that would help my mothers status." I answered truthfully, knowing fully well that I needed to at least tell him as much before destroying this set up.

"A strong handshake, determination, and a burger girl. Your full of surprises." He smiled softly at me, leaning on his hands and watching me intently. I twirled my locket around a bit as I took a sip of my milkshake.

"I have to tell you Harris before this goes any further," I paused making sure he was still fine with the name, "I'm flattered but I have a secret."

"A Secret? One I can be blessed to know?" He joked with me, but I only offered up a small smile.

"I'm with someone already." I told him watching as his eyes went wide, and his hand twitched. My head jerked towards the windows as a flock of birds flew from the ground and into the blue sky like they had all been set free at once.

"I was under the impression that you were single?" I turned my head back to the very confused man.

"I hid my relationship from my mother, knowing once I told her I would never have any alone time with him." I responded the words sounding odd coming from my mouth, and I watched him wince at my words.

"I can understand that, I had my eye on this woman but..." He trailed off with a far look in his eyes, "It didn't work out."

"How come?" I didn't process the words that came out of my mouth until I had said them. His eyes widened a speck, not expecting my question.

"She just wasn't a right match, too young and not to my families liking." His answer seemed force, his eyes focusing anywhere but mine.

"But now you must realize I can't marry a man when my heart is with another." I told him and he nodded absentmindedly, his eyes out of focus.

"I understand the heart's desires are not to be trifled with, but I can't say that our families will agree." I knew that all too well that my parents would have a heart attack after hearing about what happened here. My mother would try to steal me away from Nates apartment and would try to drag me to the alter that very minute.

"I'm not worried about them, they are our lives right?" I winked at him playfully before continuing with my food. He snuck a few fries off my plate and while I knew that I shouldn't even humor this lunch date mother set up, I also knew he was a terrific guy.

Eventually we finished up and he walked out with me, the two of us talking like old friends. I was fully expecting a call later from my mother, which I would ignore for the time being. It wouldn't be until my father got involved that I would have to answer.

"I know Ameilia that this situation isn't ideal, but I hope that perhaps we could be friends one day?" His eyes were soft and his lips in a closed smile, and I knew what my answer should be.

But instead my nice attitude that had been raised into me peeked out its head, "Of course, I may not want to marry you but I see no harm in being friends." We both nodded parting our ways, him going goodness knows where and I back to work with air in my lungs and a sense of relief chilling my bones.

Nate asked me how everything had went, and I replied that we decided to become friends instead of man and wife. He seemed overly relieved by that, though he assured me it was simply because of our deal.

We both knew that this would not stop either of the families plans to wed the two together. However, Eventually the workday ended with no bumps in the road, and we made our way home to our two little dogs and one very exhausted Lizzie.

"I'm extra glad that you be home, how did a date go?" Lizzie asked as I settled on the couch, Nate going straight to the kitchen to make a surprise. We both agreed that we should share a meal every night to get to know each other better.

"It was interesting for sure, but we decided to remain friends. I told him I have feelings for someone else." I told her with a smile on my face glancing at Nate for a split second, she nodded rapidly content with my answer.

Meanwhile Auburn was snug in her arms while Ray kept his head on my lap, the two dogs being more pampered then anyone else in the apartment. Always being held and taken care of for everyone of their whims.

"I be happy for you." She placed Auburn next to me, hearing her growl from the movement made her pause for a second and me smile slightly.

"The Goodnight Madam Emily." This had begun to be our compromise for me wanting her to call me Emily and her job wanting to make her say Madam. I still thought it was rather stiff, but I would rather have that then Madam Montgomery.

"Goodnight Lizzie." Once she had left I made my way towards the kitchen leaving the two dogs with a human sized gap between them, neither making any moves to get closer.

"So Nate, are you going to tell me what's for dinner tonight?" I knew that he wouldn't tell me, but the obnoxious wink that he sent me made me let out an annoyed whine. He had put on some music, 'Next to me' by Imagine dragons, the music floated between us dancing like we had been around each other.

"I told you, it's a surprise." He flicked some water in my face from the faucet before continuing with his cooking. All of the ingredients didn't tell me a single thing of what he was making and left me more confused than before I knew them.

"You should know I despise surprises."

"Well I love them, so you better get used to it." His laugh echoed in the room, merging the music that persisted in the air.

"Best gift you've ever received?" I asked him, going along with the theme of surprises.

"Other than you?" His eyes reached mine, he asked the words so easily like he was breathing air. "Probably that chess set from my uncle, I've had it since I was a boy." I nodded to myself, understanding that the board had a deep sentimental connection to him.

I went to respond only for my cell phone to break the setting that we had made between our voices and the song of pots and knifes. I glanced down seeing it was my father, news had made way to him quicker than I had expected.

Nate raised his eyebrows at me silently asking if it was who we had expected, with a swift nod I hurried to the hallway to take the call. Dread filling my stomach in a second, leaving no room for the surprise that Nate was making. I slowly pressed the bright green button and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Father." I took a sharp breath preparing myself mentally for the onslaught that this conversation would bring.

"You're a despicable daughter you know, that right?" Was his first comment, the knife of words stabbing me right in the stomach.

"I simply spoke the truth." I replied, trying my hardest to keep my voice steady. My eyes closed tight against my face, my hand clenching the phone in my hand.

"You will call Brandon and apologize, tell him that you were drunk out of your min-" I could not let him continue to rant on aimlessly, especially with both of us knowing I would do no such.

"I will not lie to him Father."

"You lied when you told him that you were dating someone else?" He questioned and I prepared my voice to make sure it wouldn't reveal the lie I was about to tell him.

"I wasn't lying, I've already given my heart to someone else." It was quiet for several moments, and then a sharp intake came from the other side of the phone.

"You expect me to simply take your word for it." That was a better step in the right direction, and relief flooded me hoping that this ridiculous little ruse of Nate's might work.

"You can meet him whenever you want Father, we won't hide anymore."

"Three days, get your affairs in order and pray that you convince your mother." I felt like screaming out with joy, knowing that I might actually have a chance to get out of this. An escape, just like Nate had said.

"Happily." I hung the phone up after that, neither of us ever telling the other goodbye. We never did, perhaps it was just our differences noticing the strain between us and our father-daughter relationship.

I made my way back to the kitchen, and watched as Nate danced around the kitchen to the music which seemed to just be playing on a continuous loop. The smell of chicken made its way to my nose, and as a walked towards the food I ran my hand along the top of the couch.

"Nate?" A small blurb of a laugh came out of my mouth as I took him in, sometime during my call with my father he had put on an apron that said 'The master chef is in the house.' His eyes reached mine, a bright smile on his face as we both settled back into the setting the noises in the house made.

"Everything went well with your father?" He questioned as he hid the food from sight and began to pile the mystery food onto the plate.

"You tell me?" I paused as he interrupted me to tell me to close my eyes, "We have three days before my father meets you. We have one shot at this Nate, and I know we won't fail." The last of my words died on my lips as he told me to open my eyes.

I let out a happy squeal before I could contain it, but that was because he made my sole foodie weakness. Orange Chicken and fried rice, a giant grin took over my mouth and I moved towards him getting out of my seat.

"Happy?" A smile settling already on his own face, knowing fully well what my answer was already.

"Ecstatic." I responded before placing my lips on his, we both melted in place from the softness. His arms around my waist and mine around his neck, with the music softly playing in the background.

"You're incredible." I whispered against his lips, not at all realizing the shift between us.

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