~Chapter 20~

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(Emily's point of view)

The world moved in flashes as I went in and out of consciousness, snapshots that made my mind spin throwing me back into the darkness until my next flash. Dai had been speaking to me the entire time, the last flash I had was filled with piercing screaming that gave me a large headache.

My mind was filled with memories of Dai remembering the first day I met the well polished little boy in kindergarten. He was the first friend I had ever chosen to talk to, not that I didn't love Nickie, but we were raised together we didn't' have a choice in the matter. Dai had been dropped off half an hour early with no one but the teacher to keep him company.


He was sitting all alone drawing something that was fairly impressive, too much for my tiny little brain to see. Everyone in our class had been in preschool together, but now there was a new boy in the class. I looked over at Nick lacing our hands in a friendly way as we headed towards the fashionable quiet boy.

Nickie and I were best friends which meant we had to hold hands wherever we went, especially when we both nodded to each other in confirmation. We wanted this quiet boy to be our new friend, so we went and sat down next to boy who had been all alone.

"Hi! My name is Nick, and this is my friend Emily!" Nick's voice was squeaky and excited, it startled the young boy right out of his seat and onto the floor. Letting go of Nickie's hand I bent down to help the frightened kid up before he ran scared from us.

"Sorry about him, he's just rather excited. What's your name?" I smiled sweetly at him happy when he took my hand to get up.

"I'm Dai, thank you for helping me-"

"Well of course, after all it was partly our fault for scaring you! Isn't that right Nickie?" I turned towards him with my eyes narrowed even though my smile still was stuck on my face.

"I'm sorry about that, I just don't like seeing people all alone. Makes me sad..." I smiled at that he always cared about others never wanting them to feel left out. Even if we didn't turn out to be best of friends he always treated people with kindness.

"It's ok, as long as you sit and color with me!" He smiled brightly climbing back into his seat while watching us expectantly, even though I knew our art skills were nothing compared to his we still sat down.

"Yeah! We can do that, though a doubt we could ever do anything like you are." Nickie laughed while sitting next to me, both of us in awe of the Dai's drawing.

"I can teach you! Trust me it's not hard at all!" He seemed to brighten up when talking about art his shields lowered just enough for us to sneak in.

"Yeah! We would love that, thank you Dai!" We chatted as he talked about shading and how hard you should press down when coloring, but all we cared about was that we had found a new friend. Nickie and I after that day talked about adding more people into our group deciding we needed to make the ultimate group of friends that we could always count on. A dream team.

"Emily!" My eyes flashed turning my five year old form into a much taller one as my name kept echoing off the walls. "Open your eyes Emily." Darkness enveloped the classroom as the voice continued to beat inside me.

End of Flashback...

I felt a softness underneath me as two large hands rested on my shoulders shaking me slightly, gently as if they were scared that they were going to break me. My eyes fluttered open bright lights flooding my vision from black to white. My ears were ringing as the voice became rapid and excited the shaking slowing down as I was brought into a hug.

My vision slowly faded to normal as the person pulled back giving me a view of the two blue eyes I loved the most. Before I could stop the name from falling from my lips I said the name of the man I had missed, "Allen."

I looked around feeling multiple eyes on me and I jumped up as I met my eyes with a woman that I recognized from the pictures. I wobbled slightly only to have Nate or erm Allen catch me and help me over to hug her.

"Mum." I whispered as we wrapped our arms around each other sobs wracking over both our bodies and she whispered back, "My little girl."

"I'm not so little anymore." Pulling myself away from her hair to look at her face properly, finding the stormy eyes that I had thought about often throughout my life. But then I remembered that Nate had been taken away from me and I turned to get a better look at him.

"Your safe." I whispered hugging him feeling him wince underneath my touch, worry shot through me like a poison that my blood rejected. "They hurt you."

"I'm alright Fen-" I interrupted him with a small poke into the ribs causing him to let out a small groan. I began to push him towards the bathroom shooting a look to my mother and the man that stood by her mouthing 'Sorry' to them both.

"Really I'm fin-" I poked him lightly again in the ribs to make my point as we finally got into the bathroom, I quickly locked the door before turning towards him.

"Was this all a ploy to get me alone Fenice? All you had to do was ask-" I shut him off with a kiss pouring every emotion I had felt these past couple of days into it. His hands slowly went down my body resting at my hips leaving a trail of fire in its wake.

"I'm asking then." I muttered against his mouth as we devoured each other, the longing over the past couple days finally being sated. I brought my hands into his hair as he brought me closer, feeling the softness of his hair and the taste of his lips.

"Finally." He muttered in response with a growl as his lips left mine and began to pepper small kisses along my jaw going farther down my neck. I let out a small moan trying to be as quiet as possible with my mother only separated from us by a door. The noise egged Nate on flipping a switch inside of him as he sucked on the same spot that had elicit the moan, the noises kept falling out of my mouth sounding foreign coming from me.

"I love you Nathaniel." I whispered in his ear letting out a small whimper when he stopped his trail of kisses and raised his head to look at me.

"What did you just say?" He asked me his eyes wide and his lips parted panting, I opened my mouth ready to answer him when a knock came from the door.

"Everything Alright in there?" I could almost hear the smugness in my brother's voice wanting to strangle him, but then I listened closer finding our mother had begun to scold them. However the spell that had been casted was long forgotten and we broke apart.

"How did you do it?" I questioned raising his shirt slightly to look at the bruises forming around his ribcage. I let my hand just lightly ghost the area only for him to wince away from my touch once more, there was no way he hadn't been in pain when we kissed. "How did you find me?"

Nathaniel's Flashback...

Trees surrounded us on all sides as we went throughout the town with the perfect cover, the rain washing away any tracks we left behind. The weight of my injuries were finally beginning to rear their horrible heads as the pain became unbearable. Silence surrounded us as the only noise was the whistle of the wind and the heavy pants of us all.

Alana held Marques's hand-

"Whose Marques?" I inquired looking at him with a curious glance as I continued to wash the cuts on his chest, his well toned chest may I add, also trying to reach his back as he recounted the story.

"Listen Fenice, wait to ask questions at the end."

Alana held Marques's hand as we trekked through the forest not ready to let go of him just yet, meanwhile, Michael led the charge walking ahead to lead us all. Leaving me alone to my thoughts filled with past memories, much like the one time we all went camping which had been a horrible idea made up by Nickie and Emily.

"It was a great idea." I interrupted once more but he continued to tell his story without even mentioning my comment.

I continued to trek on even though every fiber in my body seemed to want to lay down in the mud and rain for some much needed peace. But if we stopped here then I would only have been farther from where I truly wanted to be.

All at once a sharp jab hit me in the chest and I began to cough rapidly, we had been walking for over an hour by now yet the jab came out of no where. I began to cough rapidly placing my hands on my knees and in my gut I knew something bad had happened to you, Emily.

I wanted to run to get to your faster but Marques told me in response that my body wouldn't be able to keep pace. That eventually I would even up on the ground no longer moving and what good would I be then.

Soon after have been walking for another fifteen minutes we came to a clearing that neared the edge of Paris. The first thing my eyes settled on was a flash of red that was being dragged by a very familiar man.

I knew in an instant that the jab in my chest had been you in danger, but what surprised me more that the danger was coming from one of your oldest friends. He was pulling a wobbling you farther and farther away from the town as your hair went in every direction.

"Emily!" I cried out as I ran towards her ignoring the protests of my body as my breath came out in short pants. Michael ran after me leaving behind the love birds as we went after a person we both held dear for different reasons.

"Not any closer Richmond, Walker, Whoever you are!" Dai's voice cut the air like butter echoing emotionlessly as he threatened us taking a step away still dragging you.

"Dai, what are you doing?" My mind raced with confusion as the words tumbled out of my mouth, my heart and mind raced trying to understand why Dai had turned on you. I took another step forward testing the boundaries but also keeping his focus on me.

"I SAID NOT ANY CLOSER!" His voice carried heavy with anger and pain as he looked behind us to see Alana with Marques.

"Your..." Eyes glowing with recognition and then with horror words tumbled out of his mouth, "Your not suppose to be out here."

Before Dai could react and before any of us could understand the words he had just spoke Michael lunged at him. He yanked you out of Dai;s grasp and you tumbled towards me leaving me just enough time to catch you. You were completely out of it by then no longer with your eyes open, the only thing confirming that you were alive was the small breaths that filled your lungs.

Dai ran scared trying to get away from the overprotective beast of a brother that chased him and pinned him to the ground. Marques carried you in his arms, even though I protested thoroughly, we all knew that I barely had the strength to keep walking let alone to carry another person.

End of Flashback...

For awhile I didn't speak soaking in all the details of his story, the betrayal of one of my oldest friends, but also the amount of love that carried through Nate's tone. I put down his shirt taking his face in my hands.

A new air of electricity entered throughout the room different from the one of desperation early, this one was full of awe and admiration for the man sitting in front of me. Tears streamed down my face as I told him the words that I had been robbed of saying earlier.

"I love you Nathaniel and I have always loved you the moment you entered my life as Allen Walker." His own blue orbs filled with tears making them sparkle underneath the lights, as he leaned closer to me.

"I love you to Emily, you and your hopelessly heart changing love." I smiled at the words he had used on the plane as he pressed his lips to mine in a heart filled kiss. "I love you, I love you, I love you." He whispered as he peppered my face with kisses all over. My laughter filled the room as we flew from the love we finally had.


I am sorry this is late and I don't have a quote yet but I figured everyone would like this chapter. I will be having a double chapter up later.

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