~Chapter 5~

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It was Monday morning and Auburn was wanting to go on a walk immediately, sadly for her I had to sneak out of the house before my mother noticed I had left. She had forbidden me to leave this household for the past several days, desperately trying to make me quit my job before it ever started. It was seven am, the light of day slowly rising up to greet everyone. The sky was a light blue and yellow, the darkness slowly fading away over the earth.

The colors blended together and reminded me of something my Great Grammy used to say, 'Red in the morning sailors warning, Red in the night sailors delight.' No red streaks ordained the sky this morning, and I hoped with everything that it was a sign that this would be a good day.

I slowly crept through the house placing Auburn into my car with all the boxes in place from my nightly escapades. I had already placed all my things in my car at three am this morning, waking up early to put everything away while everyone was asleep. The house was almost peaceful during the mornings, with no crazy mothers or angry fathers storming down the stairs. I always had counted myself lucky for choosing the ground floor bedroom while my parents slept upstairs.

I walked back into the house on last time to grab my purse and keys, glancing in my now practically empty room I felt a wave of sadness. I was going to miss being here, while I never had been a wild child I had my moments. Once in middle school Sierra dared me to kiss Noah as a prank, everyone knew he was gay even though we were so young. My parents grounded me for a month after that, they were never big supporters of the LGBT+ Community.

"Oh, you're still here?" I turned from my room to see my dear sister standing at the doorway. She was one of the few people in our household that was actually happy that I was leaving. The little princess of the castle would finally be the top dog in the household. The queen bee of the troop, she would reign until college.

"I'm leaving now Sophie." I responded wedging my way between her and the door, she stepped aside and began to go up the stairs loudly. I whipped my head towards her looking into her eyes and seeing amusement.

"Am I being to loud?" She questioned with a smirk; her eyes locked onto my face watching my reaction. I didn't give her any satisfaction, instead I turned on my heels and headed towards the garage. I was walking through the kitchen when two hands wrapped around me from my back.

"You're really leaving." I could smell his cologne from here and he sighed sadly into my hair. I was clueless when it came to my brothers feelings, but I could only assume that he was scared of my living with a man he didn't know. He had already left the house a year ago and had his own photography shop: Ladies Man. He was quite popular always traveling for his business.

"If you had felt trapped her you could have just stayed at my apartment, Sis." His voice cracked slightly, his lip quaking and he breathed rapidly. He was always a worrier at heart, at least when it came to me and my safety. But I felt like it was mainly because he felt like he had failed me like he failed our mom.

"I'll be alright Mich, you don't need to worry about me." I responded as I wormed my way out of his grasp. I needed to leave soon before our parents realized that I was gone. If they got down here before I left, they would trap me back up in my room.

I turned around to see Michael, with a twisting pain on his face and sadness dripping from his eyes. Tears threatened to stream down his face, his hair messy and wild.  He hadn't looked like this since our Great-Grammy Alicia died two years ago, I don't think I've ever seen him cry so much. 

"Don't leave just because our parents are arranging your marriage, were stronger together." He told me picking up my hand pleading with me to find it in my heart to stay in the house where he knew I was safe. I shook my head slightly knowing I had to leave this place to have any chance of getting out of this marriage. He nodded slightly, understanding shone through his eyes and I smiled with him.

"I know you have to go; I don't want Salad and Sunburn to come after you." He walked me to my car and just before I got in, he wrapped me into one more final hug. I felt a couple of tears slip from his face, with a sniffle he let go of me and pat Auburn on the head. The young dog leaped awake, she had been sleeping the entire time, she licked his hand happily before laying her head back down.

"I love you Sis." He whispered and I smiled back at him as I got into my car. I let the garage door begin to open, knowing well that we wouldn't have much time before our parents were running down the stairs.

"I love you to Bro Biscuit." I told him before driving off, I glanced back to see him walking to his own car just as our parents came out from the garage door. I locked eyes with my father, his rage could be felt from so far away. His lip curled up into a snarl, his eyebrows narrowed trapping his eyes into a glare. His posture stiffened as his wife told him to do anything. Before my mind could catch up to what I was about to do I smirked at him, turning my head away and sped off.

I couldn't help but worry about my Bro Biscuit as I sped off, he was a worry wart and he never really grew out of that. Our father always told us that he was so protective of my because he was the first person to hold me. My mother had fallen ill after giving birth to me, so she was whisked away a with our father on their heels. Ever since then he's always been by my side, my hero in a way.

Sophie had always been jealous of our relationship, but she has hated both of us ever since she was a toddler. We fought constantly, our parents always taking her side. She could get away just about anything, and because of her I have a scar on the bottom of my foot.

Eventually I pulled my car up to the place I was pining after: Betsys Diner. It was a small, quaint place that helped you get away from the busy life of New York. Plus, I was close friends with the owner, we had been friends since we were in diapers. Our mothers had been best friends in their youths, so of course they wanted their darling kids to follow suit. I grabbed Auburn from the passengers seat, knowing my baby was always welcome in his diner.

I walked in the steel diner, blue and yellow colors jumped at me from the seats. Old pictures hung up of past generations and of our mothers. I smiled slightly looking at her, I missed her so much. Before I could wallow any longer a voice called out to me.

"Hey Em! What can I get your little pup today?" I looked towards the voice I knew so well, it was warm and slick, unlike most of us he adopted a Alabamian Accent saying that people would find it charming. He spent all of last year down there perfecting it, and he's got it pretty much on point now.

"Oh, I knew you always only cared about Auburn." I replied smiling slightly at him, he smiled back his Dirty Blonde hair was pulled up into a hair net. The sight always made me laugh, and he always responded with my luscious locks can not be tamed.

"How have you been Nick?" I sat down at the bar, placing Auburn in my lap. She placed her paws up on the counter watching Nick cook with determined eyes. I made sure to keep a hold on her, not wanting her to burn her paws trying to get grub.

"Just another day in Paradise my Dear Emily." He always said that, rain or shine, he was always happy when he was working here. He had dreamed of owning Betsy's Diner since he was a small fry watching his mother cook. Eventually she pasted down the legacy and business skyrocketed.

"Your usual?" He asked me, a small smile tugging at his lips, I was always craving the same thing from here no matter what time I came. Pancakes, but not just any pancakes, strawberry cream pancakes with honey butter drizzled on top. Of course, I also always ordered a side of applewood bacon for my little pupper.

"Of course Nick." I exclaimed with a short eye roll, only playing of course, he let out a large laugh before heading to the back to help the cook. Nick not only managed the books and made this place a hot spot, but he also split his time between being a waiter and a chef. Many people think he took on too many hats, but I believe he took on just enough of them.

Nick had always been into cooking, when we were in elementary he would always come over and show me a new recipe he had made. Normally it was something like toast or cookies, but once he showed me how to make chicken parm. Him and Dai were the only two people in our group that knew what they wanted to do with their life so young. Sierra still doesn't, and she hasn't for as long as I've known her. We met in the sixth grade, and she is still as lost as she was back then.

"I guess our souls must attract each other Emily." I rolled my eyes in my head mentally, of course he was going to show up. Two days, I had only gone two days since I had last saw him yet already the temperature in the room raised once I knew he was here. I spun around on the blue barstool chair, he was wearing a loose collared shirt with a slim leather jacket overtop. I bit the inside of my lip liking what I saw, and then I realized what I was doing.

"Or the universe is playing a cruel trick?" I shot back tilting my head to the side slightly, he smirked before sitting down next to me giving Auburn a little pat on the head. She leaped towards him licking his hand happily.

"You know A- Nate?" Nick looked between the two of us, and for a second fear flashed in both of their eyes.

"We've bumped into each other a couple of times." I shrugged slightly, but from the look in Nick's eyes he seemed to know exactly how crazy this man made me feel. He knew my dilemma I just wish I knew how.

"And now she works for me." Nathaniel took a piece of my hair and kissed it seductively. I jumped away from him causing the hair to drift back down to my neck, my heart started to beat fast. How Infuriating.

"Don't say it like that!" I swatted at him before Auburn jumped from my lap to his, the little traitor. The two men laughed as the little dog wagged her tail happily.

"Oh, I'm sure your reasons are very pure." Nick looked between the two of us before his lip tilted up in a slight smirk. He turned around to begin cooking my own food. Meanwhile, Nathaniel flipped through the menu considering his options.

"So then, the old hag let you get a job?" I knew he was asking about my mother, I also knew how much he hated her. But for good reason, she hated him back with equally as much passion.

"No, I decided to on my own." I responded, noticing that Nathaniel was watching me intently.

"I heard she tried to marry you of," he paused slightly holding his hand up like he was holding a wine glass, "for the better of the company." He shrilled out mimicking her, he turned his head to look at my reaction.

"Just because she wants something means nothing." I responded but my voice cracked a bit towards the end. I continued trying to sound firmer, "I will get out of it." I looked at him straight in the eyes. My confidence was wavering, but I guess Nick saw what he needed for confirmation.

"Good." He replied with a short nod, "Have you told everyone else?" I knew I should have, the seven of us had grown up together.

"No?" I looked at him and by the look he gave me showed disappointment and anger. I figured he would be but it still hurt me, but I guess everyone will be hurt to.

"We were called the dream team for a reason Emily." He told me and I couldn't help the quick jab that I answered back with.

"That was until our last member left." I felt Nathaniel turn in his seat looking between the two of us, he was obviously confused. I mean he wasn't even a part of this so of course he wouldn't know what we were talking about.

"I know you were hurt by him leaving." That was putting it simply, his eyes held it all though.

"Everyone was hurt Em, but you need to trust us still." He responded, his hand went on my head. I hadn't realized that he had gotten so close, I looked up at him with my teeth gritted.

"Besides," He paused to laugh slightly, "You're finally standing up to her! The gang needs to know our little baby is all grown up." I reached over the counter to punch his shoulder mumbling something along the lines of 'idiot'. He ruffled my hair before jumping back to make sure I didn't land another punch in.

"You know I did order some food?" I responded not wanting my delicious food to be burned because of his recklessness. I muffled a small giggle as he turned towards me and bowed.

"As you wish your royal majesty." My head jerked to hear Nathaniel laughing wholeheartedly, his eyes held amusement and happiness. We all broke out into laughs, big goofy grins placed on our faces.

As Nick went to see how my food was doing in the back prepping room I turned to Nathaniel. He hadn't talked much during that entire situation.

"So then, how do you know Nick?" I asked him and he smiled slightly, a bit of longingness in his eyes.

"We met in college." He responded, and I looked at him more closely. All of us in the gang had went to the same college, how had I never heard of him?

"Really? We all went to the same college?" I asked him but he brushed it off saying that they were only in one class together.

"He said the Gang, how many of you are there?" He asked curiously, his elbows landed on the counter as he watched me intently. I took this time to look at him more closely, there were bags underneath his eyes and his shoulders sagged slightly.

"We wanted to make a dream team, a friend group that would last forever." I began, Nathaniel nodding every now and then, "So we would pick and choose who to have in our group." I chuckled lightly thinking of how crazy we all were and all the memories we shared.

"In fifth grade we had thought we had the perfect group, even though I was the only girl." But then I met Sierra, "But then in sixth grade we added in my best girlfriend." Although she was my only girlfriend.

"That's awesome, most of my friends lost connection with me after college." A sad smile took residence on his face, and before I could really comprehend what I was doing I placed a hand on his arm. Both of us looked at the hand, a smile resting on his face. I jumped away shocked by my own reaction. I tried to get us back on topic, even if just a bit. 

"They may be a bunch of weirdos but they're family." I responded, and before a chime came from the door. Yet another customer, the place was already so busy for such an early time.

"Well I'm glad were your family, although I do believe you owe me five dollars now?" I looked at him faintly remembering an interaction we had when we were seven. I told him that he would never be anything more than a friend.

"Its been over a decade yet you still make me pay, what a great friend." I took out my wallet handing him a five dollar bill, "Don't be expecting a tip then." I played with him smiling, I really did love them like they were my family. I guess why it hurts me so much when one of them betrays us.

He placed my food on the table, my mouth watered at the sight of the most perfect pancakes. Auburn jumped at the bacon pulling a piece down into my lap, almost choking on it from her rapid eating.

"Now then Nate what would you like?" Nick asked him, as Nathaniel closed his menu. He glanced over at my plate before turning back to Nick.

"I'll take what Fenice is having." I turned my head towards him at the nickname, my teeth gritting together slightly. Before taking a calm breathe, not today, not when I have my beloved pancakes.

"Fenice? That's new?" Nick asked slightly before heading back to the prepping room, They will be out momentarily. Nathaniel nodded happily before swiveling his chair to face me completely.

"So, Arranged Marriage, huh?" He asked me and I already knew I wouldn't be getting out of this conversation when I heard Nick yell from the back, I would like to know more about that to.

"It's a long story." I attempted to act depressed by it so they wouldn't push, but the look on his face showed that it was futile.

"You're not gonna let this go are you?" I trying one more time to get him to not push it, but I guess I should've realized just who I was talking to. He was the King of Pushing me, and he wasn't going to stop now.

"No Fenice, I'm not." Using that stupid little nickname to prove his point, I smirked at him slightly not wanting to just roll over like a puppy.

"My name is Emily." Were my last words before I began to explain to him just how much my life had been turned upside down. Explaining that the person at the very center of my world being turned was my parents, and their need to control my life.

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