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Hello everyone! I'm sure you didn't expect to here from me so soon. The reason why? I'm always coming up with new ideas to write and I will be taking a much deserved vacation from hardcore writing.

However that doesn't mean that my job is over quite yet because there's still some deciding to be done. Now all of you quiet readers out there speak up otherwise this is going to come down to a flip of a coin.

There are three options for the next book in the 'Sadly Series' the first Sadly Forbidden, the second Sadly Wishful, and the third Sadly Unknown.

Sadly Forbidden:

Michael Keith Montgomery spent the majority of his life going against his father, until he finally realized that he didn't want to live his life in chains. The farther away he stayed from his parents the more he realized that life was about more than money. The girl he had ignored for years became his lifeline, but can you really date your sister's best friend?

Sierra Luisa Ruiz has been a party girl for the majority of her life with the sole purpose of rebelling against her mother. But even with her small victories she never truly won, the only times she truly felt alive was when she was near him. Her crush on her best friend's brother was always a persistent sword hanging over her head.

The Forbidden fruit is always sweeter than the rest, but whether or not you take a bite is up to you.

Sadly Wishful:

Brandon Harris Richmond was a good man playing the bad guy in his fiancé's story. Loving someone was hard, but loving someone you had to be a part from is hell. Caught between his families wishes and the sister of his Fiancé, he doesn't know how to be with the one he loves without losing his future in the process.

Sophie Jean Montgomery was raised by a bad woman who played the part of a good one in society. Her first taste of true love was snatched away from her at a young age and from then on she believed that she simply wasn't worth it. Until she met a gray eyed brown haired stranger that made her feel something she had only felt once in her life. Loved.

The two kept each other at a distance believing that spared glances and longing looks would keep them going the rest of their lives. But when Sophie is engaged Craig Welshton, a man thirty-four years older than her, the two decide that love is worth the risk.

Many would call it wishful thinking, but these two are Sadly Wishful.

Sadly Unknown: (No Cover Ideas yet, if anyone would like to give me an idea it would be lovely)
Killian Allen Winston knew that his childhood best friend saw him as more of a girlfriend then a man. But knowing someone so deeply can change the way you see them. The best kinds of love are those built on friendship. But even unnoticed how far would you go to protect the people you loved.

Evelyn Sapphire Sallow had no room for love in her life, boys had only caused her pain. Except for one brown haired Heterochromia boy who always stood by her side. She refused to be like her parents who had loved young, growing bitter towards each other the more the years past. She couldn't lose her only best friend.

When the darkest shadows of Nathaniel and Emily's past comes after their children, how far will they go to save them?

So, which one will you choose? Eventually I plan on all of them being written, but you can only work on one at a time. I love you all and I hope you pick the one that sounds more intriguing to you!

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