Chapter 3

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For a year Michael and I didn't really go out of our way to talk to each other, we would say hi whenever I hung out with Emily but things were different between us. He had been dating Shauna for over a year so I very rarely saw him without her nearby, the two had become inseparable.

Everyone talked about the blonde duo and how they were the perfect couple, their smiles were like knives to my heart every time I saw them. I wished with all my heart that I was the one on his arm, but Shauna deserved a good guy like him. No one's life was perfect no matter how they look on the outside, you never really know what someone else has to go through.

I can remember the day so clearly. The day that Michael finally, after over a year of no communication, became my friend again. It was near the end of my sophomore year and his senior year, I was roaming the halls after school until Emily was ready go. She was in the cooking club and today they were learning how to make fried rice, she refused to leave the school until she got it perfect.

That's when I found him in the forgotten photography room, because of the lack of membership the photography club had shut down and the room was a prop closet for the drama club. Midst all of the feather boas and coats sat a crying Michael, I thought about walking away only for a moment.

But he looked so defeated and I couldn't just leave the man I... cared for all alone on the floor crying his eyes out. I had never seen him cry before, his hair was hanging in front of his eyes as he sat against the wall.

I entered the room letting out a small cough so he knew that I was there, his head snapped up towards me eyes widening. He quickly tried to scramble of f of the floor but I sat beside him before he could get up. He lowered his head not wanting to meet my eyes, so for awhile we just sat in silence.

"I broke up with Shauna." Finally he spoke, although I certainly didn't expect those words to come out of his mouth, I couldn't help the small skip that my heart did at his confession.

"Wh-" Before I could even ask why or even reply to his confession he interrupted me with words that I never thought I would hear him say.

"I love you Sierra and because I love you I know that you haven't found your place in the world yet." I took in a sharp breath tears welling in my eyes, my eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"You need to find your path Sierra before you can invite anyone to walk with you." His gaze locked with mine, his jade green eyes pierced to my very soul and I could feel his love radiating through those eyes. He smiled softly at me tears welling back up in his eyes and I realized that my heart wasn't the only one that had broke last year.

"But I-" Before I could utter a single word his lips were against mine, my eyes fluttered shut as he gave me a soft kiss. It was warm and kind of odd feeling, but as far as a first kiss can go I was sure that it was the best that the world could ever see. His scent, his lips, his love it surrounded me for a moment. Which was all this was, a fleeting moment, but it was a precious moment that I carry with me to this day.

The kiss only lasted for a couple seconds before he pulled away his eyes filled with tears and his smiling face, "But if our paths ever do meet Sierra I promise you I will never let you go again."

We sat there for awhile just enjoying the peace and quiet, our eyes closed as we just enjoyed each other's presence. Neither one of us wanted to leave each other again, not when we... loved each other so much. Because that was what was in my heart, love. But we couldn't be together just yet, I was still just as lost as I was four years ago after we moved here from Miami.

"I think I'm gonna be a photographer." I blinked in surprised looking at him funny, what on earth was he talking about.

"A photographer?" He was going to inherit his father's company, how on earth was he going to be a photographer. He let out a laugh seeing my bewildered face, smiling kindly at me.

"I guess what I mean is, I want to be a photographer. Em is more of the business type and anyways I just don't care about the business that much." I nodded my head, his logic did make a little bit of sense. I mean he hated everything that had to do with company and I didn't foreseen that changing anytime soon.

I leapt up from my spot and held out my hand to him, "Well then I guess you'll need a model to practice taking pictures."  I tilted my head slightly and smiling at him.

"I couldn't think of a better muse."

It had been five days since Mr. Heron's proposal and the first day I had off in a week, yet all I did was think about my past with Michael. Forever present in my mind and unable to ever get our paths to meet so we could walk beside each other. It was only the second day of November but it was extremely cold, the winds wrapped around me as I walked towards Riche's bar.

I didn't want to think about Michael even if I had to get drink to forget, even for just a little bit even just for a moment. We had both grown tremendously since our relationship had started, but even with all of this growth we still can't find our way to each other...

"I find it difficult to believe that we will ever find our way to each other Lord." I mumbled to the drink in my hand, a seven and seven on the rocks with a lime wedge my absolute favorite, I always started my night with one of these.

The female bartender kept trying to make passes at me, I wasn't about that in the slightest but more power to those who are. Who am I to judge when my own love life is an absolute wreck. I can't even try to date anybody anymore, I tried all throughout college and even after I left. No matter who they were I couldn't help but compare them to Michael, which wasn't fair but it was like a reflex.

If I could just get good and drunk then all my problems will go away, I quickly gulped down my seven and seven before getting several shots. Once I was throughly drunk I began to shake my booty on the dance floor like any normal person would.

"You got some fine moves doll." A man around my age came and began to dance beside of me, I didn't really care because he most certainly was not gonna get laid tonight by me. But it would be fun to string on him a little while, after all maybe I could teach the perv a lesson.

I danced and drank until the sun was almost down, that's when I heard the ringing in my pocket. I answered it when I recognized that was my best friend, anyone else I would just send straight to voice mail.

"Emile!" I shouted into the phone so happy to talk to my little cinnamon roll, "Is that you?" I was so very hammered and I couldn't stop the giggles bubble out of my mouth as I fought to hear her against the music.

"Sierra Mist, where are you?" I chuckled slightly at the name, ever since we met she'd been calling me that ridiculous nickname. Why would she ask me that though when it was obvious that I was partying, she hated these kind of things. Granted she didn't know that the only reason why I came here was to forget something. What was all of that about anyhow?

"Oooooo00." I let out a whistle sound just to play with her a bit, "Are you finally gonna come party with me?" I laughed knowing the answer already to that question, that girl didn't belong here.

"Yes." I screamed when I heard her answer, what on earth had caused her to want to come to this trashcan of people. Of course not everybody was but those stupid perverts were most certainly trash. I began to rapidly talk in my drunken language of babble about how she was too grown up to come here and that she wouldn't have any fun.

I took a deep breath for a moment trying to recollect my thoughts before answering her question anyways, if she was going to a bar I would rather her be at one where I could watch over her.

"I'm at Riche's." I told her and she hung up not even saying good bye, I wanted to worry about her but another song began to play that I liked. I took my drunk butt out there and began to dance like there was no tomorrow, trying to just forget even if it was just for a few more moments.

I saw as Emily and her brother entered the bar and I remembered what I had been trying so hard to forget. I quickly rushed away needed somewhere to be able just to breath, I couldn't breathe when he was so close to me even from across the room.

I entered into the supply room almost tripping in my drunk state, I didn't even notice the tears that rushed down my face. The door opened shortly after me and I knew who it was before I even turned around.

"Go away Michael, I don't wanna see you." I hiccuped as I still refused to turn towards him, I didn't want that burning sensation to return to my body. I didn't want to think about how no matter how hard I tried I still couldn't find that path that he told me that I could have.

"Look at me Sierra." His voice was so smooth and rich, warmth enveloped me through his words. I couldn't help but wonder why God let me have these feelings for this boy when he was so far away from my grasp, did he enjoy seeing me cry every night over him.

I turned towards him definitely with my tear stained face standing proud, "Leave me alone!" I yelled at him but he didn't listen, he never listened.

He jolted forward wrapping me into a hug, I collapsed against him sobbing into his shoulder as I hugged him back. Words spilt out of me without me even thinking about the consequences for the sober version of me. All I could concentrate on was that he was there, and his scent, and his voice was there.

"I still am as confused as I was ten years ago Michael, why can't I just find my path so that we can walk together on it." I blabbered out the words between my endless sobs, the cries of a woman whose heart was shattering every second of every day because the man she loved was so far out of reach.

"I love you so much, I've loved you for ten years Michael. How long do I have to wait till I can be with you, twenty, thirty." I wailed out in wild abandonment but my voice was only for his to hear as the music swallowed it whole for all of the other people beyond the door.

"Will we ever get our chance to be happy, don't we deserve that much!" It took several minutes of me wailing before I finally calmed down enough for Michael to speak to me, his face was in front of mine as we loosened our embrace.

"I don't care how long I have to wait my dear Sierra, I will love you with my every rise like the sun and every fall like the moon until my last day on this earth and beyond." His eyes bore into mine as he silently promised me that he would forever love me no matter where this world took us.

"I-" I began but I was cut off by the kiss that he placed on my forehead, it was soft and loving but I desperately wanted it to be on my lips instead of my forehead.

"Let's get you home birdbrain." He chuckled as he heaved me up and began to lead me out of the bar and into his car. He got me in the car seat before he got in on his own side, he drove off already knowing the path to my apartment well. I cuddled into the comfortable seats of the car and began to enter a land of hazy dreams.

"Sierra my darling wake up, its time to get you to bed." I groggily rose from the seat looking at him throw bleary eyes, he helped me out of the car balancing me as he finally got me to the door of my apartment building. He fumbled around in my purse for a moment while I stood looking around at the mediocre decor in the hallway.

"Come on my crazy girl." I stumbled into the apartment but a hand held me in place and got me to balance a bit more, they led me to my room and got me into bed.

"Troublesome girl getting yourself so drunk, I know that being apart is hard but drinking won't help you find your purpose." I heard him sigh slightly as he covered me up, "I can't really do anything about those clothes, and I can't just leave you here alone."

I looked at him blinking more frequently as I began to head towards the land of the sleeping, he smiled down at me and bent to my forehead to give me another kiss. I smiled softly comforted by the man before me, how could I ever forget the one who had a large piece of my heart?

"If you need me I'll just be sleeping on the couch ok?" I nodded happily snuggling into my pillow as I watched him walked away smiling and shaking his head.

"I love you Michael Montgomery." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear as a finally drifted off to sleep, never hearing the words that followed from his mouth in response.

"I love you to my future wife."

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