Chapter 18

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Miraal's journey back to Hyderabad on the local train felt like a solitary pilgrimage. Amongst the crowded seats, she remained an island of introspection, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside. Laughter and camaraderie swirled around her, a stark contrast to the turbulence in her mind. She could hear the joy, but it couldn't penetrate the drowsy cloud that enveloped her consciousness. The mirthful families around her, oblivious to her turmoil, made her feel like an outsider to happiness.

Three months had slipped through her fingers like sand, leaving behind an altered reality. Life had taken a sharp turn, and she found herself navigating a labyrinth of uncertainty. The peace she once knew, the sukoon that had been her refuge, had crumbled into fragments. In those three months, she had discarded the name Miraal, assuming the mantle of Saira—a change that symbolized her defiance against a world that had betrayed her trust.

Fear had driven her to this transformation. The weight of reality, the knowledge of her own vulnerability, had pushed her to forsake her true name. She bore scars that were invisible to the world—a heart shattered by heartbreak and deceit. As the train journeyed on, carrying her physically, her thoughts remained imprisoned in the chaos of her mind.

The rhythm of time persisted, marked by the mundane act of having lunch in the train, yet her actions were mechanical, devoid of presence. She absently washed her hands, her gaze drifting towards the open door. The wind whispered secrets against her skin, but she was lost in her own reverie. She clung to the door handle for stability, her eyes capturing the panorama beyond. The sun descended, casting the world in hues of amber and gold.

Lost in her thoughts, she leaned against the door, the rush of wind and the impending darkness a reflection of her internal storm. She found solace in the simple yet dangerous act, her head resting against the doorframe, as if seeking respite from her own thoughts.

The word "Aapi" punctured her reverie, spoken by a young voice that disrupted the cocoon of isolation she had woven around herself. Startled, she opened her eyes, meeting a pair of inquisitive black eyes that seemed to see deeper into her than she intended. The boy's smile was reminiscent of Abraar's, a cruel mirage of emotions she was trying to escape. Her lips twitched into a smile, but it held no warmth, a mere façade for the curious child.

"Miraal," he called her name, a name she had discarded along with her innocence. Bewilderment and unease gripped her, how did this boy know her name? She turned her gaze back to the tracks racing beneath them, the landscape blurring as the train sped ahead. The thrill of the wind, the heightened pulse of adrenaline, seemed to align with the unease that gnawed at her.

A realization struck, they were back on the tracks, nearing a rail crossing. Panic surged within her, her heart raced, and her thoughts whirred. She looked out again, the tracks stretching ahead, an ominous path leading to an uncertain fate. Her senses heightened, adrenaline coursing through her veins, and she clung to the door for stability as the boy approached, his gaze unyielding.

Fear and dread enveloped her as the boy drew nearer, his presence both a mystery and a threat. A tumult of emotions swirled within her—a cocktail of fear, defiance, and resignation. It was as if she was standing at the edge of an abyss, a precipice that could swallow her whole.

And as the distance between them diminished, as the shadows of the approaching night consumed the horizon, Miraal closed her eyes, surrendering to the whirlwind of her fate. She knew not what lay ahead, but the storm within her had already reshaped her existence, steering her towards an unknown destination.


Every day was a torment, a relentless cycle of searching, hoping, and despairing. Abraar's days had become an endless loop of anguish, each moment an eternity as he scoured the city for any trace of her.

He had grown accustomed to sleepless nights, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on his chest like a boulder. His room, once a sanctuary of shared dreams and whispered promises, was now a battleground of memories he couldn't escape. The silence was deafening, the absence of her laughter, her presence, a void that echoed his desolation.

"Why did you leave, Miraal?" he would murmur to the emptiness, his voice a broken whisper. "What happened? Where are you?"

The room's walls held no answers, only the ghostly echoes of his own questions. He blamed himself, the gnawing guilt a relentless companion that whispered accusations in the dark. His inability to protect her, to keep her safe from whatever had driven her away, was a wound that refused to heal.

The photos plastered on missing person posters had become a cruel reminder of his failure. He would stare at her image, those eyes that had once held so much trust, now a mirror reflecting his own inadequacy. The city's streets became a maze of possibilities, each corner he turned, each face he scrutinized, a potential clue leading him back to her.

Sleep had become an elusive luxury, dreams haunted by visions of her reaching out to him, disappearing into shadows just as his fingers brushed her. Nightmares would jolt him awake, heart pounding, sweat beading on his forehead. He had become a captive of his own fears, chained to a relentless quest that offered no solace.

And then, amidst the madness of his search, a realization dawned—a realization that sent shivers down his spine. What if she didn't want to be found? What if she had disappeared not out of necessity, but out of choice? The thought struck him like a lightning bolt, a realization that left him reeling.

"Miraal, where are you?" he would call out into the void, his voice trembling with desperation. "Just say my name, just once..."

The more he delved into the mystery, the more he unearthed unsettling truths. Her name had been removed from the university's records, a calculated act that sent a chill down his spine. Miraal's dreams, her aspirations—he knew her too well to believe that she would willingly let go of her ambition to become a doctor. It was as if someone had woven a web of deceit, erasing her existence like a fading memory.

The shockwave of the revelation was relentless, each piece of the puzzle fitting together to create a picture he didn't want to see. Her property, her house—all had been signed away to Zubiya, a testament to a choice she wouldn't make. His heart ached with a mixture of confusion and worry, a relentless question pounding in his mind: Why would she do this?

The confrontation with Zubiya was an explosion of anger and frustration. Accusations were hurled, interrogations conducted, but the answers remained elusive. Zubiya's oath, her insistence that she was innocent, only fueled the fire of Abraar's despair. He felt as if he was drowning in a sea of lies, a sea that seemed to swallow Miraal whole.

Days turned into weeks, and the truth remained shrouded in darkness. Abraar's world had crumbled, the room that had once been their sanctuary now an inferno of questions and regrets. He had failed her, and the agony of that failure was a weight he could barely bear. Miraal had vanished from his life as if she had never existed, leaving behind only the haunting echo of her name—a name that had become a mournful plea on his lips.

It was as if Miraal never existed, as if her presence had been erased from the very fabric of reality. Her absence was a void that echoed through the spaces she had once occupied, leaving behind an ache that gnawed at the heart. The places they had visited together felt emptier, as if the memories they had woven had been unraveled by an invisible hand.

Her laughter, once a melody that brightened his world, was now a distant echo he strained to hear. The photographs that once adorned their walls were a cruel reminder of moments that seemed to belong to another lifetime. The scent of her favorite flowers, the touch of her hand—it was as if these fragments of her had been swept away by a relentless tide.

He would find himself retracing their steps, visiting the places they had shared laughter, stolen glances, and held each other close. But the world had changed, it had lost its color without her. The sunsets that had once ignited the sky in hues of gold and pink now seemed muted, a reflection of his own desolation.

It wasn't just her physical absence that haunted him, but the way it felt as if she had been erased from the collective memory of those around them. Friends who had once been her confidantes spoke of her as if she were a distant memory, their voices tinged with confusion as they tried to recall her face.

Even the very essence of her seemed to dissipate, as if she were a fading dream. Her belongings, her favorite books and cherished possessions, felt like relics of a time that was slipping away. He would trace his fingers over the pages she had once turned, as if seeking a connection to her through the ink and paper.

And as he stood in their room, a space that had once been a sanctuary of shared dreams and whispered promises, he could almost hear the echoes of her voice. It was a haunting refrain, a symphony of memories that he was desperately trying to hold onto. He would close his eyes and imagine her there, her laughter dancing in the air, her presence enveloping him like a warm embrace.

But when he opened his eyes, the reality was a stark contrast to the image in his mind. It was as if she had been a mirage, a fleeting illusion that had vanished as quickly as it had appeared. The room was a mausoleum of moments, frozen in time yet unreachable.

He would call out her name in the stillness, a whisper carried by the wind, hoping against hope that she would respond. "Miraal," he would murmur, his voice a plea that hung heavy in the air. But the silence that followed was a reminder of the void that had consumed her.

It was as if she was never there, as if the chapters they had written together had been torn from the book of his life. And in that absence, he was left with a heart that beat in a rhythm of longing, a soul that yearned for the return of a presence that had become a shadow in his dreams.

Amidst the chaos of her surroundings, Miraal held court with a demeanor that exuded power and authority. The room, filled with politicians and agendas, seemed to shrink in the presence of her unwavering gaze. Clad in a pristine white kurta and adorned with bold red lipstick, her appearance was a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere of the meeting. Her eyes, however, were faraway, her thoughts seemingly elsewhere as she stared at the men who had come to seek her approval.

Papers shuffled among papers, the rustling sound a backdrop to her contemplative silence. The weight of responsibility rested heavily on her shoulders, the legacy of the Mir clan now hers to shape and guide. She listened as the men spoke, their words a symphony of excuses and justifications. Yet, her mind seemed distant, her attention divided between the meeting and her own tumultuous thoughts.

"You mean... For the past twenty years you guys did nothing to take care of the party," she finally spoke, her voice carrying a mix of disappointment and disdain. The men shifted uncomfortably, their postures betraying a sense of guilt. One of them attempted to explain, to rationalize their actions—or lack thereof. "People hated us after what Mir did in the village. We had no choice but to maintain a low profile."

Miraal's laughter cut through the air like a blade, her amusement laced with a bitter edge. "Excuses," she retorted, her gaze piercing through them like a spotlight. "Tum logon ne sirf aish kiya hai in bees saalon mai." Her words were a sharp indictment, a reflection of her frustration with their complacency.

Another voice tried to interject, attempting to offer a defense of their actions. "Nahi, you are wrong. We have tried convincing the village many times—" Before he could finish, Miraal's interruption was swift and unyielding. "By scamming them, by attacking them. This is how you gain someone's trust? Kisi kaam ke nahi ho. I don't need any of you in the party, free loaders."

The tension in the room was palpable, a collision of egos and agendas. One of the men dared to speak her name, "Saira, you can't do this. We are Mirs." Her response was swift, her actions deliberate. She draped her dupatta over her head, an act of assertion and defiance. Her lips curved into a smirk as she met his gaze, her red lips a testament to her unwavering resolve. "Mirs? Naam badal diya, ghar badal diya aur abhi bhi Mir honey ka dawa karte ho. Kisko aankhein dikha raha!"

With her final words, she left the room, her departure a statement in itself. As she stepped into the waiting car, her gaze shifted to the world outside. Raindrops splattered against the window, a harbinger of the impending storm. Her thoughts turned introspective, the words forming on her lips as if a prophecy. "Aaj bohot tez baarish hogi, bohot tez hawaeiyein chalengi, sab raftar mai hai siwai ek shaks ke"

As Miraal's thoughts wandered, Abraar's world was shrouded in turmoil. He was a storm of emotions, a tempest of anguish and uncertainty. His life had become a tempest, waves of confusion crashing against the shores of his sanity.

The storm was rising, both in the external world and within their hearts. Her silence was a mirror to his tumultuous emotions, her absence a reminder of the void he had yet to fill. And as the rain poured down, as the winds howled outside her car window, Miraal's silence spoke volumes—an unspoken language that held the weight of her unspoken truths and the depth of her transformation.

The storm of her thoughts, the torrent of her emotions—these were the tempests that raged beneath the surface. Her silence wasn't just an absence of words; it was a symphony of pain, anger, and determination that played on the strings of her heart.

It was a silence that held the power to heal or destroy, a silence that whispered of battles fought and choices made. Her silence was a fortress, a shield, a declaration of independence, and a reckoning of her own identity.

And as the storm raged on, as Miraal's car moved through the city's streets, one truth remained clear: her silence was a force to be reckoned with, a silence that would shape the future, define her path, and echo in the heart of the storm that was both her life and her soul.

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