Chapter 14

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The next Update!!
Hello guys! Guess what?
I got a job!

Very less salary, still I consider it as an opening. Let this be a glorious start to my career graph by god's grace! :) !!

So, I was on my training period since past some weeks and I couldn't do much about the update!

Hence - this delay and hence - I am gonna make this one utterly Avneil-icous!!!!! 🥰

Go on and Read!


Talk. Talk and Talk.

The present phase of their relationship demands lot of communication. Neil and Avni talked about a lot of things - school,college, job, future plans etc.
You cannot know a person 100%. There always exists a corner accidentally untouched which may come as a surprise to you later on. Bonding with each other requires a lot of time, patience and effort.

The giggles and chatters from the corner table of the food court radiated positivity.

Avni: Means, Swetha Aunty ran around the house behind you?

Neil: With a big cane ofcourse! I broke that fancy light with my foot ball. I was nicely thrashed by her that day.

Avni(laughed): Haha!

Neil: But now, Neerav has taken my place.

Avni: Neerav is such an adorable baccha..

Neil: So is Aman..

Avni: Yeah. They both are 😇

Neil(looked around): I am thirsty. Let's order some juice.

Avni: Watermelon for me.

Neil(smiled): Okay. Just a minute. I will be back.

They started drinking the juices and stealthily glanced at each other without the other person taking notice of it. Neil's mind wandered back to that moment.

"Kaun kehta hai ki pyaar ek hi baar hota hai"

He couldn't help, but smile at the growing closeness of their hearts. Avni could feel Neil's gaze on her of which she pretended to be unknown.

Avni: Phew! Let's watch a movie.

Neil: Not a bad idea! Come. Let's check the movies showing in the multiplex here.

Avni: I checked. It's some stupid movie. Even then, let's go. Humein kaun sa film dekhni hai? (We are not going to watch movie)

Neil(smirked): Then what are you planning to do inside the theatre?

Avni: What! I mean, we will keep on talking. That's what I meant.

Neil: Yayaya! I can see through your intentions very well..

Avni(gave a slight slap on his arms): Kuch bhi!

They reached the ticket counter and just then Neil received a call from his senior manager. He had to attend the call.

Neil(turned to Avni) : Wait for me here. I have to take this call.

Avni: Yeah yeah. Go ahead.

Neil moved away from the counter and watched Avni dealing with the person in the counter. By the time he finished his call,Avni had already bought the tickets and a bucket of pop corn. Neil suddenly sensed mixed emotions surging inside him. He was supposed to pay. He was supposed to take her out on a date. She paid for the lunch and the tickets. He had just bought two glasses of juice. But, it's fine. Still, what is bothering him?

He shut off his thoughts and joined Avni to the theatre. They enjoyed the movie like two college friends - hi fying each other, pulling each other's legs, feeding each other pop corns. Suddenly a scene came in the movie where a woman was being groped in the public park amongst the crowd.

Neil(looked at Avni): Avni..

Avni: Yes?

Neil: Have you faced this?

Avni: Faced what Neil?

Neil: I mean.. this groping or being eve teased.

Avni: Oh this? Oh yes. Every girl would have experienced.

Neil(felt bad for her): When?

Avni: The last time I remember was in train when me and Tara were returning from College for holidays. Under the pretext of the moving train, he touched my vagina.

Neil: WHAT?

Avni: Yeah. And Tara pushed him. He was drunk. We moved away from there.

Neil: Didn't you slap him?

Avni: What's the use? People will say he was drunk. It's better that we move away if we can. If we cannot, then we should resort to like you said - slapping him hard to bring him into senses.

Neil: Has it occured like.. in school?

Avni(looked at him): Kya hua? (What happened?)

Neil: No. I am just shocked. I just asked out of curiosity, just to know if it happens in real life too.

Avni: Why not Neil! You may have not witnessed it. That doesn't mean that this does not happen. And yes, someone has groped me while I was crushed between people in a crowded bus. I initially thought that he was just balancing himself not to fall down. But no, I was wrong. By the time I realised and planned to react, a young man near me pushed that person out of the bus. He also advised me to never keep quiet when things like this happen. I remember that voice, but didn't have the courage to look at his face.

Neil: Which class you were in?

Avni: I was in 10th. This happened when I was returning home from my tution class.

Neil: Such bastards..

Avni: Yeah. Indeed.

Neil: I don't know why can't they treat women as human beings. I mean..

Avni: It's objectification. This thing is ingrained in every person at some or other level. Forget treating women as equals, some people don't even consider them as living beings. Acha, I need to go washroom.

Neil: Alright. I will come with you.

Avni(got up and turned): Why? "I" have to go to washroom. Not you.

Neil: Yeah. But..

Avni: I can do that by myself. You stay here.

Avni went to the washroom while Neil wondered about the same sense of mixed feelings tugging at his heart again. Why? Why was all these making him uncomfortable? Avni returned back to the seat and was engrossed in some thoughts till the end of the film. Post their exit from the theatre, they went for a stroll near the lake at the back side of the mall. Avni was munching on her chocolate bar and looked at Neil smiling, yet not smiling.

Avni: Acha Neil.. Tell me one thing.

Neil(kicked away all his thoughts and smiled at her): Yes cutie..

Avni: Mine was your first marriage proposal right?

Neil: Yes.

Avni: Why did you say "yes" then? I mean, you could have explored some more.

Neil: I have already told you that. You were open, frank and independent.

Avni: Phir meri independence tumhe khalti kyun hai? (Then why does my independent nature bother you?)

Neil(paused and looked at her): Avni.. Why are you saying like this?

Avni: Being independent is not just driving a scooty or selecting your own dress. It has much more meaning to it. Come. Let's sit on that bench.

Neil(sat with Avni on the bench under an artificial tree): I did not understand..

Avni: Neil. Being independent, self dependent or rather self sufficient is something I love. In fact everyone loves that. See, if I know and am capable of handling things on my own, it's good for everyone right? No one has to be worried about me. No one has to spoon feed me. It's not about being perfect. In case I don't know something, I will seek help. Like you do. How will you feel if you are treated like a baby constantly?

Neil: Avni.. I..

Avni: I am not blaming you. I do understand how ingrained this thing is.

Neil: I am.. I mean. I really don't have a problem with you being independent. I love that about you.

Avni: You love that about me when you are not there with me. When you are there, that sense of  "I should do this for her" takes over you. To some extent, it is cute to watch. But when it starts messing up your mind, you should be careful.

Neil: Is it about that washroom thing? C'mon Avni. Stop over thinking. You don't need to give this big lecture for such a small thing.

Avni(raised her eyebrows): Lecture? Uhmm... Not bad.

Neil(realised that he was behaving rash, that too on their first official date): I didn't mean that. I am sorry.

Avni: You felt bad when I paid for the tickets right?

Neil(struggled to form words and looked at her): Woh.. (That)

Avni: You didn't feel good when I dealt with the ticket counter, ordered food and went in search of  a washroom without your help. The realisation that I don't need you for everything is what haunts you. You expect me to wait for you to pay, to accompany, to do all things that is considered to be the work of a "man". I mean which woman pays on their first date? Isn't it?

Neil lowered his gaze realising that every single word of Avni was true. Despite being so modern and open with his values, the feeling of being a "man" did overpower him for the past few minutes.

Avni: I know you so well Neil. The vibes that I got from you for the past 2 hours is that of your male ego being hurt. It was not my Neil.

Neil: I am.. sorry. I don't know why..

Avni: Why? Because that's normal in our society. Forget that Neil. Just remember that if you claim us to be equal in a relationship, then start acting on it. What is the big deal if I pay or you pay? Same thing right?

Neil: Yes. You deal with people. You talk or I, you order food or I - sab ek hi to hai..

Avni: Haan! Sab ek hi to hai! (All are the same).

Neil: But, how did I think like this? I mean, that's so not me.

Avni: Dude. It's patriarchy playing it's role. It's inside everyone. Inside me too.

Neil: I am sorry. I ruined all your impression about me. 🙁

Avni: Haha! No one can impress me like you do Neil. Ye to choti choti batein hai. Come, let's go home. It's getting late.

Neil recollected Tara's words. 'Avni is a box of surprises. You will know when you spend time with her in person'. They started walking away from the mall to a secluded foresty area near by with flowers and trees all around. Away from the hustle bustle of the city, shutting off the noises only to find different ways to each other's hearts.

Avni: Let's go home.. 

Neil: So soon?

Avni: It's 5 pm Mr.Fiance!

Neil(made his puppy face): Some more time please.

Avni(her heart melted seeing his cute gestures. She pinched his cheeks): Aww. Stop showing that cute face. I can't resist you.

Neil(stepped closer and pulled her behind a tree): I want you to NOT resist me.

Avni could hear her heartbeats beating at exponential rate. She willingly stepped closer to Neil, her breath fanning his neckline sending shivers down his spine. All thanks to their height difference.

He closed his eyes and slowly pressed his lips on her forehead. Avni gulped down and savoured the moment to her soul inching closer to Neil craving for more warmth.

Neil(whispered): Avni..

Avni(in mild voice): Hmm..

Neil: How did you know why I was disturbed earlier?

Avni: I just know you.

Neil: You still love me right?

Avni opened her eyes to lock her gaze into his hazel brown orbs. Slow rain drops started showering on them while the greenery guarded them from the outside world. Avni extended her hands feeling the raindrops - a smile adorning her face. She noticed Neil still having the questioning glance on his face. Avni removed her drenched dupatta and put on Neil'sneck and pulled him closer to her.

Avni(in husky voice): Tumhe kya lagta hai? (What do you think?)

Neil could feel her belly button through her damp salwar sticking on to her body. The long slits of her top gave him glimpses of her waist decorated with water droplets. Neil couldn't help but touch them sensually.

Avni(jumped slightly): Neil..

Neil(stepped back): I am sorry. I just lost it. I am sorry.

Avni looked at Neil calming himself down. He stepped back and started running his hands over his head and squeezing his eyes shut. This man was no perfect. He had his own share of flaws like she did. But, he wanted to give her a better life. They were on it together. She has read a lot about love.

Love - is not just romance. It is understanding and correcting each other. It is growing together to be better individuals. Neil felt that he made another mistake by violating her consent. He did not know what went through him that he acted so impulsive. His regret was not letting him meet her eyes.

Neil: I am ... I .. I mean.. I will drop you home. I am sorry. Really, I am.

Avni(sighed): Hmm..

Amidst all these, they failed to notice that those mild shower had multiplied into a heavy downpour. None of them had an umberalla. Neil had to board a bus back to his home too.

Neil: Shit! This Rain!

Avni: Ey Mister! Don't curse my best friend.

Neil(faintly smiled at her): Okay Madam.

Avni(her heart sank): Let's try getting out of here. There are full chances of we getting blocked here.

Neil: Kyun? (Why?)

Avni: This is a low lying area. The roads in front of the mall would also be flooded by now. They rushed towards the front entrance of the mall and saw that it was all a mess. Neil quickly went inside the mall and bought an umbrella while Avni rushed towards the taxis to enquire about the situation.

Avni: Bhaiyya! What's the status? Kya hua hai? (What happened?)

Taxi Driver: That huge tree by the signal has fall down. Roads are also flooded. Kuch nahi dikh raha hai. (We cannot see anything). Where do you want to go beta?

Avni: That residential area behind Sky Villas. But my fiance want to reach Mumbai.

Taxi Driver: You cannot go anywhere right now. After some hours, the roads will be cleared. Then, you can go home. But, Mumbai jaana to bhool hi jaao. (Forget going to Mumbai)

Neil(rushed to her with an open umberalla) : Can't I go later also?

Taxi Driver: No bacche. Police has banned the travel by that road till further instructions. It is risky too.

Neil(got tensed and turned to go): Okay Thanks Bhaiyya.

They went inside the mall to dry and freshen up themselves. Avni was thinking of ways to handle the situation. She rushed to an impatient Neil.

Avni: Give me your phone. There is no signal in mine. Let's inform our families.

Neil: And then?

Avni: They will be worried. It is past 6.30. Its going to be dark soon. I will inform Dad that we are together and will come home once the roads are cleared.

Neil: What about me?

Avni: You are coming with me.

Neil: Kya? (What?)

Avni: Be practical Neil. You cannot go back today. You don't have anybody other than me in Pune. So..

Neil: Will the families agree?

Avni(rolled her eyes): Nahi. They will ask me to abandon you here. C'mon yaar!

Neil sighed. She was right. There was nothing much that they could do at that time. For now, shifting to a safe place should be the first priority. He rang up Prakash and explained everything. He could hear Swetha's protests but cut the call before she could talk to him. Avni called up her Dad to discuss things too. It was decided that once the roads get cleared, they are going to head towards the Mehta Mansion.

Seeing Avni shiver, Neil bought 2 cups of tea and went back to the same secluded bushy area. Without going too much inside, there was a bench near a tree. The huge tree adorned with tiny yellow flowers. There was also a circular umbrella like shield built over it. They could sit comfortably there.

Neil(turned to Avni humming a random song): You are chilling away?

Avni(folded her legs onto the bench): What is there to be worried about? I am here enjoying Monsoon, with a hot cup of tea and my fiancé - hotter than this tea of course!

Neil(giggled): Oh yeah. Romantic indeed.

Avni(felt better at her constant efforts to make him smile finally bearing some good results): Acha. I need something to munch on. How about some hot samosas?

Neil: I am IN! From where?

Avni(pointed towards a tea stall near to the road): There you see. I will get some and come. Give me some money. I only have my card.

Before Neil could keep the tea down, Avni took out his wallet from the right pocket of his jeans and ran from there leaving Neil blown away by the closeness yet again. But then, the earlier regret started engulfing him yet again...

###### At the Tea Stall ######

The tea vendor was getting Avni's plate ready while Avni was randomly playing on her phone. Right then, she sensed a creepy touch at her waistline alarming her. She turned at once to see a hand leaving her body. She saw him with a group of boys at the tea stall. The person - surely a creep with no doubt smiled his victorious smile at her.

The person: Sorry Ji. I didn't see you.

Neil could see this all and his blood boiled to rip that bastard apart. He threw away the tea and rushed to the scene. As he approached the tea stall, he saw Avni stealthily pouring hot tea over his hands.

The person(screamed): Aaaah!!!! Mera haath!!!!!! (My hand)

Avni: Oh sorry! Maine bhi dekha nahi! (I also did not see).

The person: You! Tujhe to main..

Avni: Shut up you fucker! If you spill out a word, I will throw this boiling water over you. Bada maza aayega. (It will be fun).

The person got scared and apologized to her. The security guards soon rushed to the scene to get those boys out of the place. Neil smiled and rushed towards Avni.

Neil: Hey! You fine?

Avni: Oh yes! Where is your tea?

Neil: Wo maine.. (That... I)

Tea vendor: Gusse me fenk diya bhaiyya ne. Maine dekha. Apni patni ko koi haath lagaye, ye koi bhi bardaasht nahi kar sakta (He threw it away in anger. I saw that. No one can tolerate this done to your wife).

Avni(smiled): Give us two tea also.

## On their favorite bench again ##

Neil: Not bad Avni! I am impressed.

Avni(winked): Thank you.

Avni(thought about something and continued): Waise, this is what I do to people who pull such stunt. I can do this to any one who violates my space or touches me without my consent.

Neil(his smile dropped and he looked at her): Avni.. I

Avni: Lekin maine tumhe kuch kiya? (Did I do something to you?)

Neil(nodded): No.

Avni(folded her legs again and turned towards him): Neil, we girls can understand the kinds of touch. Which is love, which is lust, which is care... you know. I can very well react to a wrong touch. But, Did I do anything to you?

Neil: No. But I did cross a line.

Avni: I don't know. I was also carried away. Nahi to taangein tod deti tumhari.. (Or else I would have broken your legs)

Neil(looked at her): Care to explain?

Avni(looked straight to his eyes): Neil. I did not feel bad. I did not feel that you were trying to take advantage of the situation we were in. May be I am a little off in these things. May be I am nervous. Nervous of being unraveled may be. I absolutely did not think of that moment in any other way.

Neil(smiled and inched closer): To phir? (Then?)

Avni: I know. I recollect the old me scolding Tara when she mentioned about a romantic moment that she had with Kiran. I was like.. "Not before marriage. How so soon?" etc. I do realize the epic blunder of that reaction that I gave her. There are no conditions in love. It's just trust and comfort. Uhmm.. I don't know how to explain this. I may not have initiated a... a hug or anything like that. I am not in that phase where I can show my that side to you. But that does not mean I am uncomfortable with you. I literally enjoy every moment with you around. You kissed me on my forehead.

Neil(could hear his heart ready to jump out due to happiness): Hmm?

Avni(gazed at him): That was surreal.

Neil: It was?

Avni: Yes. You held me close. You touched me. No. I was startled because this was a new kind of touch to me. Something which I have never experienced. I was overwhelmed. I could sense me getting weak. So..I

Avni saw Neil listening to her with his whole heart in his eyes. His face radiated joy and pure relief. She suddenly felt her soul push herself closer and closer to him.

Avni: Neil, I love you.. I love every bit of you. You touching me, of course I love it. My heart explodes even when our fingers brush past each other. Honestly, I was filled with void when you stepped back from me.. I wanted you to be there. To hug me. To cradle me. To warm me up..

Neil(was blown away by this sudden words of her): Avni..

Avni(closed his mouth with her palm): Let me complete.. I notice all minute details about you. You shuffling your hair.. You folding up your sleeves while walking.. You munching on a chocolate... Your lips when you sip that tea.. Your eyelashes every time they look at me.. that mole right there on your neck.. I notice everything. I love all the attention that you give me. I absolutely love the idea of you choosing me to spend your life with. It's all too much happiness for me. Too much that I am unable to contain myself and give proper reactions. I am losing my balance.

I am like..blown away with all these new feelings. No one has made me feel special in a romantic way. The warmth that your lips gave on my is still there. I was seeping it all in. I absolutely bloody love you! How could you think that I felt bad of those moments? They were all so special.

Neil's eyes were moist due to her opening her heart to him. This was what he longed for. Her confession was not what he waited for. It was her opening up. It was the acknowledgement of her feelings. It was her kicking away her insecurities that he waited for. It was this surprise box shades of Avni that he wished for. This moment when they both realize and accept their feelings and commitment for each other is something that he will cherish forever. He gave a soft kiss on Avni's inside of the palm covering his mouth making her slightly blush and take her hands away.

 Avni: If I feel uncomfortable or offended with any of your words or action, I will express it. I will rather say it on your face anytime anyday. Jaise maine subah kaha tha.. (Like I said in the morning). I was just held back. May be just waiting for the right time. I missed your giggle and smile for so much time. There cannot be a better time than this. I do love you a lot. And there is nothing stopping me now.

Neil(pulled her closer by her shoulders): Do you even know that you have just emptied your heart in front of me?

Avni: I have just opened it for you to see. See that I love you. I have not emptied it. It cannot be empty. You will always be there.

Neil: Avni.. I love you more than anything in this world. I cannot even imagine a moment without you. Meri jaan ho tum Avni..

Avni(smiled): Jaanti hu. Your eyes often tell me everything. 

Neil pulled her away to the back of that big tree from which those yellow flowers fell - all courtesy to the rain and mild breeze.

Neil: I don't know how and why did I fell for you to this extent. May be your honesty. Your self reliance. Your innocence. I don't know exactly what. And I don't even want to know. Your smile and good morning texts have become my inspiration to start every day. Like, may be it's too cliché. But I don't care. I love the way you speak.. the way your hair dances with the wind.. the way you slowly open up.

You are right. We have to share our past 25 years or more with each other. It will take time. We will argue. We will fight. But I do love you girl. I love everything about you. So much that I make reasons to meet you.. to talk to you. Sometimes, I behave like a love struck teenager.

Avni(giggled and looked up): Baarish mera pehla pyaar hai Neil.. Aur tum meri Akhiri (Rain is my first love and you are my last). I don't dream of fairy tales. I just want to be with you.
Baaki sab apne aap teek hojayega..Tum saath ho to maut bhi aasaan hi honge.. (Rest everything will be fine. Even death will be easy with you by my side).

Neil suddenly pulled her closer if that was even possible. His eyes caressed the black mole right above her upper lip and inched closer. Avni's eyes looked at his dreamy hazel nut orbs showering all the love on her. Neil pressed his lips over the mole while she opened her mouth slightly for air. His stubble touched her rosy lips and those feeble short hairs tickled her cheek bones. Her fists twisted Neil's shirt and her whole neckline was decorated with goosebumps. Neil softly rubbed his beard on her face while she closed her eyes absorbing the purity of their emotions. Neil whispered..

"Jannat ho tum.. "


Done with it guys!

It's a very special chapter to me. I hope you guys like.

Give me honest feedbacks and stay on this journey! I would love it!!!!

Love nd lots of love
Stay Safe 😇💗

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