Chapter 3

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I was trotting up and down the outside of The Blue Mountains as I was guarding the bridge. My helmet was pulled on tight, my armour tinged against the saddle as I rode up and down the path, I stopped weaving when I saw an army of elves coming towards us.

"Halt!" I exclaimed turning my horse sideways so they couldn't pass. "What is your business here?" I asked.

"To reclaim something of mine that I had lost" Thranduil answered.

"And what would that be?" I asked leaning forward in the saddle and willing my snake like eyes to glow.

"None of your business, I must speak with your leader instead of a simple guard" He harshly said.

"If you think that I am going to allow you to pass after that you're mistaken!" I growled pulling my sword on the arrogant elf King.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked.

"Yes a coward, an executioner!" I exclaimed.

"And who are you to insult me?" He snarled dismounting his beast.

"The something you lost and does not belong to you" I answered removing my helmet and letting it drop to the ground with a crash. The elven army as well as Thranduil all gasped. My ebony mane had been braided with dwarven clasps to hold them in place, my pale skin only made my eyes glow brighter. I dismounted my horse with a thud and approached Thranduil. "I am no longer your creation, you do not own me! I am free!" I told him.

"You really think that do you?" He quizzed me.

"Yes and I know so!" I hissed. Then slipped the knife from my belt and stabbed it into Thranduils  side. "Your turn to suffer!" I yelled digging the knife in deeper.

"How could you betray your own kind?" He wheezed as he fell to his knees.

"Because my kind never took care of me!" I shouted, then retracted the blade and Thranduil fell back onto the ground, the guards scurried around their fallen leader and I took the time to mount my horse and then gallop back inside of The Blue Mountains where I created a force field at the bridge so we were protected for now. I stopped a little way down and saw a guard pick up my helmet.

"You will suffer for this!" He bellowed.

"No I don't think I will" I grinned galloping into Erebor, my horses hooves clattering against the ground announcing my presence.

"How many times have I told you about galloping your horse in here!" Dwalin bellowed at me. Thorin soon ran to me as he saw the blood on my gloved hands.

"Are you okay?" He panicked grabbing my horses reins.

"Yes, I just er... Stabbed Thranduil" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Lass you didn't?" Dwalin asked approaching me. I only nodded.

"He was coming back to reclaim me as some kind of prize but I denied him access and inflicted pain upon him. He had it coming and I wanted to be the one to deliver it!" I answered.

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