Our Mission

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Andy's POV

I'm really nervous about tracking down this assailant. What if I get killed? Or if Ashley gets killed? I don't want one of us to be left behind to grieve alone. It'd be very hard for whoever was left behind.

"Ashy," I whisper as I get closer to him.


"What if whoever killed Jinxx, kills one of us?" I ask with fear filled eyes.

"That won't happen. I wouldn't let anyone hurt you," Ashley assures me.

How can he be so sure? We didn't think Jinxx was going to die and boom, he died! It had to be Jayy! Jayy stalked off pretty pissed. Jayy is the most logical person, right?

"Guys, do you think it was Jayy?" I ask nervously. "Of course I do," Ashley replies. "Same," CC and Jake add. "We just need to find him and kill him. Let his little pedophile boyfriend suffer like all the kids he messed with did," Ashley says. Since when did he get so dark?

"Maybe," I sigh. Just think if Ashley was Jayy's boyfriend and I was Jayy? He'd be heartbroken and probably do something he'd regret. But, this isn't a time to care for someone else's feelings. —I guess— There's an assailant on the lose that needs to be taken down.

Before I can really think much more, the sound of footsteps stop me in my tracks. My heartbeat speeds up. Why does fear make one feel absolutely awful? Why?

"Listen," CC hisses. Everyone goes silent and looks around. I see something dart from a crate to an empty box. Then, it jumps out. It's just a cat that looks like an ocelot. But wait, how did a cat make footstep like sounds?

"Seriously? Just a pussycat?" Jake asks. Ashley glares at the tiny being, "Let's go."

We continue on our mission. Nothing happens besides Jake having to take a leak. Pretty boring so far. I wish we could find this sadistic son of a bitch and go home. Then, Ashley and I could do Netflix and Chill. Well, more like sex and chill.

"I really wish this was a sick joke or nightmare so we could all go home!" CC whines. "I do, too," Jake replies. "Same," I add. Ashley stays silent. He's silent when he has "keen focus" mode on. It's helped in the past. Maybe it can help now.

~A Few Hours Later~

"And here we are, a dead end!" CC yells, "why does God hate us so much?" "Quit speaking of fairy tales and let's move on," I say and Ashley nods in agreement. "We can't give up hope now," he says.

CC groans, "I hate it when you motivate me when I don't want to do things."

"Hey! I need you around Cee and I more!" Jake says.

"Wait, you two are together?" I ask.

"No," CC replies, "I was going to ask Jinxx out, but you see how that turned out...."

I awkwardly pat him on the back, "Sorry for the reminder."

CC smiles, "Nah, it's fine. I don't think he would've said yes anyways."

Even though he was literally  all over him.

"Enough sad talk," Jake says, a hint of sadness in his voice. We all agree and walk in silence.

I looks for even the smallest changes and details, yet I see nothing.

This is going to be a long ass mission.

(A/N: When I was 4, my favorite song was "All Summer Long" by Kid Rock.)

QOTD: What's your current favorite song?
AOTD: The Right To Love! - BOTDF
(Wut? It's pride month!)

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