Chapter 2 The meeting

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(Y/n) ran. She didn't know where or when to stop, she just kept running until she felt a pain in her legs and fell. She looked at herself and saw all the blood dripping from her arms and legs 'I guess I'm going where mommy went.'  And she looked at the stars and was about to lose her consciousness when she heard voices ," Shut up you bloody wanker!", " Wait what's that over there, aru?", she heard footsteps and she saw 8 men looking down on her ,"Ve~ What's a little bambina doing here? WHY IS SHE BLEEDING?", said one of them ,"Italia! Calm down! Ve need to get her to ze meeting room so ve can bandage her vounds.", and then someone picked her up. (Y/n) didn't remember the rest because after they picked her up she blacked out.

Voices. That's the first thing (Y/n) heard. She began opening her eyes and there was someone saying ,"Dudes I think she's waking up!", (Y/n) sat up and stared at everyone then looked around, she was in a well decorated room on a bed ,"Where am I?", she asked ,"Well we couldn't get you to the meeting room fast enough so you're  in my house", a man with blonde hair and huge eyebrows said ,"Why?", and another person who had his eyes closed and a curl coming out from his head ,"Well because you were bleeding". (Y/n) looked at her arms, they were wrapped in bandages. (Y/n) finally got a good look at herself and saw she had bandages around her waist, chest, arms and legs, then she realized she was hungry ,"Where's my backpack?", and someone with black hair and brown eyes handed it to her, then she opened it and got a cheese sandwich out and started eating it, not caring that she was being bombarded with questions.

After eating her sandwich she finally listened to one of the questions ,"Do jou need help getting back home?", (Y/n) shook her head furiously ,"No! I can't go back!", everyone was shocked ,"Why not, aru?", (Y/n) looked at her lap ,"He'll hurt me again.", then someone hugged her along with two others joining in ,"What are you doing?", she asked and they just hugged her tighter

"It'll be ok..."

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