Safe and Sound

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~For the best experience, listen to the song 'Safe and Sound' by Taylor Swift ft. the Civil Wars while reading~

Levi Ackerman X Reader: Safe and Sound

Levi first met you when you were running an errand.

You followed Hanji around, taking down notes of what she was saying and sweatdropping at her crazy thoughts she said aloud. She was brilliant, but she was also mad. A lot of times you silently giggled at her antics and just nodded along. When you weren't on expeditions, you were pretty much her personal assistant.

That day she told you to deliver some papers to 'the pissy short man' on the other side of the castle you were staying at. Like always, you shrugged and went on with the errands. You stood out the door and quickly rapped on the door and heard a loud, "Come in,"

You pushed the door open and entered a freakishly clean office. A dark-haired man sat in the middle of it at his desk, focused on the booklets in front of him. His dark silver eyes met your (E/C) hues with a rather impatient and bored look, a frown tugging at his features. Your cheeks grew warm and you immediately glanced down at the paperwork in your hands and held it out to him.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you, Sir. Hanji told me to get these over to you as soon as I could." You explained in a quick and quiet voice.

"What was that?" He questioned, raising a dark eyebrow as he took the papers from you. "Speak up and slow down."

You cleared your throat and folded your hands, still avoiding his piercing gaze. "I'm sorry, Sir. Hanji just wanted me to deliver those documents to you."

"When you're talking to someone, look them in the eyes." He snapped. You instantly obliged to his command and met his eyes again and felt your cheeks flare up even more. "What's your name?"

"(F/N) (L/N), Sir." You answered. "I'm Hanji's second-in-command."

"You're dismissed, (L/N)," he said, waving his hand in the air in a shooing motion. "Make sure to tell shitty glasses I'll have these back to her on Monday."

"Yes, Sir!" You squeaked and scurried off.

At the time, Levi had thought you were a spineless moron. It wasn't until the first time he saw you on an expedition that his opinion changed.

Your blades slid through the titan's neck like butter and you landed on a slippery branch of a tree with a soft thud. Turning around, you glared at the titans below and rolled your shoulders in preparation for your next dive. On this expedition, titans had swarmed after the squads into the forest and it began raining which caused horrible mishaps where people's 3DMG cords didn't wrap around the tree trunks all the way and fell to their deaths on the ground.

Lightning struck in the inky sky and the rain began to pour down harder. Thunder clapped above your head, booming over the screams and roars below. Your half-numb hands fastened themselves around the hilts of your weapons and you knelt down, making sure to have sure footing so the severe wind gusts didn't knock you over. You were just about to dart after a titan clawing at a horse when something caught the corner of your eye. Twisting around, you saw two, no, three titans chasing after a stray gas-holding caravan with no driver.

An idea began to form in your head and a smirk grew on your face. You hurled past others towards the cart and groaned as you tossed yourself through the back and into the tanks. The titans' hands tried to follow you in, but the opening was too small. However, it wouldn't last forever.

You turned to the tanks and began to undo the nozzles with shaky hands, letting out a small whimper when you heard the wood cracking as the titans tried to pry it apart. When you had two undone, there was a loud screeching noise and the top of the caravan was ripped off. A titan with squinty eyes and a dimwitted smirk watched you with an open mouth and reached down to grab you.

Please work! You begged.

Grabbing the tank, you hurled it into the open mouth and watched as the titan swallowed it. You flew upwards and landed on a branch, digging your nails into the bark. Seconds later the titan exploded, its rancid-smelling flesh flying everywhere so it was no more than slivers of meat. Everything became quiet and the titans ran towards the tanks, stamping on them as they pushed one another. One by one, the tanks began to explode and the noise became unbearable. You buried your head into your arms until it was over and glanced back. To your amazement, there were no titans lefts since they were all blown up into a thousand smithereens.

You flinched as Erwin, Levi, and Hanji dropped onto your tree branch and almost fell back in surprise. They were moving their mouths, but you couldn't really hear them. Shaking your head, you tried to get rid of the ringing in your ears and focus on their voices.

"How did you know that would work?" Erwin demanded, his voice still sounding fuzzy.

"I didn't," you admitted, frowning. "I was originally just going to throw the tanks at them, but I somehow threw it into one of their mouths and they just blew up."

"This is fantastic!" Hanji shrieked, throwing her arms around you. "We can use this in the future, but improve it! You've helped humanity against the titans, (Y/N)!"

Heat rose in your cheeks and you tried to pry her away from you, muttering, "Not really. It was just an accident."

Levi was impressed with your actions that day. When everyone returned, he stopped treating you like a cadet and actually began to know more about you. It didn't take long for him to grow attached to you.

"Hey, Levi, I brought something for you." You announced. You entered his office with a small white box behind your back and a smile on your face. A delightful aroma filled the air and you fought back a giggle. "I made it and thought you would like it."

Levi arched an eyebrow when you set the box on his desk and cautiously lifted the top off. Inside was a small arrangement of tiny chocolates and the scent made his mouth water. He picked one up between his thumb and index fingers and bit into it and fought back a smile. It tasted remarkably delicious, lighting up his soul with sweet chocolate-flavored fireworks. But since he was Levi, he slapped the gleeful feelings aside and nodded with his typical blank mask.

"They taste good," he finally said.

"Good?" You repeated in a disheartened tone. "Is that all you think of them?"

"What do you want me to say?" Levi questioned.

You watched him finish the chocolate off and wipe his hands with a napkin with a frown tugging at your (L/C) lips. "Maybe a 'Thank you (Y/N) for giving me some chocolates.'?"

"Thank you (Y/N) for sharing your chocolates with me." He quoted. "Are you happy now?"

Your eye twitched and you let out a small sigh and turned towards the door. "Well, have a good day, Levi." You grumbled. You trudged back to the door but halted when his voice called out to you.

"(Y/N), wait."

You turned back around, (E/C) eyes full of inquiry. Levi put the top of the box back on and met your gaze and did something that shocked you - he grinned. It wasn't one of his arrogant smirks, but a genuine grin that could almost be a smile. Oh, wait until Hanji heard about this~

"I'm serious when I say thank you for giving me the chocolates. Not many people give out gifts anymore and it was kind of you to share with me." He told you in a clear voice.

A smile grew on your face again and you chirped, "It's fine, Levi! You're welcome, too. See you later!" Then you left with a tiny giggle and a slightly grinning corporal.

Little sweet things like that began to tally up between the two of you. He didn't realize until much later that he was fond of you and despised any thought of you with anyone else. Hanji told him to confess his feelings to you and, well, that was an interesting experience.


You blink at the crystalline vase on your desk, a soft yet confused smile growing on your face. Beautiful orchids were arranged inside of it at their highest level of health with each magenta petal giving off a light perfume. Reaching out, you carefully moved it to the corner of your desk and raised your eyebrows at the dark-haired man in front of you who was avoiding your eyes.

"Those are for you," he grumbled.

"Thank you," you beamed, warmth spreading throughout you. You leaned your chin on your hand, staring up at him with a childish innocence dancing in your (E/C) hues. "What are these for?"

Levi sighed and his hands shot out, yanking you towards him over your desk. You squeaked as the both of you leaned over your desk, you shaking and him brimming with intensity. Those dark eyes bore into yours, a bright, unusual passion filling the typical emptiness.

"L-Levi?" You stammered. You could feel your temperature rise and embarrassed flames crawled up your cheeks. "W-what the heck?"

"(Y/N), I'm not good with that sappy shit so I'll keep this simple: I love you." Levi stated with a straight face. "I didn't know it until Shitty Glasses pointed it out to me. She's also the one who said to get you flowers, so if you don't like them you can burn them or something like that."

"Are you serious?" You questioned quietly. Your stomach contorted into a tight knot and you could hear your heartbeat thudding against your ear drums. You wanted to pull back and run away but also lean in embrace him at the same time. "Th-this isn't funny if you're joking. I don't want your sympathy or whatever you're talking about, and -"

"It's not that!" He interrupted with a harsh snarl. You flinched back and he pulled you closer so you were practically nose-to-nose. "Dammit, why do you make things so complicated? I'm not lying! I'm not that cruel to joke around like this."

"You are serious?!?" You squeaked, your face turning scarlet.

"Yes, I am!" Impatience began to wane on his features, causing a scowling glare to be cast upon you. "(Y/N), do you accept it or not?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" You wailed, flailing against his grip. You were terrified - love was something that destroyed this world. "I really don't know how to respond to that, Levi! Nowadays, someone cares for another and then that person dies the next day! How could you say that especially during these times?" You clenched your eyelids shut and turned your head, beginning to tremble against him. "I'm sorry, Levi. But I don't know if I can commit myself like that when our futures are so dark."

One of Levi's hands grabbed the back of your head and pulled your face towards his. Watery (E/C) met softened silver, and his grip barely loosened on you. You gulped, not sure of how you were feeling on the situation. He was all you could sense: his heated breath on your face, one cool hand on your left wrist and the other holding your head, the way how he smelled like the pine and honeyed soap...

A soft sigh escaped him and he murmured, "I understand what you're saying, (Y/N), but that's ridiculous. Out of all people, we're more likely to survive than those new cadets. If you're worried about dying during combat, don't be. You're strong and smart, and so far the worst injury you've had so far was a couple of broken ribs. And if you're worrying about me, you're wasting your time. I wouldn't fall in battle because of a dumbass titan, especially with everything on the line like this." He pursed his lips before adding, "It's not like there would be a difference. If I died now, I don't think you'd just brush it off like it was nothing. Why are you so scared of commitment?"

You drop his gaze, feeling embarrassed and humiliated. He was right - you were being stupid. But the thought of it still scared you because it was still very possible... yet, how were you a soldier in the Scouting Legion if you couldn't take a little risk?

"I know," you whisper. You raised your eyes and determination set itself on your features. "I'm sorry about my ranting earlier. You're right and I'm dumb for acting like if I never agreed to something that I still wouldn't hurt. I love you, too."

After that, a strange and beautiful relationship bloomed between the two of you. It was strange at first, having small conversations with one another and sharing whatever either of you had. Although it wasn't long until you and Levi was a full-fledged couple, spending all night talking to each other and exchanging sweet kisses that sometimes led to more. Everything in life seemed to become easier.

Still, cruelty decided to unleash its malice.

Levi landed on his feet with a small grunt, watching the titan before him fall dead before sprinting over to the vacant house. He slid through the door and shut it behind him, hurrying over to the corner of the room. The sunlight shone on your gorgeous (H/C) locks, casting a halo around your figure. Your wonderfully bright (E/C) were hidden as you had your eyelids shut in what seemed like peace at first.

That was far from the truth.

Blood was soaking through your uniform and you had a stained scarlet hand on your abdomen, wheezing through your parted (L/C) and letting out small gasps and pants. Your eyelids fluttered as you stared at the distraught man who ripped at your shirt and you shook your head.

"It's no use, Levi," you whispered, not daring to raise your voice. "Don't waste your time, the others need you. Just go."

"You're fucking crazy, (Y/N). There's no way I'm leaving you in this shithole alone." Levi growled.

Levi pulled your blouse back and paled at the sight of your torso. A long pipe stuck through the middle of it, blood falling like a river from all sides of the impalement. One of your shaky hands laid itself on his and he stared up at your pale face with tears in his eyes. He was feeling too much: fury, depression, horror, panic. Yet you let your tears fall freely, a crooked smile on your face.

"I'm sorry, Levi. I should've been more careful and worked harder on my landing skills like you told me to." You apologized. A small pitiful laugh escaped you and you shook, wincing at the pain that shot up you. "Remember when we first met? You hated me until I blew up those titans with those tanks. Then you finally started talking to me. Oh, what about that time I made you chocolates? I was trying to be nice and not too long later you cornered me on my office and confessed to me. That was sweet of you, Levi."

"Shut up!" Levi roared, his voice slightly cracking. He wiped his tears away, not wanting to miss any of whatever the hell was going on. "Dammit, (Y/N)! What the fuck are you talking about? You're sitting here dying and you're reminiscing on random shitty happy moments from before!"

"I'd rather be happy when passing on then arguing with you!" You protested, a soft sob escaping you. "God, Levi, there's nothing you can do! Stop being an idiot and just-" You broke off into a cough and a high-pitched cry escaped you. Levi's hands shot out to steady you and you began to shake, trembling in his hands. "I don't want to die, Levi! Can't you see that?" You cried. "Just try to make this as painless as possible, please! I don't want to die while hearing you cuss at me."

Levi looked back at the pipe and let out a shaky breath and nodded. He began to run his fingers through your hair and muttered, "What the hell am I supposed to do, (Y/N)? You're the best thing this world has for me anymore, and you're going to be gone all because of a fucking titan." Those hot tears he was fighting back won dominance and fell like dewdrops down his cheek and onto the wooden ground. "This is hard for me, too, dammit. I hate losing unnecessary lives, but losing you is..."

Is what? What words could describe the complete and utter pain he was feeling right now? It felt like someone had a knife in his stomach and was slowly twisting it, enjoying his pained cries. He could feel his emotions draining and he was drowning in the empty abyss. You were like a ball of sunshine to him, and now he was left in the dark. Alone.

"Remember that song I wrote?" You questioned. "The one you walked in on me singing when I was in my office." He nodded, clearly remembering how you'd turned pink and ducked away, squealing about how he needed to knock before entering. "Could you sing it for me? Please? It's my dying wish."

"Don't say it like that." Levi hissed. "But I will." He took a deep breath and began in a deep, lovely voice,

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said, 'I'll never let you go.'

When all the shadows almost killed your light.

I remember you said, 'Don't leave me alone.'

For all that's dead and gone and past tonight.

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down.

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now.

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound.

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire.

The war outside our door keeps raging on.

Curl up to this lullaby, even when the music's gone. Gone."

He could hear your breaths becoming slower and slower. You were white as a sheet and your fingers were like ice in his. He wanted to stop, but your dimming (E/C) eyes were full of love and sadness. Like you said, this was your dying wish. He had to finish.

"Just close your eyes, you'll be alright.

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound."

It was that day that Levi watched you die right beside him.



This is one of my old works that I wrote last spring. It's originally on my Quotev account, but Quotev was being difficult with me and that's the main reason I write on Wattpad now.

But I posted this on here because today's my birthday and I want to spoil you guys as much as I'm being spoiled today~

I hope you enjoyed this angst and please tell me what you thought of it :3

Lots of love, Cora-chan <3

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