Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"How was orientation Jo?" I asked once Jonah had a chance to put down his bag and use the bathroom.  He came into the living room and flopped down on the couch next to me.

"It was good Li," he replied, pulling me into a one-armed hug and using his other hand to give me a light noogie.

"The hair," I whined, trying to pull back, only making him laugh and pull me onto his lap.  At least he stopped messing with my head.

"I got my syllabus for each of my classes and my lab schedule.  It's going to be a tough semester squirt, so I might not be around as much as usual, but we'll make sure to set aside time to do stuff together, okay?"

"Like our date together?" I asked as I turned around so I was facing him, straddling his lap and sitting back on his knees.


"Whos got a date?" Aiden called out from the kitchen.

"ME!" I yelled out.


He walked into the living room and first looked at me and then gave Jonah a questioning look.

"We're going to do something fun tomorrow night," Jonah explained, "just me and Liam."

"It's a real date," I added.

"Awww, that's so cute!"  Aiden, said with a big grin. "I'm going to take pictures and Jonah, you have to leave and then come pick him up. We'll do pictures first, and then Brett will have to be around, he'll have to ask you your intentions with his brother.  It's gonna be so awesome!"  He let out a stupid whoop and ran out of the room.  Big dork.

"Well, this will be fun," Jonah muttered, but he didn't look like he really thought it would be fun.

"So what are we going to do?"

"It's a surprise."

" don't know yet."

"Exactly," he grinned.  "What do you want to do Li?"

"Hmm." I thought about it for a few minutes, then had a great idea.  "Let's go to IHOP for dinner and then to that cool arcade we went to last year for Brett's birthday and then maybe a movie, wait no, arcade first, then IHOP then movie, yeah.  Or is that too cliché. I don't want to have to dress up or anything though, or we could go Go-Karting..."

"I think your first idea is great," Jonah interrupted. "Arcade, dinner, movie.  Sounds like a perfect date!"

"Really? Cool.  Thanks, Jonah!"  I leaned forward and grabbed him in a hug.  "I have the best boyfriend ever!"  Wait, he is my boyfriend right?  "You're my boyfriend right? Or do we have to have a date first?"

"Remember Li? We already talked about this, we're like boyfriends, but we keep that to ourselves for now, just until you're a little older, so we don't get in trouble with Sherry."

"Oh yeah, right.  Seeeecret boyfriends.  Shhhhh," I whispered, putting my pointer finger on Jonah's lips.  "Ouch! No biting!" I groused, pulling my finger out of his teeth.  He laughed before throwing me onto the couch next to him.

"Wheres Brett?  It's his night to cook dinner, but I'll help him since he worked all day."

"He went into his room a little while ago after making me do my homework.  He didn't seem like he was in a great mood, I don't know, he seemed sad or something, but when I asked him he said he was fine.  Maybe he was just tired."

"Huh.  I'll go see if he's okay.  If he's sleeping I'll just cook dinner and you can help me."  

Jonah got up and went down the hall.  I heard him knock lightly on Brett's door before going in and closing it behind him.  I picked up my copy of Mockingjay and went back to reading.  Hopefully, Brett and Jonah would be making dinner because I'm in a really good part of my book.



"Hey Brett, you okay?" 

Brett was lying on his stomach on his bed; his face was turned toward the window so I couldn't see it.  He had called, 'Come in', when I knocked lightly on the door, so I knew he was awake.

"Yeah, I'm just chilling before I start dinner," he replied, his voice was quiet and he didn't seem like his normal self.

"You sure?"  I walked over and sat on his bed.  I heard him take in a large breath of air and then turn around as he let it out.

"Yeah, I'm cool."  A false sense of cheer rang hollow in his voice, combined with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"How's work going?  Have you worked on any cool cars this week?"

"Yeah, I trained with Leo yesterday tuning up a Viper!  It was totally badass," he chuckled. "What about you?  How was orientation today?"

"It was good.  Hopefully, I'm not in over my head, but all I can do is give it a go, right?"

"Yeah, you'll do great Jo, you were born to be a doctor, so what does everyone want for dinner?" Brett sat up and started to look his normal self again. Maybe he just had a long day.

"I don't know, we can go see what's in the fridge.  I'm going to help."

"Cool, thanks."

"So, I guess I'm supposed to ask you something," I chuckled and felt my cheeks turn red.

"What?" he asked curiously.

"Um, Liam wants to go on a date tomorrow, so I guess I'm supposed to ask you if it's okay." I watched as his eyebrows went up and he had a slight smirk on his face.

"So, you're dating now?"

"It's.. he just, he just wanted to go on a date, I couldn't say no, he had those puppy dog eyes, he gave me the look."  Everyone knew what Liam's look was and none of us could resist it.  Brett let out a long laugh.

"It's cool man, I know you'll take good care of him.  You would never hurt my little brother."

"Thanks.  We're just going to go out and have some fun.  He wants to go to the arcade and IHOP and then a movie."

"IHOP?!  That's my little brother, set the bar high squirt."

Brett grinned as he shook his head. "You know, he's finally starting should I say it, ah...grow up. Like the other morning's little routine, you're going to have your hands full with him.  Are you up for that?"

"Believe me, I know," I sighed, "He gets a unique pleasure out of teasing me," I groaned. "But, yeah. I can handle him."

"Okay, but if you need me to talk to him, let me know.  I probably should, you know, have a talk with him.  Not sure what I'm supposed to say, since no one ever had the talk with me, but..."

"Just let him know you're there for him.  I gave him a book for the mechanics of everything."

"No pun intended," Brett joked.

"No pun intended," I repeated laughing. "But he still needs his big brother.  I love him to death, but I can't always promise to be perfect, so he needs to know he can go to his big bro when I screw things up."

"You won't screw things up; you're like the perfect boyfriend."

"Awww, thanks," I teased pushing him over, "does Liam have competition?"

"Eww, no!  I just meant that you always think about his needs first, above your own.  I wouldn't trust my little brother to anyone else," he added seriously.  I had to admit; hearing that made me feel, I don't know how to describe it, but really good, like my heart expanded 2 sizes.

"Thanks, man."  I pulled Brett back up and hugged him.  "He's lucky to have you as a big brother; you do the same thing, always.  Hopefully, I can take some of the weight off you; you've got to start having some fun yourself.  Put yourself out there, meet someone special."

"Yeah," he nodded, "that's my plan.  I'm going to go hang out with that Paul guy again tomorrow night, while you guys are on your date."

"You like this guy?"

"No!  No, not like that, but I've met some cool people through him."

"Ahhh, yeah.  You have fun.  Don't worry about Liam...except, he said you're taking him to get his ear pierced on Saturday?"

"Yeah, he gave me the look, so I said yes.  But, probably a good time to have my little talk with him too."

"Okay, just make sure you take him someplace clean, with sterile instruments."

"Yeah, yeah.  It's a real place; they do everything by the book.  I have their card someplace if you want to check them out."

"Okay, cool  Let's go start some dinner, though before Aiden starts shouting about hypoglycemia.  I swear he doesn't even know what it means."



"Spifffay!" I said to the mirror once I got the curly part of my hair to sit just right.  God its hard to be so good looking, I mused.  I was wearing a new pair of dark red skinny jeans that Brett bought me when he took me Back to School shopping.  I had paired it with a black "Infant Annihilator, Torn from the Womb," T-shirt, but then I remembered Jonah hated that shirt, so I switched it for a plain blue T-shirt and a black and white checkered button-down over-shirt that matched the new black and white checkered Vans that I also got when we went shopping.

My new friend Max thought the Vans were wicked cool.  I guess he's my new friend.  We talk to each other at school, right?  He says wicked a lot and he has a slight accent.  He told me he moved out here from Boston, that's in Massachusetts on the east coast, and I have the impression they say wicked there a lot.

"Leelee, are you almost ready?"  Brett called?

"Yeah," Aiden laughed, "Your date is here!"

"How do I look?" I asked Brett when he opened the bathroom door.

"You look great!  Very hot!" he replied with a grin.

"Wicked hot!" I corrected.

"White hot!" Aiden added as he popped up behind Brett. "Now Leelee, don't let him in your pants until he's bought you a nice dinner...ow!  Brett!"

"Don't say stuff like that to my little brother," Brett groused after smacking Aiden upside the head.  My face went completely red at the mental images his comment put in my head.

"Come on, its picture time," Aiden laughed.

"Guys, don't embarrass me!" I grumbled.

"Don't worry Liam, we're just going to have to put up with it for a few more minutes," Jonah called from the living room. "Let them have their little fun, we'll be out of here soon enough."

I followed Jonah's voice into the living room and my eyes went wide. He looked really handsome in a pair of dark wash blue jeans and a light blue button-down over a white T-shirt.  His hair was still damp from the shower he took while I was getting dressed in Brett's room.  He looked wicked good!

"Okay, Liam, go stand next to Jonah, Jonah, put your arm around Liam."  Aiden called out directions as he held up his phone in the camera setting.  Jonah let out a big sigh and rolled his eyes at Aiden.  I kind of did want a picture, so I smiled and walked over standing in front of Jonah looking up into his face. 

"Patience grasshopper," I whispered. 

The sides of his mouth curled up and he turned me around, getting us into the pose.  Aiden and even Brett snapped a few pictures before they finally let us leave.  Brett was lending us his car which was cool because the arcade was about a half hour away, just outside the heart of the city.

"Have fun tonight Brett," Jonah said as we left.  "Say hi to Tonya, Aiden," he added. 

"Yeah, tell Tonya I said Hi," I yelled.  Aiden had a date with Tonya, but he said that she didn't really like arcades, which was why it wasn't a double date with us, but I wanted my first date with Jonah to be just me and him anyway.  Brett was going out to some club with his new friend Paul.  He said he'd probably be home late, but that we were still going to go get my ear pierced tomorrow afternoon.

"You look really nice Liam," Jonah said as we walked to the car.

I blushed like a total dork.  "You do too, Jonah."  Why did I feel nervous all of a sudden?  Oh yeah, this was my first date, ever.  I wonder what you're supposed to do on a date.  I started to get a little worried, I mean, I didn't want to do anything wrong.

"It's just like any other time we go do something Li, you don't have to be nervous."


"I'm a little nervous too.  Remember, it's also my first date."  Jonah opened the passenger door for me and I started to get in.


"Yes, silly!  You know that!"

"I guess, I didn't really think about it because you're so old."

Jonah gave me a look and then closed the door, jogging around to the other side.  Once he was in the driver's seat and buckled up, he turned back to me.  "I'm not old, sheesh.  I'm only 18."

"You know what I mean."  I flashed him my puppy dog eyes to make sure he wasn't annoyed with me.  "Most people start dating in High School."

"But I was waitingfor you.  You know that."

I flashed him a big grin.  I may have known that, but I didn't get tired of hearing it again, at least a few more times.

"Buckle up Li or we're not going anywhere."

I quickly buckled my seatbelt and once it was all set, Jonah turned on the car and pulled out onto the street.

"This is so cool!! I can't wait for the arcade!  I brought my bag of quarters too," I told him.

"You didn't have to do that Li, this is my treat."

"But I was saving them for going to the arcade, you can pay for dinner though."

"Okay, I guess that's fair." 

I turned on some music and we sat in a comfortable silence for the ride to the arcade.  I liked looking out the window at all the weird people in L.A., and believe me, there were a lot of them!

When we got there I jumped out of the car as soon as we parked.  "Come on Jo!" I said excitedly, I couldn't helped it, but I jumped up and down a few times.  I totally love this place.  Jonah smiled and caught up with me after locking up.

The arcade was wicked crowded, but it was huge so there were plenty of sections to go to with free games or short waits.  Jonah played video games even less than I did, so I pretty much beat him in everything we played.  Some of the games gave you those tickets that you could trade in for candy or other stuff and by the time we'd used up all my quarters I had 195 tickets.  We went up to the desk and I got a Metallica bracelet, a big bag of skittles, a toy stethoscope for Jonah, and then I used the rest on more candy.  Jonah wasn't paying attention when I asked for the stethoscope, but I thought it would be a fun joke gift and we could play doctor with it.  Everyone always joked about playing doctor and my boyfriend was going to be a real doctor, so we hadddd to play! 

The girl handed me my bag of stuff and I peeked in at the stethoscope. I wonder what kind of doctor games we could play.  I started to feel a little hot and got that funny feeling in my stomach and then that tingly feeling in my crotch.  I quickly closed the bag.  This was not the place to get an erection!

"You okay boo? You look flushed?" Jonah asked walking back over.

"It's just really hot in here," I said making sure the bag was in front of my private area.

"Well, let's get going then.  We should go grab dinner now if we want to make that 9:00 o'clock movie."

Score One for subterfuge!

Score Two for IHOP!!!!

"I wonder what I should have?" I asked Jonah looking over the menu.

"Here's a novel thought, why don't you have some pancakes?"

"Hmm, that's not a bad idea!," I replied with a grin.  "It's these moments of brilliance that make me just want to kiss you all over!" I said sarcastically.

When the waitress came over I ordered chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and a chocolate malt milkshake - my favourite.  For some reason Jonah slapped his forehead and groaned at my choice, so I gave him my best glare.

"You're going to be bouncing off the walls at the movie," he muttered before turning to the waitress and ordering a western omelet and another chocolate malt milkshake - his favourite too!

"Chocolate Shake Twins!" I called out, clinking glasses with him when they arrived. 

My pancakes were soooo good.  Really chocolatey and the syrup and whipped cream made them perfectly gooey.  "Mmmm," I moaned, stuffing a big bite in my mouth, "these are so awesome.  Can we come here every Friday?"

"Not every Friday, then it wouldn't be as special," Jonah replied, stealing a forkful of pancakes.  "Oh, mmmm, those are good."

"Orgasmic!" I added.

Jonah shook his head, "Aiden is such a bad influence on you."

"No he's not," I objected.

"Yeah, he is."

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Should we get dessert or candy at the movie?" I asked after our dinner plates were cleared, looking over the dessert menu on the table.

"Oh my god Liam, no more sugar.  You're already bouncing in your seat."

I looked down at myself.  I was sitting on one of my legs, so I could reach over and put the framed menu back where it was, maybe I was bouncing a little, but a really good song was going through my head.  I quickly put both feet on the floor and held myself really still.

"I'm not bouncing, I was merely dancing in my head."

"Come on, let's go up and pay the bill, we have to get to the movie theatre anyway.  Do you need to go to the bathroom before we go?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "No, I don't need a 'potty break'," I replied sarcastically.  Jonah kissed my nose as he stood up.

"I was only asking because I do and I thought you might too.  I'll go pay the bill and I'll meet you by the front hallway after I use the john." 

As I watched him walk over to the cashier, I looked around the restaurant.  Once I spotted the restrooms I made a beeline over there.  I was washing my hands just as Jonah came into the men's room.

"Oh! Fancy meeting you here."  I just grinned as he went to use a urinal.  Once he had washed his hands as well we headed back out to the car and Jonah drove us to the movie theatre.



I let Liam get a small popcorn and a bottle of water for the movie since I knew his pockets were filled with the candy he got at the arcade.  So far our date was going pretty well, I thought.  Liam seemed to be having fun and I loved seeing him smiling so much.

During the movie I held his hand at first and then after a while I put my arm over his shoulder.  Leelee snuggled closer, laying his head on my shoulder and put his hand on my thigh so I reached my right hand down and looped my fingers around his.  It was dark and no one was paying attention to us and I wanted him to feel like it was a real date.  Plus, I just like being close to him.  He was like a part of me and when he wasn't around, I always felt like part of me was missing.  That's how I knew it was real, true love.

I gave Liam a kiss on the top of his head as thoughts of him continued to float around in my head.  His hair smelled really nice and felt soft on my nose.  I squeezed his hand and he looked up at me with his sparkling blue eyes and sweet smile.  Oh my god.  This kid owned my heart.  I was a hopeless case for him.  He giggled as if reading my mind and leaned up and pecked me on the lips.  After a few seconds we both turned back to the movie, blissful smiles on both of our faces.

This was the perfect first date.

It was getting pretty late by the time we drove home, but we were still back before either Aiden or Brett.  Aiden was probably staying over at Tonya's mother's apartment, because she was away and they'd have the place to themselves, while Brett was probably having fun at this club he was at, I hoped.  He worked hard and deserved to let loose.

I dropped Brett's keys on the kitchen counter and followed Liam back into the living room.

"What should we do now?" I asked.

"Well, is our first date, sooo" Liam started.  I raised my eyebrows at him wondering what he was getting at.  "Technically we're supposed to kiss now," he announced.

"Really?  Did you google this?" I teased.

"Yes."  He took my hand and led me to the couch, pushing me down so I was sitting in the middle.  I started to get a little concerned, but kept my cool as he climbed into my lap, straddling my legs, sitting back on my knees as he often did.  I can handle this, I thought.  No problem.

"Just one kiss," I said softly.  I didn't want to ruin his fun, but I also didn't want things to get too far.

He grinned and slid himself down my thighs, getting closer until he was snugged right up, his little butt right over my pelvis and his arms around my neck.  I could feel my own body temperature rising as my heart started to beat faster.  As 'by the book' as I always tended to be, especially about Li, he was still the love of my life, and I couldn't deny that every nerve in my body was starting to tingle and there were parts of me that just wanted to throw caution to the wind.

Liam, former quiet, shy little Liam, tipped my face up with his hands and leaned down, brushing his lips over mine.  He was very soft and tentative at first.  I could hear his breathing; he sounded nervous, but his actions were determined as he pressed further into the kiss.  I let him take the lead as his little tongue darted over my lips until he was exploring my mouth and drawing my own tongue out to do the same.

I was so caught up in the kiss that I didn't notice at first how he started moving his hips over mine, grinding gently into my groin.  I guess I didn't notice until I felt myself get hard and my own hips tipped up in return, trying to increase the friction.  I let out a moan, as his own erection pressed into mine and that startled me into reality.  I pulled my lips away and caught my breath as he let out a slight whimper, my eyes were fixed on his very red and kiss-swollen lips. 

I should have pushed him away, but his wet and glistening mouth was the sexiest thing I could imagine at the moment and instead I pulled him closer again, devouring his sweet, plump lips, taking over the kiss as he leaned into me.  He let out a high pitched moan and grinded down even harder just as I felt his small body shudder against mine.

"Mmm," his moan turned to a gasp and then a whimper.  "Jonah"

"Li?"  I pulled Liam back so I could see his face, but he tucked it into my neck, breathing hard.  Did what I think just happen, happen?

"I'm sorry Li, I shouldn't have let it get that far."  I rubbed circles on his back as he went limp in my arms, yet still holding tight onto my neck.  "Are you okay baby?" I whispered.  He nodded, but didn't say a word and didn't move to look at me, so I let us sit there quietly while continuing to run my hands soothingly across his shoulders and then up onto the back of his head, gliding my fingers through his hair.

After a while I stood up.  He held on like a little koala bear while I carried him into our room.  I laid him down gently in the middle of our bed and  he pulled a pillow over his face, I guess he was a little embarassed.   "I'll be right back," I told him.

I pulled out a pair of his pajama bottoms and left them on the bed, then went into the bathroom and ran a washcloth under hot water.  When I returned to the bedroom, Liam was still in the same position, the pillow still on his face.

"Don't hide from me, Li.  It's okay."  He shook his head and let out a small whimper.  "I'm going to change you into your pajamas and I have a washcloth to clean you up.

Liam just laid there while I unbuttoned and tugged off his pants, followed by his now sticky briefs.  I used the washcloth to wipe him clean before sliding the pajamas up and over his hips.  He lifted his butt to help and when they were in place I lifted the pillow off his face.  "See?  No big deal," I told him with a smile, he just looked back tiredly.  

"Let's get these shirts off too.  Liam sat up and I helped him take his checkered over-shirt off and then pulled his T-shirt up over his head.  As soon as it was off he flopped back down and rolled to his side facing the wall.  As I stood up I leaned over and kissed his bare shoulder.

After throwing his clothes in the hamper I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.  While I was doing that, Liam joined me, wordlessly grabbing his toothbrush and spreading a large amount of toothpaste on it.  When we were all brushed and rinsed I led him back to our room and he hopped back into bed.  I undressed to my boxers and slid under the covers next to him.

"Thank you for a perfect first date," I said as I spooned my body against his back.

"Thank you Jojo," he whispered.  "It was the best first date, ever."

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