Chapter 6

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On the right, Dr. Elijah (Eli) Jamison


Chapter 6


 Why bother even getting out of bed, I sighed to myself as I lay there staring at the ceiling.  It was Monday morning and once again I woke up an hour before my alarm was set to go off.  That's been happening a lot lately and then I stare and 'fret' as my Grandma used to say. 

Aiden was right, I'll never get a date and it's my own fault.  I don't know who I want to date.  I wish it was as clear for me as it was for Aiden and Jonah; Aiden's always been crazy for girls and despite being such a knucklehead, he always seemed to find a date when he needed one.  Jonah not only knew his preference, he knew who he wanted and amazingly has the patience until he's ready.  Liam, well, even if he doesn't know it yet, it's pretty evident.

Me?  It's not that I don't find people attractive, I see girls I think are sexy and boys I think are sexy, I just haven't met anyone, girl or boy, that I wanted to take anything further with, or who makes me feel that 'funny feeling'.  I've fooled around with people at parties when I was drunk, but when the alcohol wore off, there was always that awkward realization that not only did I want to get away from them as soon as possible, I was hoping I hadn't given them my name or my number...and most of the time I didn't even remember what I did or how far it went.  Maybe I just passed out?  I'd stop doing that a while ago, when taking care of Liam became my primary priority.

The worst was that I didn't want to be like this.  Aiden called me picky, but it's not that.  Sometimes I was so horny I wish I didn't have to be drunk to get with just anyone, because I'd gladly be a player like Aiden was in High School, but when I did try to date people I thought were attractive, nothing would make me feel anything for them and the prospect of even kissing them made my skin crawl.

"What's wrong with me?!" Shit, did I just yell that out loud?

"Probably a genetic mutation or something like that," Aiden replied opening my door.  I looked at the clock, 6:30 a.m.  Aiden was always the first one out of the house, he and his co-workers liked to sit around the job site drinking coffee for a half hour before they were on the clock.  It was their male bonding or something.

"Thanks, bro," I said with a fake smile, rolling over to look out my window.

"Okay, okay.  Don't look so down in the mouth.  If you really want to, I'll let you suck my dick.  But just this once." Aiden came into the room and sat on the side of my bed, behind me.  "But make it quick, I need to get in the shower."

"You're such a pinhead," I growled, "get the fuck out of here." I grabbed my pillow and whacked him in the back as he stood up laughing, running out of my room.  "I wouldn't suck your dick if you were the last person on earth."

"Seriously dude, you need to, you need to get laid.  Do you want me to fix you up with someone?  There are a few guys on the crew who might be interested, or Tonya might have some girlfriends who are available.  You've just got to make up your mind."

"It doesn't work that way for me," I grumbled.  "Don't you think I wish it did?  You look at a pretty chick and get an instant hard-on, Nobody gives me one."

"Maybe you're asexual?"

"Nah, I get horny, I just have to take care of myself, but that gets boring."

"Who are you imagining when you take care of yourself?"

"I don't's always so vague...just like, hands and mouths...I just don't know Aiden!" 

"Okay dude, I get it, calm down, you'll wake up Jo-Li."

"Sorry," I grumbled.  "You better get in the shower, I need to grab one too."

"Okay, I'll be quick.  Grab a coffee, I just made a pot."

"Yeah, thanks."


My mood didn't get any better, but I'd have to keep it under wraps at work.  I was still the new guy at the garage and the owner, Mac, was considering me for a formal apprenticeship program, so I had to make sure I didn't do anything to screw that up.

"Whoa Brett, hold up," Mac called over, I had just clocked in and was heading over to help Nelson with the brake job he was starting."

"Yeah Mac?"

"I need you to go grab the GT350 from bay 5 and bring it around front to Dr. Jamison.  He's all paid, here are the keys."  Mac tossed me a set of keys which luckily I caught before they hit the ground.  "Be careful with it Brett."  

Mac headed to his personal office in the back, so I walked through the many bays of the garage until I reached bay 5.  The car, of course, was beautiful, a charcoal gray 2016 Ford Mustang Shelby GT350 - my dream car!  Another rich old doctor with a car that he probably will never drive to it's potential.  Oh well, this is probably the only time I'll actually ever get the chance to drive one, so enjoy it while you can Brett. 

Luckily I had just gotten to work so I was still clean. I wouldn't dare sit in a car like this with grease on me.  I went over and pressed the button to open the bay door before walking around the car, running a finger over the shiny finish.  It was sleek.  I sat down in the car, inhaling the rich leather.  "Just kill me now," I said to myself.

No joke, when I started the engine it a lion, deep and throaty.  Carefully, I maneuvered it through the bay doors and took it around the large building to the front where the reception office was.  I saw a large man standing out front on a cellphone, his back to me.  From the back he looked almost like a body builder or something, well, not huge and bulky, maybe more like a football player, tall and muscular.  No wonder the driver's seat is so far back on this thing, I could barely reach the pedals and I'm pretty tall myself.

As I slowly drove in the direction of who I assumed to be Dr. Jamison, he turned around.  I inhaled a quick breath, more like gasped for oxygen at the sight of him.  I hit the brakes a little sharply making me jolt forward and bringing me to my senses.  Somehow he didn't seem to notice as he took his phone from his ear and popped it into his front pocket.

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.  He was walking over and I could barely breathe.  He was huge, like six and a half feet tall if he was an inch, creamy dark perfect skin, short dark hair and a barely there mustache and beard.  Dark eyebrows accented his dark brown eyes.  His hair was cut extremely short, hell, he looked like he just walked out of a GQ magazine.  Beautiful in a handsome masculine sort of way, if that make any sense?  His expensive looking suit had to be custom made as it fit his sculpted body perfectly with not a wrinkle or a crease.

What am I doing, sitting in his car gaping.  My left hand fumbled with the door handle, but before I could open it I looked down and held back a scream of panic.  I had a huge tent in my pants and now that I was starting to breathe again, I could feel the ache of it overwhelming my senses. I quickly opened the door and popped up, hiding my crotch behind the car door.

"Dr. Jamison?"

"That's me," his smooth baritone voice fit the car perfectly, deep and gravelly like the car's engine. 

"Um...your car is all set."

"That's what I figured," he said with an easy smile.

"Oh yeah."  He stood in front of me, on the other side of the car door and crossed his arms over his chest, patiently waiting for the next stupid thing to come out of my mouth.  Did I mention he had the most amazing smile?  Soft lips pressed together in something close to a smirk, but it was friendly, I could tell by the twinkle in his eyes and the amusement in his expression.

"'s a really nice car."

"I like it too..."  he dragged the last word and it suddenly dawned on me, I wasn't wearing one of the shirts that had my name on it.

"Brett," I quickly filled in.

"Brett," he repeated, but the way it flowed off his sexy lips made my knees weak and I was grateful to have the door to steady myself.

"You want to take it for a drive, Brett? Open the engine up on the highway, let her loose?"

" thank you, Sir, I have to get back to work, but that's really nice of you to offer."

"Sir?" He raised his eyebrows and his look became much more intense, almost scrutinizing. Like he was trying to read my mind or something.

"I mean, Dr. Jamison, sorry," I said, not sure why I was apologizing, but the intensity of his eyes made me nervous.

"No reason to be sorry," he said, another smile flashing perfect white teeth. "Maybe another time."

"Yeah, that would be cool.  Well... keys are in the ignition, so if you're all set, I'd better get back inside."

"I'm good...for now," he said, his voice extraordinarily deep.

"Um...good...great.  Thank you," I fumbled and stepped back from the door.  "Bye." 

"Bye Brett...and, it's Elijah."

"Hm?" I mumbled in confusion.

"You can call me Elijah. For now." 

I quirked my head, feeling rather Meer-cat-like, but just nodded before I turned around, hoping he didn't see the erection that had only gotten worse as we talked.  It took all the strength I had not to run back to the office, so I walked, the best I could, probably bow-legged with a freaking monster hard-on between my legs, to the door.  Just before I went inside I turned back and Dr. Jamison, Elijah, was still standing, next to the driver seat with his arms resting on the roof of his GT350, watching me intently.  When I caught him looking, he made no move to look away, didn't even look embarrassed for being caught staring. I was the one who felt my face turn so red I could feel the heat coming off my skin in waves.  Our eyes stayed connected for a good 30 seconds before I lifted my hand with a wave and walked in the door.

Luckily neither Mac nor Marilyn, his office manager, were there so I flopped back against the door and tried my best to catch my breath which I must have been holding for those last few minutes.  I looked down at my pants and let out a chuckle.  I guess I'm not asexual then.


When I got home from work Liam was sitting in the living room.  I was in a great mood so I went in picked him up into a big bear hug and plopped down on the couch with him in my lap, hugging him so hard he started wheezing.

"Brett....stahhpp!" He bellowed.

"Sorry baby bro!"

"I'm not..."

"I mean, I mean, mature, debonair and....uh...


"Right, fabulous younger bro."

What's got you all smiley and acting like a loon?" Aiden asked as he walked into the room, Jonah wasn't too far behind.

"Nothing...everything...anything," I said vaguely, a big smirky grin on my face.  Liam turned to look at me with a smile, placing his hands over mine which held him by the middle. He seemed very pleased with my good mood.

"Seriously dude, we're gonna increase your meds if you don't tell us."  

I rolled my eyes, no, I wasn't on any meds.

"I just figured something out today and I'm happy."

"What?" Jonah asked. 

"I guess I might as well tell you guys.  I found out today that I'm gay.  I'm not asexual!"

"I told you that, dude," Aiden huffed.

"Yeah...but I've never really been turned on by anyone so I didn't know if I was het, gay, bi, pan, poly..."

"So're like demi or something?" Aiden asked.

"What's that?"

"Only a sexual attraction to someone they have a strong emotional bond with," he explained.  Where did he learn all this stuff?  My eyes went immediately to Jonah who gave me a stern look and a barely noticeable shake of his head that said keep your mouth shut.

"I don't know, I mean, I don't even know the guy.  I just saw him and heard him talk...and the way he looked at me."  I quickly shifted a bit at the thought, while Liam looked mildly concerned.

"So saw fireworks and stars," Aiden pushed.

I just laughed, "No, but I got the biggest, hardest boner I've ever had in my life.  That's never happened to me before with anyone else."

"Oh my god," Aiden laughed, that high pitched laugh we all hate.  "What'd ya do?"

"After he left I went into the bathroom and took care of it...and then again at lunch," I said with a wide grin.

"What do you mean, took care of it?" Liam asked.

"He jacked off Li, you know," Aiden made the whack-off-jack-off gesture for Liam whose eyes went wide and he looked down and threw his hands off mine.  I still had him tight so he couldn't move, but his arms went flying up.


Aiden started cracking up, Jonah had a smile on his face and I stifled back a few laughs myself.  "Of course I did Leelee."

Aiden fell onto a chair he was still laughing so hard and I let go of Liam who was squirming to get up.  He jumped up and went to stand behind Jonah, still looking mildly concerned, but slightly curious.

"So, Ai," Jonah said, his arms crossed, leaning against the doorway.  "Are you going to see him?  Did you get his number or anything?"

"Nah, he's wayyyy out of my league.  He's a freaking doctor.  Not old, but still probably old enough to not be interested in an 18 year-old mechanic apprentice.  He drove a freaking Mustang Shelby GT350!"

"Your dream car," Aiden had to point out.

"Yeah...I'll probably never see him again, but at least I know it can happen...and until I find someone in my league...I can use his image to..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get the picture," Jonah cut me off, glancing back at Liam.

"Just wash your hands," Liam whispered, and popped back behind Jonah out of sight.

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