Chapter 9

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Picture to the right is Brett



Everyone sees Liam as this super shy, quiet, introverted late bloomer.  I wondered if they would still think that if they saw him this morning.  It had been a couple of weeks since my birthday and we had that little talk after I gave him the book on guys to help him with any questions on puberty and other stuff that he didn't want to ask me or Brett.

So this morning, I woke up laying on my right side, basically spooning the little twerp.  Did I ever mention that he moves around a lot his cute little butt is wiggling right in my crotch so of course, I woke up with a super big morning hard-on. No problem, it was time to get up anyway and I was pretty sure Liam was still asleep so he wouldn't have noticed.  I jumped up and grabbed my towel to hold in front of me in case anyone else was up.  I still had boxers on, but I doubt Brett wanted to see what his little brother does to me.

A cool shower helped my problem and so after wrapping my towel around my waist I opened the bathroom door to head back to our room.  As I step out into the hallway, I see Liam leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and a huge smirk on his face.  I gave him a quizzical look and the damn kid winks, pushes off the wall and walks around me into the bathroom, and has the nerve to whisper, "I still got it," before he closes the door behind him.

Did it stop there?  No, as I stood there still in a state of shock, he turns on the shower and starts singing under the water.

I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt 

So sexy it hurts 

"What the hell is Liam singing?"  Aiden asked as he walked out of his bedroom, dressed and ready to head out to work.

"Yeah, what's up with the little man?" 

Brett looked like he'd just woken up as he stumbled out of his bedroom in only a pair of shorts, his hair sticking in ten different directions.

I'm too sexy for my car, too sexy for my car 

Too sexy by far 

And I'm too sexy for my hat 

Too sexy for my hat, what d'you think about that 

I just shrugged my shoulders and hoped they'd chalk the blush I felt wash over my face to a hot shower, Brett shook his head and walked into the bathroom.  "What's gotten into you Leelee?"  he asked Liam as he used the toilet.  I could hear Liam, the little rat, giggling as I walked down the hallway to our room.

"So Jonah, Brett and I are going to this club tonight with some of my buddies from work, I think I told you about it a few weeks ago, you really ought to come, it's...well it's not like any club you've been to," Aiden said as he walked towards the door to leave.

"Well that would be pretty easy because I don't go to clubs.  How is it so different?" I asked, just out of curiosity because I wasn't planning on going.

"It's kind of a thing you need to go see for yourself."

"Have you been there?"

"Nope, but my buddies have told me about it."

"What about Tonya?"

"She's stuck up at the ranch, it's her weekend to work, but I don't think she'd be into it anyway.  I'll go see what it's all about first, I just want to go and observe, I won't be on the prowl for once," he chuckled.  "So come, you and I can watch all the craziness."

"Nah, thanks, I'll stay with Liam so he's not home alone."

"Dude, you should come.  He's fine on his own, he's 15!  Or, if you feel better about it, we could always call Benji and see if Liam can stay over with him and Ajax."

"Ai, I'm sure Benji and Ajax have their own plans tonight, besides, I really don't want to go.   I'm just not into the bar or club scene.  Liam and I will rent a couple of movies, make some popcorn...that's more my speed."

"Okay grampa, if you're sure, just make sure to have some prune juice with that popcorn..."

"Fuck off Aiden," I growled as he scurried out the door laughing. "And make sure you two stay out of trouble, we don't need anything getting back to the social worker!  We've got to keep our noses squeaky clean until Liam is 18."

"I know, I know, I'm not an idiot Jo," Aiden called back as he waited at the elevator.

Liam came into the room with a towel around his waist just as I finished getting dressed a little while later.  As soon as he saw me he blushed, but that little smirk was still on his face.

"What am I going to do with you, Leelee?" I asked.

"Kiss me you fool," he laughed, jumping up into my arms.

I gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek.  "You're certainly in a good mood this morning."

"It's almost the weekend and that means you don't have to work and I don't have to go to program."

"Good point!  And tonight we're going to rent some movies and make popcorn while Brett and Aiden go out.  Now get dressed while I make some breakfast and then I'll walk you down to the Boy's Club before I go to work."

"Whine, whine, whine..." Liam said as he hung limply in my arms.

"What are you doing?"

"Being more direct; you and Brett always say I whine when it's time to go to program, so I'm whining."

I threw Liam down on the bed, "Get dressed wise ass," I huffed, but couldn't hold back a small chuckle.

"Wise ass?  I thought I was cute ass?"

"I'm going to make breakfast you wingnut." 



Work was speeding by today, which was good because it was Friday and the garage was caught up so I didn't have to work on Saturday.  That meant I could go out with Aiden and his friends tonight and not have to worry about how late we stayed out or how much I had to drink.

Mac had me on oil changes today.  He told me he liked how quickly I got them done and since many of the car owners waited for smaller jobs like oil changes, he wanted them in an out as quickly as possible.  They weren't my favourite thing to do, but I had them down to a science so I could pretty much power right through them.  And while the oil drained I made sure to check all the other fluids, check the engine, brakes, and if it was a sweet ride and I had time, I took one of the interior cleaning wipes and wiped down the steering wheel and instrument panel.  Mac told me it was little touches like this that made a difference with our customers, and since this was a pretty high-end garage, I figured the owners would appreciate it.

Monday I was going to work with Armando on a complicated break job on a Mercedes SLS and I also had some other big training opportunities lined up, but I'd probably be back on oil changes for Thursday and Friday again.  I didn't mind too much because Mac had officially offered me an apprenticeship which was great because I made a little bit more money, would be training on bigger and more specialized jobs and my future was a little more secure so I didn't worry so much about being able to take care of Liam.

I hadn't seen the GT350 again, but I guess that's because we did a good job in fixing it the first time.  Yeah, who am I kidding, is it the car or the car owner I was interested in seeing again.  Both...HA!  That's for sure.   It was my dream car and that doctor, he was pretty dreamy himself.

Oh my god.  Did I just call a guy dreamy?  Even in my head, that's just not okay.

I finished cleaning up the Lexus I was working on, wiping down the engine and double checking that the oil cap and drain were tight before I drove it up front to the customer pick-up area.  I asked our receptionist to point out the owner and I brought the work order over to her and told her exactly what I had done today, what was replaced and what didn't need to be, but might at the next oil change or the one after that.  When I was finished I went in to see Mac.  It was almost 5:00 p.m. which is when I usually leave, but sometimes if there is an urgent job, we might have to stay late, so I wanted to check with him before I cleaned up my area, scrubbed my hands with special soap to get any grease off and changed out of my work clothes.

"No, you're good to go Mathews.  Good work this week.  I've gotten several compliments from our regular customers on how you returned the car to them, way to go kid.  Always exceed their expectations."

"Thanks, Mac."

"You have yourself a great weekend."

"You too, see you Monday."

"That you will kid."

Mac was a cool guy for a boss.

So dinner, a hot shower, a new set of clothes and a few hours later, I trailed behind Aiden and his friends on the way to this club I'd been hearing about.  Apparently, the bottom floor was pretty much like any other club; bar, dance floor, food.  The second and third floors were for members and their guests only and I heard one of the guys muttering about a basement, but I didn't hear what was up with that.  One or two of the guys in the group were members, but they said we were all going to stay on the first floor tonight.

Aiden told me there might be some interesting clothing choices at the club and not to freak out or stare at them.  I told him I wasn't an idiot, but he just smirked at me.

The two guys who were members got us in with no problem.  Aiden and I, and another guy who was under 21 were told that we were not allowed to drink alcohol; since they were members and if we got caught they would get in trouble with some guy named Mister Phillip or something who owned the place.  So even though I've been to other clubs where people snuck me drinks it wasn't going to happen here, which was no big deal.

The club was like most others, loud dance music playing; the kind that you can feel in your chest as the loud bass hit out a dance beat.  People dressed to party and mingle; high skirts and low tops on the girls and guys in tight black jeans or leather pants and tight shirts.  I was wearing a pair of tight black jeans, not quite skinny jeans, but as 'skinny' as I'll wear and a greyish-blue T-shirt made out of some slinky material that clung to my skin that Aiden made me buy for such occasions.  I really wasn't too into clothes, but Aiden was and he said if I was going clubbing with him, I had to dress the part.  I wouldn't have minded so much except the shirt kind of chafed my nipples and made them stick out more because of it and I felt like it was way too noticeable.  I had a black jacket over top, so if I got too self-conscious I could always just put my jacket on.  Aiden wore purple skinny jeans and an electric blue shirt, but he could pull that off with his blond hair and crazy personality.

I looked around the club as we went to find a table and Aiden was right.  There were some people dressed pretty out of the ordinary.  Lots of tight black leather, skimpy shirts, women in corsets and mini-skirts and a few guys in leather booty shorts and tight vests.  Well, this was L.A. so I'd come to expect just about anything.

Aiden went up to get us some sodas and I sat down with his friends.  This guy Jaden was asking one of the ones who was a member why we couldn't go upstairs where the real action was.  "Are you kidding me?  Master Phillip would tan my hide if I brought a bunch of non-members up all at once, especially if all they're wanting to do is gawk at kinky.  Members are pretty much only allowed to bring one or two guests with them 'at their discretion'."

"What does that mean?" he asked.

"If they are seriously interested in the lifestyle or want to learn more about it.  It's not a place to party hearty dude."

"What lifestyle?" I asked.  The guys looked at me like I was an idiot when hey, I just wasn't 'in the loop'.

" know bdsm?"

"Oh, yeah.  I know what it is." (sorta) "I didn't realize this was that type of club."

"Mostly just upstairs, but sometimes some of the members come down to dance.  There's a dance floor upstairs too, just as big as down here, but I guess if they want to mingle with other people, or a sub needs a break from all the Doms," he chuckled.

Sub..Dom...I didn't dare say a word, but I guess they could read it on my face.

"You know, a Dominant is the one that's in control and their submissive is the one..."

"That gets fucked," Jaden laughed.

"No dickwad, err not necessarily, they submit to the Dominant, but it's not just about getting fucked, it's a lot more that I'm not going to bother explaining to an idiot."

Jaden was still laughing as he got up.  "I'm going to go find someone to dance with."

"He can be such a dick," the guy, I think his name was Paul huffed.

"So what exactly is it about?" I asked curiously, "if it's not just about sex."

Paul moved a little closer as he started to explain.  "The submissive gives up control to the Dominant and in return the Dominant cares for the sub, like, takes away the burdens of everyday life; decisions, emotional and sexual well-being..."


" could say that the Dom helps the sub to explore other horizons and get past barriers, sometimes by pushing their's kind of hard to explain."

"Are of them?"

"I'm a submissive, but I don't have a Dom right now.  When I go to the club I'll hook up with a Dom just for the night and play a scene or something, but I'm not really ready to sign a contract right now.  It's a's something I want at some point, but it's a big step."

"What do you mean, a contract?" 

"Think of it as like dating.  Right now, I'm not dating any one person, I go on different dates with different people, but I'm not going steady with anyone.  Signing a contract is like going steady, except everything is spelled out in the contract including how long it will last."

"Huh..."  I still wasn't so sure I understood, but I didn't want to bug Paul too much about it.

"Listen, do you want to come upstairs with me, just for a little while.  I'll show you around and then if you're still interested you can sign up for one of the information sessions the club does about once a month, you just go and they explain the lifestyle to people who are interested and then they can ask questions.  That's how I first started learning about it.  There's stuff on the internet, but there's a lot of wrong stuff too and it can be hard to figure out what's real and what's  not."

"I thought you weren't going to take us upstairs."

"I can't take a bunch of people, and there's no way I'm taking someone like Jaden, but you seem cool.  You'll have to check in at the desk and sign a's like a non-disclosure agreement that says you can't talk about people you see in the club, some people don't like it known that they're into kink, but the hostess will go over it all with you, and the people who are really concerned about it are usually on the top floor which is really private.  Only senior members and their guests are allowed up there.  Come on," he said, standing up.

"Umm...I don't know, where's Aiden?"

"Eh, he's off dancing with a bunch of people, but if you don't want to go up, it's no problem."

"No, I mean, will anything happen..."

"God no.  You're a newbie, they'll make you wear a white bracelet which means you're kind of off-limits.  You'd have to go to the workshop to be allowed to take it off and you'd have to join to be able to go without being the guest of a member.  We'll just go up, have a drink and I'll show you around.  Some of my other friends might be up there and we can say hi to them."


I followed Paul to a door where a stern looking bouncer was sitting.  Paul showed him his membership card and told him I was his guest and he let us up.  Walking into a foyer there was a type of reception desk where a couple of girls, or women I guess sat on stools.  They were wearing black, glittery corsets and one of them just wore black stockings with hers and the other wore a mini-skirt.  Paul introduced me and I had to show my ID and then one of the girls explained all the rules and explained the non-disclosure agreement.  She asked me some questions to make sure I understood everything and then after I signed it, I was given a white bracelet, made out of a coated paper that snapped closed.

This floor was similar to downstairs, but not as crowded and a lot more "fetish clothing" as Paul explained it to me.  There were still people dressed in more traditional club clothes, but they were mostly Doms, he explained.  The subs seemed to be in outfits that showed a lot more skin.  Paul took me over to some guys he knew who were also submissive and left me with them while he went to get us each a soda. 

The atmosphere up here was less chaotic than the club downstairs and I liked it.  The music wasn't as loud and you could actually carry on conversations.  I got a few looks from men and women and Paul's friends told me they were Doms and Dommes or Dominatrix' as female Doms were called.  I found out that some of Paul's friends were gay and some were straight; Paul was gay and I saw him talking to a big, burly guy before he brought our sodas over.  I watched as he kept his eyes downcast most of the time except a few times when it looked like he was answering questions.

"When you talk to a Dom, you need to be really don't look them in the eye unless they are speaking directly to you and even then only for a few seconds and you have to call them Sir or if it's a Domme Mistress or sometimes Madame, they'll let you know if you say the wrong one."

"Well, I don't think..."

"You don't need to think," he laughed, "plenty of them are looking you over, you're fresh meat, but don't worry, with that bracelet they won't approach you."

"Here you go Brett," Paul said when he returned, handing me a coke.  "I was just speaking with Master Phillip, and he said if you want to go to a presentation, they're having one next week at the Regent Hotel and Conference Center.  You can get a flyer at the front desk when we leave."

I drank my soda as Paul and his friends told me all sorts of things about the club and what being a submissive was about.  I'd be lying if I didn't say it sounded intriguing.  I wasn't very good with the whole dating thing and after having to be the big brother and taking care of Liam for so long, it would be kind of cool to give up control for a little while, and some of the guys they said were Doms were pretty hot, even if I didn't get that tingly feeling, it was different than dating, so maybe it didn't matter.

"So, how does it work, are you their sub all the time or just when you're at the club?  You guys all work right?"

"It's different for everyone, some of us, like Paul, are just submissive at the club.  Some others have contracts and might even live with their Dom and are submissive full time and then some maybe just spend weekends with their Dom.  It depends what the two people agree on and what meets their needs."

"Brett, look over there."  I looked at Paul and he gestured over to the bar.  I looked and there was a tall man with dark curly hair staring at me with intense, almost black eyes.  I looked at him for a second, but his gaze was so intense I had to look away.  "That's Master Ryker, he's pretty bad ass.  He looks like he might be interested in you."

"He's hot," the guy named Devin piped up, "I played a scene with him a few weeks ago, it was mind blowing."

An hour later and two more cokes, we were still talking with the guys.  I had texted Aiden so he didn't worry about what happened to me.  "Paul, where's the men's room?"

"Come on, I'll take you.  Safety in numbers," he joked.

We walked past the bar and I felt eyes on me the entire way, when we turned the corner towards the restrooms I peeked back and that Ryker guy was still staring at me.  He nodded his head in a kind of greeting I guess, so I gave him a half smile back.  After we both relieved ourselves I went to follow Paul out of the room.  He was a few steps ahead of me and I heard him greet someone just outside the door.  I quickly dried my hands on some paper towels and went to dart out of the door and catch up.

As I went to leave, in my typical klutzy manner, I bumped headfirst into someone's chest.  A large, nice smelling chest wearing a black shirt that left none of his six-pack to the imagination.  I was looking down and took in his black leather pants and black boots.

"Oh, sorry," I quickly said, taking a step back.  My eyes slowly scanned up the buff body as he stood there with one hand on the doorknob and the other had gone up to my shoulder to steady me.

"Brett?" A smooth, deep voice said.  "It is Brett, right?"

My eyes popped up, and dammit if I didn't almost immediately start to feel a tingling in my shorts.

"Umm...Dr. Jamison..."

"Elijah," he corrected, "or just Eli.  What are you doing here." he reached down to my  hand and picked it up, taking in the bracelet.  "Who did you come with," he demanded.

"Umm, Paul."  I looked over his shoulder to see if he was still around.  Eli stepped back and looked down the hallway, nodding at either Paul, to himself or me, I wasn't quite sure.

"Do you know what this place is?"

"Yeah," I murmured.  "Umm, yes Sir," I corrected, remembering what the guys had taught me. "Paul and his friends were telling me about some of it."

"Eli," he repeated. "You're not a submissive so you can call me Eli."  He paused and looked at me, a frown on his face. "You really shouldn't be here Brett.  You're very young..."

"I'm 18," I interrupted. 

"Yes, well, that's still very young for this place."

"They let me in, I showed my I.D."

Eli let out a big sigh.  "Yes, you're allowed in, but that doesn't mean that you should be here."

"Eli, who do you have here," another deep voice rang through the hallway.  Eli looked up, dropping my hand which I only now noticed he still held.  "He's got a white bracelet Ryker, back off," he growled.  Wow, that was really hot.

The Ryker guy came into sight and gave me a large grin.  "Well, maybe soon he won't be wearing a bracelet.  One can only hope," he chuckled, not taking his eyes off me.

"Well, he's wearing one now, so let's just let him go back to his friends, shall we?"  Eli gave the guy a glaring stare and he laughed, lifting his hands up. 

"Just came to use the john, Eli.  Guys gotta take a piss."

Eli turned to me.  "Go back to your friends Brett, now."  He stepped back and the two men let me pass.  I shuffled back to the table and lord if I wasn't sporting a hard-on at Eli's commanding voice.

Paul was off talking to someone so I sat down with the guys and did my best to hide my problem.   A few minutes later I saw Eli coming out of the hallway which led to the bathroom, not that I kept looking that way, no.  He looked in my direction before walking over and saying something into Paul's ear, after which Paul came back to the table.

"We should get going now Brett," he said.  "The guys are waiting for us downstairs."

"Umm, okay, I guess."  I stood up and said goodbye to the others and followed Paul out.  "Hang on, I want to get that flyer."  Just before we had gotten to the door to the stairs, I'd remembered about the information session and I was suddenly a bit more interested.  I walked back to the desk and asked the girls for the information.  While one of them was getting it for me I glanced back into the bar area.

My whole body went stiff as I saw Eli leading a smaller man by the elbow towards the stairs Paul had told me led to the top floor, which had a smaller bar, a large "playroom" where Doms and subs "did stuff" as Phil put it, in front of anyone who wanted to watch, there was also a special demonstration room and several private rooms where some Doms took subs to have a private scene.  I could tell the other guy was a sub just by his posture, I'd learned that much so far.

"Here you go honey," the girl said as she handed me a flyer.

", bye," I muttered as I went to catch up with Paul. 

I crap as we walked down the stairs.  I felt jealous, angry, sad, defeated...I mean, this is me! I never feel things.  Sure, I loved Liam and the other guys, but ever since I was a kid and I had to suddenly grow up and take care of my little brother because Mom was always working, I had kind of shut down most of my feelings.  Why was I suddenly being hit like a freight train?

"Hey, finally you guys," Aiden said as we joined the group.  "What'd you think?" Aiden asked me, more quietly as he stepped up next to me.

"Umm, it was fine.  Listen, I'm going to take off.  I'm suddenly not feeling really great."

"It's cool, I'll go with you.  It's not as much fun going out when you have a girlfriend and she's not with you...sorry you're not feeling well."

"It doesn't matter."

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