Part 21 - Author's Note

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Hello, readers! I know, I know, not an actual chapter, but hear me out.

For those not caught up on personal issues, TL:DR I've been having MAJOR medical issues and have not been able to write stories here. At all, generally. I have not been slacking as much as I could have been, though. For as long as I've been out of commission,  I've been planning. Brewing up some side plots. Developing characters and whatnot.

Safe has not ended. Just sat on a bench for a while. 

I will be setting up the next chapter. Not sure when I will post it, but I am sure enough to tell you that there is a plan. I'll have to start drawing the characters again, so you'll probably find some warm up sketches in my newest art book (the fourth edition as I write this) if you're interested. Maybe some sneak peeks? You never know.

Thank you! Short and sweet.

Good vibes all around!


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