Chapter Eight

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Song: Get away with murder
By: Jeffree Star

Chat didn't have much time to grieve over the loss of something important, as the two men chasing them before we're running towards them once again.

Chat acted quickly as he grabbed Marinette's hand once more, intertwining their fingers as the two of them ran into the dark, dense, woods. He tried his best to protect Marinette from the twigs and branches that hung low, but eventually gave up as he heard guns fire.

Worried, Chat frantically searched for a hiding place for Marinette, his glowing green eyes surveying his surroundings. A large hole at the base of a great oak tree, somewhat covered by the roots.

He quickly pulled Marinette over to the oak, just as she yelped. A bullet whizzed past her, scraping her thigh deeply.

"Chat!" She fell on his side as her leg gave out, buckling from underneath her. He turned to face her as she knelt on the ground, a fist planted firmly in the wet dirt.

"Princess!" He bent down next to her as another bullet flew by, close to the two of them. "I have to get you out of here." He went on her left side, pulling her arm over his shoulder as he held her waist, limping their way over to the tree.

The hole was about the size of a crawl space, big enough to hold Marinette. She slid her back down the tree as she grasped at her bleeding thigh, hissing in pain, trying her absolute hardest to not cry out. Hot, salty tears pricked at the corner of her eyes as she blinked them away.

"I'm sorry, Princess. I'm so sorry." Chat repeatedly apologized as he knelt in front of her, tearing a piece of cloth from the bottom of her tank top, leaving the skin below her belly button exposed to the cold air.

"This is gonna hurt." He tucked one end of the cloth underneath her thigh and began to tie it together, tying it tightly against the wound to stop the bleeding. He saw Marinette's mouth begin to open to let out a scream, and he did the only thing he could think of at the moment.

So he silenced her scream with his lips.

Her scream died down quickly, as she stared at him with wide bluebell eyes. His green ones were screwed shut as he pressed his lips firmly against hers, speedily finishing the knot. As he was about to pull away, Marinette wound her hands into his blonde locks before yanking back.

"I'll be back, Princess." The kiss the two shared was now gone in the wind, as they heard more gunshots. "Stay here, no matter what you hear, got it? Don't move until I come back for you."

This time, Marinette agreed with no argument. Chat took one last look at his Princess, the green from his night vision helping him to see, before darting off towards the sounds of the guns.

He raced towards the men as many of his emotions collided together. Anger towards them, first for destroying the last thing he had of his mother, and second for harming Marinette. This indescribable euphoria he got from kissing Marinette, and this lust for blood.

Francesco's and his partner's blood, to be more precise.

It was like an adrenaline rush, as a wicked smile grew on his face. His cat like pupils widened, the black nearly swallowing his green irises.

Looks like Plagg was right... He thought to himself as he neared his targets. He heard the clicks coming from an empty gun, and took his chance.

May God forgive me.

He ran behind the bald Italian man that was partners with Francesco, so fast that he looked like a blur of black.

"Antonio? What's wrong?" Francesco turned to his now still friend who was aimlessly staring at his empty magazine. "Antonio?"

Antonio fell forward, face planting in the mud beneath him. The red scratch marks on his neck were shown, leaving behind a dark, bloody trail down his back.


As Francesco fell on his knees to help his dead friend, Chat Noir spoke.

"You should really watch who you screw with in this world. You never know when you're gonna mess with the wrong person." He stepped out from the shadows, the green that was left in his eyes shining a venomous glow.

"You said you did your research on me. But maybe," he leaned closer, so his face was close to Francesco's. "You should have done more."

"You see, I'm very good at hiding things when I want to, or when I need to. So I think I can say that I've done a damn good job at keeping the other person in me at bay."

He walked menacingly around Francesco, as he explained to him. There was more to the ring than Francesco or anyone even knew. Plagg has told him, explained how after the ring for tainted from the murderous lust from a previous Chat Noir, there wasn't much you could do but try to ignore the urges of the ring. And he had done well. So, so well.

"But when you hurt Marinette... Even I couldn't control him. I didn't want to control him."

"So what are you trying to say?" Francesco stood up, a gun in hand and loaded.

"I'm trying to say that you just awakened a monster. And you're gonna regret it." Chat sneered. The only thing that could get in his head at this moment was all of Marinette's blood on his hands, and the death of Francesco.

As much as Adrien hated this personality of his, he couldn't stop it once it came out. Until it got what it wanted, it would stay.

"Oh yeah?" Francesco took a shot at Chat, who quickly dodged it, the bullet lodging itself into the trunk of the tree behind him.

Chat quickly ran forward, using his claws to dig them into Francesco's side, leaving behind bloody ribbons of flesh. Francesco yelled in pain before whirling behind him, randomly shooting. Chat ducked and shoved his hand on Francesco's gut, his claws digging through, stabbing him in five different areas.

Francesco coughed as he stared as Chat Noir with pure hatred.

"I'm gonna kill you, Agreste." He coughed out, just before Chat whispered the deadliest word.


The man began to crumble from the inside out, turning to black ash before disappearing.

His pupils went back to normal as he solemnly stared at the ground in which Francesco had once stood.

"I hate this, Plagg... I do... If Marinette ever saw me like this, I don't even want to imagine how she would react!" Chat nearly yelled as he stared at his bloodied hand.

I know kid, I know. It's not fair that the last Chat Noir went rogue, and it's definitely not fair that you're the one who has to deal with it. I'm sorry.

Chat heard Plagg's voice in his head as he knelt down to wipe the blood off of his claws.

"I need to find Marinette. Her wound could get infected." He quickly got up and tried to make his way back to Marinette, but there was one problem.

He had no idea what direction he came from.

"Princess?" He called through the dark forest, turning around in circles.

"Yeah?" A quiet voice echoed, the pain evident in her tone. He turned to the direction where her voice came from and began to run over to her. He got back once more, to the tree she was hiding under.

He bent down to her level and grabbed her hand.

"How are you doing? Okay?" His gaze shifted to her cut leg, the makeshift bandage he had was already soaked with her blood. The sickening scent of copper was extremely evident to him, due to his heightened senses.

"As good as I can be in this situation. What about you? How's your shoulder?" Chat chuckled at her concern for him, tiredly leaning his temple against hers.

Even in this condition, she is still worried about others. He couldn't help but laugh at the thought.

"I'm fine, Princess. Just a dislocated shoulder and maybe a few bruises. You on the other hand, need to get your wound looked at. I don't want it to get infected." Chat's hand accidentally fell on top of Marinette's, but neither of the teens made any effort to remove it.

"I'll be fine. It's just a scratch, I've had worse." She wiped her thumb under his cheek, trying to clean off the dried blood that was caked on his face, along with the dirt that surrounded his cut.

Chat was silent for a few seconds before moving Marinette's arm over his neck, her left hand dangling next to his hurt shoulder.

"We have to move, Princess. There's a high chance that Proietille Velenoso has already sent out back up to our location. Do you think you can walk?"

"With help, maybe. Like I said, it's not that bad." The couple stood up together, Marinette partially leaning on Chat for support.

They took one step forward, and Marinette's leg wobbled before she crashed to the ground, dragging Chat down with her.

"Ow..." She muttered, rubbing her sore back.

"If it hurt so much, why didn't you just tell me?" Chat took her hand in his as he helped her up, propping her against the tree.

"It doesn't hurt that bad, I'm fine. I can do this myself!" Ignoring Chat's protests, she began to walk forward,

She didn't want to look weak in front of  Chat Noir. She couldn't. She needed to look strong and brave and courageous. She couldn't let him think she was weak, and unable to do anything, unable to help with anything. So no matter how agonizingly painful each step she took was, she would just have to grit her teeth and bare with the pain.

She hobbled forward and stumbled. She would have fallen face first in to the mud, if it weren't for Chat catching her in his arms. Unshed tears began to burn her eyes as she hid her face in Chat's chest, covering her tears from his view.


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm so weak. I'm sorry I'm so useless. I'm just," she looked up at him, the moonlight making her tears gleam. "Sorry."

"There's no need to be sorry, because you have nothing to be sorry for. You're not weak, Marinette. In fact, you're so far from being weak. You're one of the strongest people I know. It's okay to cry sometimes." The entire time he spoke, he held Marinette close to him, feeling her heart beat against his own as he stared up at the full moon.

"And you aren't useless. We probably would have died back there, if not for you. When I'm around you, I can think clearly. I can think of ways to protect you, and keep you alive and happy. And you help me fight my demons... All this, you do, just by standing by my side. So never call yourself weak or useless, okay?"

Marinette shook her head as more tears spilled on to Chat's leather clad chest.

"You can cry on my as long as you want, because in the end, through all of this shit, I care about you."

More than you'll ever know...

And so she let it all out. All of the emotions pending up, bottling inside of her. She let it all out on Chat Noir's chest.

After several minutes, her crying ceased as she wiped away her tears with the back of her hand.

"Thank you, kitty."

He nodded as he backed away before squatting and motioning for her to hop on.

"Oh, um, okay?"

She hooked her injured leg around his hip as he got a grip on it before looping her other leg around his waist, hooking her ankles together as he lifted her up.

"Now let's get you out of here, my Princess."

Yay! All done. And sorry for the killing part. It wasn't that well written was it? I feel like this is my worst chapter yet. Anyways, my concussion is gone!

Until next time, peace!

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