Chapter Five

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Just to clear up some things. If I say Adrien, it means it's how he feels or something and you can just assume he is wearing sunglasses unless it's said differently.

Also, I know that sunglasses are not the most secure way to protect an identity. Trust me, I'm not stupid. So please stop sending me those kinds of messages.

It irked Marinette that she couldn't find Tikki. She was in her purse the night she... Became a killer. But now she was no where to be found.

As much as she wanted to leave the house to go find her, Chat would always stop her at the door or window and tell her it's too dangerous and that she couldn't leave.

She's Ladybug, for Christ sake! She fights crime on a daily basis. Well, she used to before she became a criminal herself and lost Tikki.

She opened every drawer in the ginormous mansion, checked behind every door, and even tore everything off of all 17 beds before remaking them so Chat would not notice.

She was beginning to lose hope. What if Tikki left because the person who was Ladybug, was now a killer, not a hero? Now, she was the one that she would put in jail, not the other way around.

She sighed as she tiredly fell onto the purple bed. She was beginning to go stir crazy in this mansion. When she was at home and still had Tikki, she could leave whenever she wanted, and she wouldn't be in hiding from Proiettile Velenoso. But now,she was stuck inside this huge, amazing house. It could be a lot worse though.

Chat could have never found her. She'd have to be going through this by herself. She'd be killed by Proiettile Velenoso.

She sighed and closed her eyes tightly as she tried to think of her parents, Alya, Tikki, Adrien. Pictures of them flashed behind her eyes, causing her to squeeze them tighter as tears threatened to pool, stinging her eyes.

There's no point in crying. It can't help you now.

She sighed and pushed herself off of the bed.

I haven't seen all of the house yet... Maybe it's time for some exploring.

She walked out of her temporary room, and walked down the white marble stairs. She walked past all of the rooms she had been in, until she came to a hallway she had never seen before. Cautiously she walked down the bare hall until she was greeted by a door.

A little freaked out, she slowly opened the door and creeps inside.

Oh my god, what if he actually is a killer? Stop thinking that Marinette! Why would your sweet kitty, aka your knight in shining armor, do that? He's a superhero for Christ sake!

She quickly shook her head to rid these thoughts, speedily abandoning the idea that Chat could be a potential murderer. She ran her hand along the smooth, cold wall until her finger ran over the light switch.

Taking a deep breath, she flicked it up, turning the lights on, not expecting what she then saw.

There was a pool, a gigantic one at that. It was the size of a public pool, if not bigger. There were lights along the lining, underwater and shining brightly. Along the edges of the pool, there were three diving boards, one a few inches off the ground, the other a few feet, and the last one, at least 10 feet tall, maybe taller. On the other side there were slides, all over 10 feet tall, twisting and curling into the pool.

There were two hot tubs, one in the corner of the room, looking more like a romantic set up, and another in the pool, a few feet away from the diving boards.

She gasped as she stared at it, a look of amazement crossing her face. She looked at the light switch her hand was still on, and noticed a second one right next to it. She quickly flicked that on, curious as to what it would do.

Suddenly, sounds or gushing water came from nowhere. It became clear to her that that switch turned on the slides and hot tubs. She watched the water pour out of the many slides, splashing into the water below.

Without thinking, she ran across the marble flooring and dove head first into the swimming pool. The cold water rushed past her, soaking her clothes. She stayed under for a few seconds before swimming back up.

She broke the surface of the water and grinned. Underwater, she felt as though she escape all of her problems, and just be alone. She ducked back under and held her breath, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. She didn't care that her clothes were wet, or the fact that they were so heavy that they were slightly weighing her down.

No, all she cared about was getting away from everything, from the real world, from Proiettile Velenoso, from the fact that she actually killed a person.

She wanted to clear her mind.

Everything began to flood out of her head. Thoughts, memories, words. Everything. Except for one thing.

Chat Noir.

No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get that blonde, green eyed boy out of her head. His black cat ears, the leather suit that was as right as a second skin on him, which she thought clung nicely to him, in all of the right ways. His black mask.

That damned mask. The one thing keeping her from her partner's identity. Oddly, she felt as of she knew how he felt every time he wanted to know her alter ego. She was beginning to regret all of those times she denied him, keeping that secret to herself and Tikki only. She wanted to know who the boy was behind the cat suit. She wanted to. Never in her life had she wanted anything more.

Marinette quickly pushed her feet against the pool's bottom and pushed herself up. When she reached the top she quickly shook her head.

"What are you thinking Marinette? You can't have those kinds of thoughts!" She slapped herself in the face, hard. She winced in pain as she held her probably bright red cheek, quickly regretting her actions.

"You shouldn't do that Princess. You'll hurt yourself."

Damn. My unluckiness has finally caught up to me again.

She hesitantly looked up and sure enough, there stood the boy she was thinking about. Chat Noir.

He was wearing black swimming trunks that hung low on his hips. His hair was messy and there was black ray bans on the bridge of his nose as usual. Marinette could feel herself blush as she stared at his toned stomach.

She wanted to run her hands across the probably hard and the heat raised in her cheeks.

Marinette. You may not be the young 15 year old girl you were two years ago, but you're only 17. You don't need these kind of thoughts.

Adrien noticed the all too obvious blush on Marinette's adorable face and smirked.

"You like what you see?" He asked with a flirtatious tone, winking at her seductively. Her cheeks went from pink to bright red in the matter of milliseconds, and she could feel her ears burning as well.

"N-No! I don't l-like anything I see!" She quickly defended herself before turning away so she wasn't facing him. She felt like she could drown in embarrassment.

I can't believe he caught me staring! I can only stare like that at one person, and that person is Adrien! Or at least, it was Adrien...

"Me-ouch princess, that hurts. You don't like me?" She heard soft splashing sounds, saying that Chat had entered the pool.

"Th-that's not what I meant!" She tried to correct heralded but ended up on babbling about how she liked him. "I liked you! I don't like your abs I what I meant! Not that I wasn't lying, because you have really great abs, but-"

She cut herself off as hot arms slithered around her waist, pulling her into a chest. Chat was holding her from behind, his chin hanging over her shoulder.

"I love it when you talk." He muttered a se affectionately nuzzled the side of her head, his hot breath on her ear. He pulled back so quick, it almost seemed like that moment didn't happen. The only proof she had left was the warm sensation he left on her ear.

"Aren't those heavy on you?" She turned around to see him pointing at her soaked clothes.

"Uh yeah. But I don't have anything to change into so this has to do." She shrugged. She didn't really mind it, it didn't bother her in any way.

"I have a black shirt you can use, if you want. I can go buy you a swimsuit tomorrow." Chat jerked his thumb to a table where a black shirt and jeans laid folded neatly.

"C-Can I go with you tomorrow? Please?" She give him her best puppy dog eyes as he frowned, his brows furrowing down and his forehead creasing slightly.

He finally sighed and rubbed his temple.

"Fine. But you have to listen to everything I say, got it?"

Marinette nodded her head wildly as she beamed. "Got it!" She happily got out of the pool and grabbed his shirt before telling him to close his eyes and turn around.

He did as she commanded and she stripped into her undergarments before slipping the black shirt on over it. The shirt came halfway down her thighs and she began to fold her sopping wet clothes and set them on the floor.

She slipped into the water quietly and told Chat he could look. When he turned around, he couldn't see her anywhere.

"Marinette?" He swam forward with a concerned look on his face. He heard little giggles behind him and he grinned. He turned around to see Marinette already at the top of one of the many slides.

How'd she get up there so fast?

He heard her giggle once more before she disappeared into the twisty slide.

This'll be fun.

Kind of looking forward to the next chapter. Happy Memorial Day! If you're in the US.

Until next time, peace!

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