Chapter Fourteen

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UP top is the photogram I made today! What do you guys think of it?

"Okay, so wait." Alya waved her hand as a stopping motion. Chat, or Adrien, as she had figured out, had just got done explaining what a kwami is and what it did. The black cat god was currently sitting on Marinette's shoulder, slumped over the chunk of Camembert he was gnawing on. "That thing-"

"Plagg." Adrien corrected, messing around with the beanie that was ensnaring his golden locks, keeping them hidden beneath the dark, itchy fabric. He was leaning against the cold metal of the ladder, his ankles hooked and effortlessly posing like the model he is.

"Plagg. Is a god, one of many, who gives you your powers and suit? And he has to eat cheese to power up?" Adrien nodded in confirmation as Plagg commented that Camembert was the cheese he liked the most. "Well, why is there a time limit after you use cataclysm if he's a god? Shouldn't you get more than that one time?"

"Well-" Adrien stopped short as he drew his brows together in confusion. "I'm not quite sure myself. Maybe it's because it takes a lot of magical power from both of us to do it."

"He's right. Only one Chat Noir in the past tried to use cataclysm twice in a row."

"What happened? Did it work?" Marinette asked, taking the small kwami into her hands, holding up so he was in her direct line of sight.

"He died."

A somber mood enveloped the room as soon as the words were formed from Plagg's mouth. Alya looked down at the floor, feeling guilty that she brought the topic up. Adrien stared directly at Plagg, his face void of emotion, resembling a blank slate. Marinette though, was the first to react. She brought her head down to Plagg and nudged him gently with her cheek. Plagg purred as he pushed his head further into her soft skin, his ear bending as he moved. Marinette scratched behind his other ear with her pointer finger as she pulled back.

"After the incident, it was named a forbidden art. If it is used, you could be banished from using the Miraculous again. If you don't die from it, that is." Plagg explained after his cuddle fest with Marinette. As the three stared at him with shock filled expressions, he tossed the rest of the Camembert into his wide, awaiting mouth, swallowing it in one gulp.

"It's that bad?" Adrien asked, pushing off the ladder he was laying against as she advanced closer to the blue haired girl currently in possession of his kwami.

"Well, what do you think? It killed that Chat Noir, turning him into nothing, as if he never existed. The only way the Ladybug of that time knew he had died was because of the ring, the Miraculous, was left behind. So yes kid, it is bad."

Marinette's stomach twisted at the thought of that happening to her Chat Noir. A sour taste flooded her tastebuds as her mouth went dry. Putrid tasting bile worked its way up her throat, burning as it left a aching feeling in its path as the vomit started to come up. Without warning, she dropped Plagg in her hurry as she raced to the waste bin in the corner of their room. The abandoned kwami and the other two teens quickly followed in pursuit, concern for the girl washing over their features.

Plagg winced as Marinette dipped her inside the bin before loud gagging and heaving sounds filled the small compartment. Alya and Adrien both raced to either side of her and pulled her loose pigtails away from the vomit projecting from her mouth. Marinette's shoulders were hunched as she lurched forward, being pulled back to a safe distance from the puke, courtesy of Adrien. Plagg rubbed her back as soothingly as he could.

"It's okay, Ace. Just, let it all out." After a few minutes of dry heaving and coming up with nothing, thanks to the lack of food she and Chat had for the past two days.

"I'm okay... I wish Chat hadn't have seen that though..." she muttered into the plastic waste bin, gripping the edge tightly enough to turn her knuckles white, forgetting the fact that the person she was talking about was still next her.

"I'm going to take her to the bathroom. We'll be back." Alya had grabbed her purse before helping an extremely embarrassed Marinette up. When Marinette stumbled a bit, looking like a dizzy drunk, Adrien steadied her as he looked at her in concern.

"I'll come with-"

"No. You and Plagg stay here. She needs her best friend with her right now, not her boyfriend. We'll be right back." Without letting Adrien speak another word to try to convince her otherwise, Alya helped Marinette hobble out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her loudly, to emphasize her point.

"You didn't need to sound so mean Alya." Marinette scolded as they briskly made their way up to the bathroom, trying to avoid people. They passed many other compartments that held other passengers before they finally got to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry, but I knew you were embarrassed." Which Alya thought was weird, considering her best friend paraded around Paris in a skintight spandex outfit covered in Ladybug spots. You'd think she'd feel a little bit more confident. Granted, she did just throw up in front of her boyfriend, who just so happens to be the guys she's been crushing on hardcore for years now.

"Thanks." They locked the door behind them as Alya set her purse on the counter, pulling out a small travel size bottle of mouthwash. "Why do you just have mouthwash in your purse?" Marinette asked as she eyes the cool green liquid as it sloshed around in the small plastic bottle.

"I was gonna use it as a joke about you two, so it's a good thing I bought it. You could use it." Alya teased her. Marinette smiled and rolled her eyes at her silly best friend before saying thanks and picking up the mouthwash, breaking the plastic wrapping around it and throwing it in the trash can near the toilet.

A sudden pounding on the door nearly made Marinette choke and swallow the minty mouthwash, the door shaking as if it were threatening to break off its hinges.

"Hold on! This bathroom is occupado!" Alya yelled, slamming her fist on the door at the persistent knocker. The knocking didn't cease, and with Alya's temper growing, she unlocked the door and swung it wide open to be greeted by a big burly man.

Marinette coughed up the mouthwash into the sink as she stared at the man. He had an all too familiar necklace on. It had a bullet threaded on it, one that looked like the bullets in all those photos of the Proietille Velenoso victims.

"Oh, uh, sorry occupied!" Alya tried to close the door on the man, using her whole body weight to press against the door. He pushed back, trying to force himself in. Marinette, not wanting to be useless, joined Alya as she body slammed against the door, helping her best friend keep the man out.

"We don't want your cookies, sorry!" Alya yelled through gritted teeth, probably angering the Italian man even more.

"He's not a Girl Scout Alya! He's one of the members!"

"Of the Girl Scouts?"

"No! Of Proietille Velenoso! Where the hell are you getting this Girl Scouts stuff from?!" The teenage girls were starting to be pushed back, the sneakers sliding against the tile floor. The door pushed the two girls back, nearly squashing them between it and the wall if it hadn't have been for Marinette's fast reflexes and grabbing Alya.

"I said, we don't want your cookies!" Alya shouted, grabbing the open bottle of mouthwash. With a quick jerking motion, the liquid splashed out of the container and into his eyes, making them burn in excruciating pain. He cried out in pain as he furiously began to rub his now blood red eyes.

"Run Alya!" Marinette pushed the proud girl out of the bathroom before turning around and kicking the member in the stomach, causing him to double over before slamming the door shut on him and following Alya back to their room.


"Do you think she's okay Plagg?"

"I think she's fine kid. She must have been imagining you doing the Forbidden Art something. Or maybe she realized that she didn't have any cheese."

Well, at least Plagg started off helpful, but of course he just had to mention something about cheese before he finished talking.

A steady rhythm of thumping sounds came from his door as someone began to knock.

"I'm trying to sleep!"

The series of knocks didn't end and Adrien pulled up the door, glaring at the giant Italian man wearing a necklace with a bullet attached to it.

"I'm trying to sleep- elk!" Adrien was cut off in surprise as the man wrapped his hands around his neck tightly, walking forward as the door closed behind him. He pressed Adrien against the window, Adrien's fanned face turning a deep shade of red. He gripped the man's wrists tightly, trying to loosen the pressure as he tried to gain a little air.

"Cheap... shot..." he wheezed out before the man dug his thumbs into Adrien's throats even deeper, pressing against his jugular vein. Adrien's sight started brimming with black. He swung a closed fist at the Italian's face, which seemed to only anger him more, but he let go of Adrien. "Uh..." he coughed as he gulped for air. "Sorry." He laughed nervously with wide eyes before a loud noise escaped his throats and he barely missed a punch that was coming straight towards his face.

"Come on, not the moneymaker!"

The man swung a fist at Adrien, to which he quickly ducked under while an odd, almost inhuman sound came out of his mouth, snatching Plagg and putting him in his jacket pocket just as the man's fist collided with the metal bar of the loft bed above him.

The Proietille Velenoso member winced in pain, to which Adrien took to his advantage and kicked the Italian man back against the door, before jump kicking him in the gut. The door to his room bursted off its hinges as the man flew back against the wall.


So much for trying to go unnoticed.

Dozens of people came out of their compartments to see what all the ruckus was about, just in time to see a blue haired girl in pigtails and an ombré haired girl with glasses dash past them, a red eyed, angry, Italian man in fast pursuit.

They were about three feet from their room when a different man, who was wearing an identical necklace, broke through the door leading into their compartment. The door broke off its hinges, and was currently behind the now pinned man. Adrien followed soon after, panting as he turned to see the two girls staring at him in a look that was a mix of surprise and confusion, before they realized the man was still behind them. Adrien, now noticing the man behind the girls', widened his eyes as the ran past him. He quickly turned to go run with them, not wanting to deal with a pissed off Italian in the mafia.

"What the hell did you do now, Alya?!" Adrien shouted as they ran down the corridor, heading for the end of the train. Dodging pass the innocent passengers became increasingly harder as more and more people came filing out of their rooms to see the commotion. "Nothing to see here people! Just go back to your rooms!"

"Why the hell are you accusing me of doing something, you asshole?! What did you do?!" Alya snapped back as she pumped her arms and legs as fast as she could, not daring to look back at the two Proietille Velenoso members chasing after them.

"I didn't do anything! He just wouldn't stop knocking on the door and then he attacked me! I was just defending myself!"

"I need to transform." Adrien said, narrowly dodging one of the passengers that came out of his room. His glasses were close to falling, but he managed to push them back up before anyone noticed, not that it would matter if Alya had seen him.

"You can't! People would put two and two together, and your secret identity would be useless, idiot!" Marinette hissed. They came to a full stop as they were greeted by the end of the train car, a steel door, probably locked, in front of them. Adrien brought up his boot covered foot and began slamming it against the door handle, the guys advancing on them.

"Use that super strength!"

"I don't have it, if I'm in my civilian form idiot!" Adrien growled at Alya in frustration as he continued kicking at the handle. It was becoming looser, but not fast enough as the men were almost to the teens.

"I can buy us some time!" Before either could object, Marinette was barging into a random strangers room. She grabbed the closest suitcase she could before she saw the horrified faces of two older men staring at her. "Sorry, I need to borrow this!" She gave them a sheepish grin before darting out of the room and towards the gang members.

With all her might, she swung the dark red suitcase, which was pretty heavy actually, by the handle, the case smacking into the man on the right. The momentum of the suitcase made her swing around, but not before she saw the man she hit slam into his partner, the two tumbling into a different room.

"Got it!" She turned and saw Chat standing there with a proud grin on his face, and Alya rolling her eyes as the roaring winds blew inside of the train, bringing along with it freezing air. "I think I should get a kiss for that, princess."

"Maybe after we escape." She taunted as she joined her friends. They went outside, where they saw a ladder leading to the roof of the still moving train.

"I've always wanted to have a train top fight!" Adrien grinned. "Ladies first!" With a grand gesture, he showed his arms to the ladder, slightly curtsying.

Alya climbed, followed by Marinette, who was then trailed by Adrien who was making sure neither of the girls fell. Gunshots were fired and the girls covered their ears from the noise as Adrien dove forward, colliding into them and bringing them to the ground with him. Screams filled the night sky from the passengers on board who had probably witnessed the Proietille Velenoso members pulling out and shooting their guns. Adrien had both hands on either head as he held them, five bullets whizzing above them. Though the wind made it faint, Adrien could still smell the distinct scent of Botulinum Toxin that was covering those bullets.

"Quick thinking kitty." Marinette praised before more gunshots echoed around them.

"What can I say? Cat-like reflexes. We need to be extremely careful, these bullets aren't normal bullets."

"You mean-"

"Yeah. They have the poison on them. They mean business this time." The wind whipped at the skin, feeling sharp as knives with every hit. Marinette raised her arm to block the wind from her eyes.

"Chat, you can transform! No one's here." She could barely hear him yell out his transformation over the rippling winds. She felt Alya grip her arm, both lightweight girls being pushed back by the powerful wind. Marinette glanced back as she saw the two men crawling up the ladders, their guns lying on the roof. "This is crazy. Holy crap what I'm going to do is crazy. I love you two!" Marinette took off towards the men, Chat and Alya both reaching out to stop her.

She slid across the icy riveted roof of the train, her legs getting cut against the screws on top of the moving transportation but she didn't care as she kicked the guns from both of their hands, knocking them off the train completely, the weapons flying into the snow beside them. Her momentum took her too far and one of the men grabbed her ankle, yanking her towards him, pulling her off of the train.

"Marinette!" Alya and Chat were chasing after her, slipping against the slick roof as they tried to catch her. Her hands reached blindly, desperately swiping the air, hoping to grab anything she could. She ended up snatching her enemy's jacket, hanging off the back of him.

"Get off me!" His friend began to swat at her, yanking her hair and pulling at her arms, making her loosen her grip. She felt herself slipping and her mouth formed an 'o' shape in surprise, worry etching itself into her face.

I knew this was so stupid. But at least Chat and Alya are safe from getting poisoned.

She looked down to see the pure white snow past by them in blur. Falling into that will surely be painful, cold, and certainly wet. That was definitely something she did not want to experience.

"Let go of her!" Alya's sneaker came into view as she kicked the guy pulling the bluenette's hair and Chat's steel toed boots kicking the guy she was holding on to before he grabbed her hand, holding her up.

"Thanks- Jesus, get off me! These are handmade jeans you asshole!" Marinette yelled as the guy she was previously holding onto was now clutching at her legs, trying to take her down with him. "Let. Go. Of. Me!" With every word she kicked at the guy's face with her free foot until he released her and fell into the snow besides the tracks. "That jerk tore my jeans!"

Chat pulled Marinette up before pulling her into a tight hug, Alya joining in. Chat held her as if there was no tomorrow, and was probably hugging her so hard because it was so cold up there, but it didn't matter to her. Hugging Chat is definitely better than falling into snow off of a train going 70 miles per hour.

"Never do that again... Jesus, I thought you were going to die!" He panted as he held her as close as he possibly could to him. The air was starting to get thin around them. "Now I think I was promised a kiss?"

"Let's go inside and pretend nothing happened." Alya suggested, pulling away.

"Hey! I earned that kiss fair and square Alya! You can't keep my princess's lips away from mine!" Chat began making obnoxious kissing noises as he leaned forward towards Marinette who giggled as he sloppily kissed her cheeks and nose, before making his way for a gentle kiss on the lips.

"I'm not gonna be a third wheel-"


The train jolted as it was coming to a fast stop. Marinette and Chat fell back, still in each other's arms, falling off of the train into the powder like snow. Alya followed soon after, faceplanting into the wet snow with her butt in the air. The snow surrounded Chat, who had gladly taken the brunt of the fall for Marinette, as he held her on top of himself to make sure she didn't get cold.

He snickered as he saw a struggling Alya before getting smacked by Marinette and told to help her help Alya. Passengers were starting to look out the window, to see if they could spot the three teens of the two men.

"Oh god... we need to run! Someone might figure it!"


"Alya, you agreed with me? How sweet!"

"Shut up before I punch you in the face."

"You can't destroy perfection, you bitch!"

"What perfection, dick?"

"Just- shut the fuck up!" Marinette yelled in exasperation before they took cover inside the woods, away from the eyes of the people on the train.

Super long one for ya! What did you think of this chapter?

Until next time, peace!

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