Chapter One

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This goes out to LegathyRose thanks for the love bae! Go check out her books and youtube channel! She makes amazing edits!

It was an accident. Marinette didn't mean to do it. It was all self defense. But that didn't matter.

Marinette stared up in horror at Chat Noir. Her body was shaking violently, hands held out in front of her. The bloody broken bottle in her trembling hand fell from her slippery grasp. The glass shattered on impact as it hit the concrete.

Her gaze moved from Chat's concerned eyes down to her bloody hands. In the dim light of the lamppost nearby, a dark red glistened against the pale porcelain skin of her hands. She now had blood on her hands. Literally.

"Marinette..." The teen in the black cat suit stood a few feet away from the terrified girl. He cautiously walked towards her, his emerald eyes pouring into her bluebell ones. Her head dropped as she stared at the man a few feet away from the two.

His clawed hands tentatively grabbed her blood covered ones.

"Marinette, look at me." She slowly met his gaze, and almost shattered right then and there. "I promise you Marinette. I promise you, I will protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you. I swear, I will protect you."

And with that, Marinette broke.


That day, it started out as any other day. Marinette had woken up late and was currently running around in her room trying to get ready in a hurry.

"Tikki! We need to go!" Tikki dashed into the small pink purse that laid on Marinette's chaise just as the bluenette made a grab for it before running, and nearly tripping in the process, down the stairs.

"Bye mama! Bye papa!"

"Bye sweetie! Don't forget to stop by the grocery store on your way home!"

Marinette yelled back an okay to her father just before she left the bakery, running as fast as she could to her school. She would have ran past Alya if her best friend didn't grab her arm. Marinette jerked back with Alya and nearly knocked both of them down.

"I'm not late!" She cheered, throwing a fist in the air. Alya just shook her head in amusement at the silly teenager and tugged on her arm.

"You will be if we don't get to class." Marinette let out a nervous laugh and scratched the back of her neck.

"Oh yeah..." Alya shook her head again with a smile plastered on her face as she and Marinette walked to class. The two girls sat in their seats behind Adrien and Nino.

"Hey guys!" Alya and Marinette greeted simultaneously as they sat in the wooden chairs.

Nino said hey back but Adrien just stayed slumped in his seat, a clenched hand pressed against his cheek as he furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the board in front of him.

He had this feeling that something bad was going to happen and he just couldn't shake it off. It was like something was eating at the pit of his stomach, like an aching feeling. And it just kept eating away at him, and he couldn't forget it.

What could possibly happen today that could make him get this feeling?

He knew his friends were worried about him, judging by the way they were all looking at him with worried and concerned eyes. He felt bad that he was making them feel like that but how was he supposed to act with this disturbing feeling?

He gave them a smile, easing their worriedness just a little, and returned back to thinking of different possibilities that could make him feel this way.

Alya and Nino shrugged it off but Marinette curiously looked at the boy, her crush, in front of her.

Oh well.


Marinette groaned in frustration. It was now 9:45 at night and Marinette was walking home with grocery bags. Alya didn't let her leave until her parents were home, which they didn't get back till 9:15.

She shook her head as she continued to walk home. She hated walking home from the grocery store, especially at night. It was in a bad neighborhood, one that she and Chat Noir had to go to a lot to stop robbers and killers.

She gulped as she walked under the dim flickering lampposts that scattered across the road. Somewhere nearby a dog barked loudly nearly making her jump out of her skin.

Let's get home quickly...

She started to jog to get to the bakery faster. Just as she started to jog, she heard someone whistle. She broke out into a sprint but that did nothing as the person who whistled roughly grabbed her arm.

Marinette let out a yelp as she was forcefully pulled back into the person. She felt hands grasp her shoulders and spin her around so she was face to face with her attacker.

"What's a young girl like you doing in this part of town at night?" A man who appeared to be in his mid twenties asked as his eyes skimmed over her body.

The man had short black hair and dark brown eyes with a cruel smirk placed on his face that was surrounded by a scruffy beard, like he missed a few days of shaving. He reeked of alcohol and as he leaned in even closer to Marinette's face, she could see his red eyes.

"P-Please let me go." Marinette stuttered, dropping her groceries. "I can give you money."

Her eyes dropped down to her purse where Tikki was hiding. The ladybug kwami stared up at her holder with wide worried lilac eyes.

"I don't want money, sweet cheeks." Marinette crinkled her nose at the pet name the man had given her. "I just want some fun s'all."

The man smirked again as he pulled on the shoulder of Marinette's jacket, sliding it down her arm.

"Get away from me!" Marinette yelled as she jerked away from the man's touch. She tripped on the bag of groceries behind her an fell onto her arse.

"That's no fun..." The man advanced towards the young girl on the floor.

"Stay away, I'm warning you."

"What can you do, sweet cheeks? Scream?" He ignored her warning and continued to walk towards her.

"I said stay away!" She screamed as she pulled a glass bottle containing olive oil from one of her sacks.

"You better watch it." He hissed as she got up, holding the bottle defensively in front of her. She quickly smashed the end of it against the brick building next to her, making the dark brown bottle break, turning it into a weapon.

She pointed the sharp end at the man who laughed in response.

"What can a little girl like you do with that, huh? Kill me? You can't. You can't kill me because you refuse to."

Marinette gulped. He was right, she didn't want to kill him, but she'd cut him if she had to.

"Just leave me alone."

The man snarled at her, bearing his teeth. "Like I said, I want to have fun. And I will!"

He growled as he leapt towards Marinette. She let out a squeak from the sudden attack and barely dodged it in time. He dove face first into the building behind her.

"You little bitch!" He pulled something out of his jacket. A switchblade. He snapped it open and held his arms out of his body, hunched over like he's ready to tackle a person. "Now you're gonna get it!"

He swung his arm wildly in front of him, slicing his knife into her arm. Marinette cried out in pain, nearly dropping the bottle in surprise. The knife had cut through her blazer, which was currently being stained with her blood.

She stumbled backwards as the man swung again, aiming for her chest. She gasped as she slipped on the plastic bag that was holding her groceries and fell down once more. She looked above her as the man towered over her, knife placed in both hands and ready to plunge into her chest.

She reacted on impulse. She wasn't thinking about the consequences of doing what she did. She was just thinking about what she needed to do to live. So she leapt into action.

The brown broken bottle she was holding drove itself into the man's stomach, digging in deep as she stood up.

She had watery eyes as she stared at the man who stared back at her with surprised eyes. His mouth formed an 'o' shape as he glanced down at his abdomen.

Her hands were getting covered in the attacker's blood, the metallic smell filling the air. He fell backwards, leaving Marinette standing alone with a broken glass bottle in her grasp, as the life left his eyes. He slid down the brick wall and Marinette began to start breathing fast.

"Marinette!" Chat's familiar voice echoed through the empty neighborhood but she didn't answer. She was too busy staring at the man she had just killed.

"I... I... I..." She began to shudder as she moved her gaze from the man who was sitting in a pool of his own blood down to the bloody bottle she had used to kill him.

"I killed a man..."

"Marinette! Are you okay?" Chat paused as he glanced from the broken glass bottle in her hand down to the man who had attacked her. He saw it. He watched her kill him.

And she was forced to kill this man because he wasn't fast enough to arrive to save his Princess from this sick pedophile, this twisted psycho.

It was his fault. He knew it and yet all he could do was stare helplessly as his Princess began to shake.

"I-It was an accident!" She cried out as she looked at the teenage boy dressed in a leather cat suit with bright green eyes that were full of concern and guilt

Marinette stared up in horror at Chat Noir. Her body was shaking violently, hands held out in front of her. The bloody broken bottle in her trembling hand fell from her slippery grasp. The glass shattered on impact as it hit the concrete.

Her gaze moved from Chat's concerned eyes down to her bloody hands. In the dim light of the lamppost nearby, a dark red glistened against the pale porcelain skin of her hands. She now had blood on her hands. Literally.

"Marinette..." The teen in the black cat suit stood a few feet away from the terrified girl. He cautiously walked towards her, his emerald eyes pouring into her bluebell ones. Her head dropped as she stared at the man a few feet away from the two.

His clawed hands tentatively grabbed her blood covered ones.

"Marinette, look at me." She slowly met his gaze, and almost shattered right then and there. "I promise you Marinette. I promise you, I will protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you. I swear, I will protect you."

And with that, Marinette broke.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as realization hit her. They came fast and they weren't gonna stop any time soon.

"Chat!" She cried. She tore her hands from his grasp, instead, throwing her arms around his waist.

"Chat!" He wrapped his arms around the small trembling girl that was holding onto him like her life depended on it. He cradled her head to his chest as she weeped into the leather suit.

"I-I-I actually... I actually... He's d-dead! He was alive and breathing a few minutes ago! And now he's dead! Because of me! I killed him!" She yelled into his chest, clutching onto him even tighter.

"I'm a murderer..."

"Listen to me." He pulled away from her and took her chin in his hand and held it so she was facing him.

"I'm getting you out of this mess. Do you understand me Marinette? You're going to get to go back home, see your parents, go to school. Do you hear me? I will get you out of this."

She cried even more and went back in for another hug. Chats eyes focused on the dead man in front of him, taking in every detail of his face.

Shit. If that's who I think it is...

His breath hitched as he stared at the body lying on the cold cement, surrounded by the thick blood.

His dark brown eyes were open wide, dull and lifeless. His mouth was ajar and a thin steady stream of blood poured out of the corner of his moth, dribbling on to the gray hoodie he was wearing, staining it with big red drops.

If it is him...

Then protecting Marinette just got harder.

Yay! I'm really excited for this book!

Until next time, peace!

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