Chapter Twenty

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"Marinette! Alya! Brace for impact!"


It was all fine. In fact, just a few minutes ago they were all joking about Alya being a fat ass that took too much space in the back and how there was no way in hell she was precious cargo. There was a few blissful seconds of peace, and Adrien was thinking this was exactly how it was supposed to be. He and Marinette, together and happy with Plagg, and Alya trying to pop in and include herself. He was happy. But of course, no happiness lasts long with Adrien, not with his bad luck.

At first he didn't know what was going on. He just saw blinding lights coming from Marinette's window. Naturally he had thought that it was the sunlight, because who would've thought that a truck would be barreling towards the side of their car? Honestly, he should have. I mean they were on the run for their lives after all. So this should have been normal for him, and he should have been able to react faster. But no, because he was too happy, to think straight.

He should have known that happiness killed. It always did when it came to him. That was, after all, why he decided to give up his own happiness for the sake of the people he loved and yet he had still let his walls down for them and here they were, with a truck about to crash into them. Into Marinette's side of the car.

"Marinette! Alya! Brace for impact!" The words were barely out of his throat as he dove over Marinette, shielding her with his body, his back pressing cold window. Tucking Marinette's head safely into his chest, a hand reached back to push Alya's head down. Just as she went down, taking Plagg with her, their mustang jolted to the side from the shattering impact of the truck.

Windows gave way from the sudden pressure, glass raining down around them in sharp shards, piercing through the flesh on Adrien's back. He could barely hear the girls' screams over the roaring boom of the engine in the truck blowing up before an intense, blazing, heat flooded over his wounded skin. He bit back his cries of pain as he tightened his hold on the terrified girl below him, just as the fire from the exploded engine began to burn away the cloth left on his back. He felt the flames lick at his bare skin, searing his open, glass filled wounds.

Just when he thought the pain was verging onto unbearable, a sudden hit to the head knocked him into unconsciousness, the immense hurt he had been feeling began to fade away along with the light as black filled his vision. "Marin... ette..." He managed to mutter before he finally gave into the darkness.


Now, what came as an even greater surprise to Adrien, not that this one really should have been a surprise either, was when he woke up with his wrists cuffed in metal links hanging above his head as he sat on his knees shirtless.

His miraculous, luckily, was still on his finger, so he just assumed the idiots were a bunch of perverts who wanted a slice of his abs.

You may be thinking, "Adrien, this is no time for you to be all cocky! You need to save Marinette! And Alya too... I guess." Well, ladies and gentlemen, that is exactly what he was trying to do. It wasn't going very well with the fact that he had absolutely no idea where he or they were, and assumed the worst. That they were in the Proietille Velenoso hide out.

Even though he wasn't in his Chat Noir form, he still had more advanced senses then other people. His nose was filled with the smell of damp mold and copper, probably from his wounds from the attack by the truck. Oh god. If he was in this bad of shape how bad was Marinette? Alya? Are they okay? Okay, stupid question, they were most likely kidnapped by Proietille Velenoso, so no, they were definitely not okay.

His bruised wrists, (how were they already bruised?), tugged harshly against the cold metal of his hand cuffs as he tried to slip his hands out of the squeezing metal.

"I need... to go save... Marinette..." He panted out. He was hungry, thirsty, and yet that didn't matter to him in the slightest. What did matter was that they had Marinette, and he was stuck here, handcuffed to the wall. It was almost pathetic. He could feel his throat closing in panic as he thought about all they stuff they could do to her, all they stuff they probably did do to her already. His heart began to race in fear at an unhealthy pace as he felt sweat crawl down his neck. Air- he needed air! He can't breathe! He can't breathe! He's going to suffocate!

No, Adrien, this is not the time! You cannot have a panic attack now! Marinette still needs you! Alya needs you! Plagg needs you! Come on boy, breathe. Breathe. One... Two... Three, release. One... Two... Three, release.

He continued the cycle in his head until he felt himself calming down.

"Hello?" A soft, hardly noticeable voice echoed through out the dark room. Adrien sucked his breath in, his bright green eyes widening. That voice... He knew that voice. But who is it?

Who do you think it is? This story is coming close to it's end! I'm excited for the end, but also sad that it's gonna end.

Until next time, peace!

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