chapter eight

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Adderheart knew that waking in the morning would probably be one of the hardest things he'd do all quarter moon. There were so many things that could go wrong with a simple motion, a basic action, a quipped mention of something in someone's speech...

It was reasonable that he was pleased to wake before the sunrise, then.

The pale-furred warrior rose carefully, edging from the den. His ears twitched as he slipped from the den. Memories from the night before rushed back to him, feelings immediately clambering up into his throat. Swallowing heavily, he shifted and padded toward the fresh-kill pile.

On the horizon, there was no sun, rather instead a moon, one that delicately held itself up. However, it wasn't going to last for long. Even though no sun existed just yet, its faint rays of peachy pinks and charming oranges slowly crept upward on the opposing horizon. The moon glared sharp, icy daggers at it, however, it couldn't stop the morning's approaching steps.

Picking up a thin, russet squirrel from the pile, he swerved toward the place where he and Pantherleap had been trapped previously. Tufts of light fur were stuck in the wall. He cursed under his breath. Had nobody noticed yet?

Quickly, he removed each piece, the other tom's scent wreathing around him. Adderheart scraped at the ground, shoving the tufts of fur into the ground before patting the dirt down firmly on top of it.

He finished his squirrel soon enough and for good measure, he buried the bones on top of the fur.



The warriors' gazes met.

Immediately, Adderheart pulled himself to his paws, padding over to the tom. He stood at the fresh-kill pile, glancing back down to the heap of prey. It appeared emptier than before as if someone had stolen some of its contents after Adderheart had taken his squirrel.

"Hungry?" Adderheart prompted.

Pantherleap turned away, shaking his head decisively. He trotted toward the entrance of camp and Adderheart followed him, watching with guarded dark gray eyes.

The warrior slipped through the camp's entrance, leaving Adderheart to quickly trot after him.

He supposed that it would take a bit to get to the forest, and that was fine. He was sure that Pantherleap knew that, too, for the original pace they both set out in was a steady yet brisk one. It was clear that Adderheart did not want to waste the time they had before dawn, and he hoped that Pantherleap agreed.

Heading out before dawn not only secured the fact that it was unlikely anyone would see them. It also helped confirm the idea in both cats' minds that they could spend a bit longer chattering while still using the patrol as a coverup. Most patrols went out precisely at dawn, so if the two wanted to make it on time without being suspicious, they could likely talk a bit past dawn.

Adderheart watched as Pantherleap jumped nimbly over a small, fallen log, covered in moss. On its somewhat rotten surface was the light tinging of prey-scent. It was earthy, deep, pleasant and full. Likely a vole or a ground-bound squirrel, he knew, yet there was no sight of the prey.

As the two continued on, the pale-furred senior warrior found that there were plenty more smells like that. Drifting, yet present, as if the creature had once been there yet now had disappeared for reasons unknown to the cats.

Passing through a small clearing, Adderheart caught sight of a mouse, scuffling at the roots of a pine tree. Some of its needles had fallen delicately to the ground, seeming fresher than a lot of the other cushiony pieces of the tree. The mouse didn't seem to notice the prickly objects all around it though, for it kept digging at the base of the tree.

Pantherleap's tail kinked over his back and his even steps immediately stopped. Adderheart's ears pricked and swiveled as he slowed, studying the creature. It appeared thin, with gaunt little features and a whip-thin tail, however that was usual for the browny-gray mouse.

Within a few more moments, Pantherleap had dropped into a hunting crouch. Though, the other warrior could see that the nearby tree was going to knock straight into Pantherleap's strong form, so he circled where the mouse was. If he could get on the other side of both the mouse and Pantherleap, then perhaps the latter would scare it to him.

Adderheart's pawsteps and movements were muffled by the blanket of pine needles as he managed to situate himself opposing the mouse. If only his fur wasn't so bright, then maybe he'd blend in a little better. His dark gray eyes flashed as he watched.

Pantherleap crept forward, tail fanned out behind him. However, as predicted, the warrior ran straight into the tree branch, instantly altering the mouse of his presence. With a horribly high-pitched squeak, it whipped around and sprung straight toward Adderheart.

Who, consequently, hadn't been paying attention.

Hurriedly, Adderheart leaped after the mouse, as it had scuttled off into a nearby collection of bushes He could hear Pantherleap's pawsteps behind him, each of which was just as quick to catch up with the mouse. Adderheart's tail whipped as he finally located the mouse. It was swiftly navigating its way through the forest. It swerved through and around trees, not stopping at all.

And neither did Adderheart.

Though the mouse, seemingly growing tired, slowed, and it turned to a tree, attempting to scrabble its way up. Adderheart bared his teeth and launched at it, claws scraping at the bark. At the frenzied squeaks that followed, he realized he'd caught the brownish-gray creature between his claws.

Huffing, the warrior delivered it to death. Pantherleap rushed in a moment later, attempting to get his breathing under control. His green eyes swept to the bark, scored with claw marks and splattered with a small amount of blood. He glanced to Adderheart, a small smile rising upon his features.

"Good... catch..." he managed between breaths.

"Thanks," Adderheart answered, just as breathless.

For a moment, the two stood, attempting to get their breathing under control. At least, enough so that they weren't huffing every time they attempted to speak. Adderheart sat down and leaned a bit against the tree behind him, whiskers twitching as Pantherleap took a similar position.

"So?" Pantherleap had recovered, clearly, and quickly, too. His gaze was guarded once more.

"So what?" Adderheart questioned back, sniffing a little as if to clear himself of the huffing for one last time.

Pantherleap shifted. "Questions? Do you have any?"

"Oh. Um," Adderheart spoke in a quieter tone than usual, though not because he didn't want anyone to find out. He knew there was nobody in the forest at this time, for barely a ray or two of sunlight was spread across the territory. He was quiet because he didn't know what else to say.

Pantherleap's tail flicked.

"What happened...? And, what's been happening," clarified the warrior quickly.

The other tom gave a light sigh. "I can't... I can't say, Adderheart."

"What? Why not?"

"I just can't," replied Pantherleap, now wrapping his tail tightly around his paws. It appeared he expected an onslaught of questions, however, Adderheart noticed this, and he wasn't planning on pressing the tom if he was uncomfortable.

Adderheart started, "Well, I..."

"Thank you, Adderheart," he cut in.

"For what?" The pale-furred tom was confused by the change in subject... I'll get back to the issue with Cougarstar later. He doesn't seem very trusting. Just like me.

"Helping me," Pantherleap stated simply. "For helping me when you could've left me to be discovered by... by..."

His gaze clouded for a moment and he looked away, noticeably swallowing heavily. Adderheart's gaze flickered with concern, though it too became a high-walled castle as he waited for the tom to continue. He's talking about when I shoved us both into the thorns, isn't he?

"Thank you for not leaving me to be discovered by Beetlepath, Mudstripe, and Briargaze. You could've left me, probably to get some sort of fame within the Clan, since they surely would've told the Clan within moments. And, considering your position with the recent cleaning of the den, I'm mildly surprised that you didn't."

Adderheart's ears twitched. "Me allowing you to be discovered may have heightened my position, though it could've also painted me as horrible for leaving you to be discovered."

Pantherleap shifted, eyes flashing. "So you did it for yourself in the end?"

"I- That isn't what I meant, Pantherleap," Adderheart answered, tail wrapping tightly around his paws.

The warrior went silent.

"I meant... I..."

Fox-dung. I've trapped myself!

Anger spiraled within him at his idiocy. This had been his chance to make it up to him, or at least try and clear some of the cloudiness of the situation up, and now here he was, immediately dropping mistake after mistake without even seeming to notice till it was done. How come he wasn't being as sharp as normal? His tail thumped against the ground.

Focus, Adderheart! He reprimanded himself harshly, forcing his claws to stay sheathed. Don't mess up anymore. Just clean up the situation- the mess. The mess you've made. It's fine. It's fine.

Pantherleap's expression was carefully guarded, eyes trained on the warrior opposing him.

"I didn't do it for myself, because if I had, I would've claimed you'd injured me after shoving me into the brambles. You know Mudstripe, Briargaze, and Beetlepath would have instantly told Cougarstar, who wasn't there, and that would've ended even worse for you. I could've lied easily through that-"

"But they may not have believed you," Pantherleap interrupted. "As I see, your standings within the Clan aren't... well."

Adderheart's ear twitched as he swallowed. "Admittedly, that is my fault," he replied, "however, I'm sure those three - ever caught up with gossip, as I'm sure you'd know - wouldn't miss a chance to ruin your reputation. Considering the fact that Briargaze barely was able to understand the fact that they weren't going to go tell Cougarstar, I'm sure she would've taken it upon herself to tell.

"As well," he continued, hardly pausing to breathe, "I feel as though Beetlepath and Mudstripe would've believed you if you fought otherwise, however, it would've been likelier for them to tell Cougarstar if there would've been an additional event. And, since he wasn't there, StarClan knows what could've happened."

Pantherleap's eyes were still guarded. Adderheart decided that completely spilling everything wasn't a good idea, and instead, he decided to swap to conversation of the rogues. Considering the fact that's what the three had been chattering about, it'd likely be a good idea to get Pantherleap's opinion on it.

If he'd share.

"The rogues that they were talking about... was a bit concerning," he added, unsure of whether or not his swapping of the topic was obvious or not. "Considering we investigated some of the scents and found nothing... I mean, if there's new rogue scenting, perhaps the one we found wasn't just a fluke."

Still, the warrior did not answer and frustration bubbled within Adderheart. Come on, just give me your side!

"It's hardly past leaf-fall," Adderheart commented in a quieter tone. "If the rogues come this early, then surely leaf-bare is soon to sweep upon us..."

"The herb stores aren't doing well," Pantherleap murmured, voice tentative as he spoke. "Coalbelly is displeased with the loss of herbs so early in the season. And, besides, herbs don't grow back. If we lose them this early and we get attacked by rogues soon, we'll... we'll suffer, surely."

Adderheart nodded. He hadn't known of the issue with the herbs. "I didn't know about the herbs."

"Nobody does," Pantherleap looked up, green eyes flickering with a nervous light. "Nobody does. Well, except you, me, and who you'd expect to know."

"Why do you know? I thought Cougarstar wouldn't trust you after what you did at the border. He seemed really angry for just a little investigation," the warrior questioned, tipping his head.

Pantherleap's tail swept around his paws. "You know how he is with his borders and patrols, especially considering the rogues' early arrival. He keeps dragging me into these... meetings, with Palewhisker, Coalbelly, Twilightcloud, Bearpatch, Tinydust, and sometimes Sootdawn. Usually, it ends in... arguments."

The tom's voice dropped significantly, ears pulling tightly to his skull. "And, last time... Well, you saw were that got me."

Adderheart's own ears dropped to his head, concern flickering within him. "You should get out more. He won't have as many opportunities to bother you."

"Not all the meetings are with me," Pantherleap clarified, "some are strictly Cougarstar and Tinydust, who I'm sure you know agrees with him regardless of what he says. Bearpatch just sits there and offers little opinion, Sootdawn following suit if she's present. Palewhisker sits there too and pretends to listen but really, he's making choices for himself. I mean, so is Cougarstar.

"If I'm in the meeting, it's not that important, because if it was, I wouldn't be there. Usually, it's me or Coalbelly to question him."

Coalbelly? Adderheart's ear twitched curiously.

"Coalbelly, I know," Pantherleap gently tapped his tail on Adderheart's paw. "It's a surprise to me, too. She appears cold or sharp most of the time, though I've seen her spirited side. She seems to understand where I come from, though she isn't as outspoken as - I guess - you could say I am. Since the rest of the den is mostly silent, my measly additions count as outspokenness."

"They consider you outspoken?" Adderheart tried to keep his mouth from falling to the ground. It seemed as though they were pinning things unfairly on Pantherleap.

"Cougarstar," corrected the warrior, tail flicking back to curl around his paws. "Cougarstar considers me outspoken, and considering his headstrong tendencies, he's a tad hypocritical."

Adderheart almost said "I'm not surprised" but managed to conceal it.

"Besides, Cougarstar'll-"

A rustle sounded nearby and instantly, Pantherleap sprung to his paws and attempted to launch up a tree. However, it was clear his skills were not so sharp, because he fell to the ground immediately. Terror clambered into Adderheart's throat. He couldn't climb either. Where was this rustle coming from?

"Get into the bushes," ordered Pantherleap, unsheathing his claws as if he was preparing to jump up again.

"You're doomed to get caught if you jump up!" Adderheart exclaimed, racing forward to the base of the tree that Pantherleap had situated himself at. His tail whipped back and forth as he glanced over his shoulder.

"I said go!" Pantherleap hissed, kicking at Adderheart. Stumbling backward, the warrior hurriedly retreated to the bushes, crouching between a few branches. Pine needles pricked sharply at his paws. The pain that lightly speckled around his paws seemed much more real than a casual stroll through the forest.

Pantherleap attempted to leap up the tree once more, but his claws scraped uselessly against the piney bark and he fell again, this time with an audible groan following. Worry filled Adderheart as he watched the warrior rise once more, shaking out his tawny fur.

Huffing a few breaths, Pantherleap eyed the tree. A few branches appeared easier to climb on, so the tom launched upward. His paws flailed in the air for a moment as he attempted to navigate his way closer to the tree. His left paw caught on a branch and he gripped it tightly, wringing himself up and onto the branch. Breathing heavily, the warrior's gaze swept around.

How did he do that?

"I don't see anything!"

Pantherleap's soft voice drifted across the small clearing.

"Neither do I!" hissed Adderheart, tail fanning out against the ground. Suddenly, he realized he'd abandoned his mouse in the middle of the clearing. It lay limply, unmoving, simply still like a stone.

Above, Pantherleap shifted in the tree, also noticing the creature.

I forgot all about it! Adderheart thought, frustrated.

Pantherleap inched a bit toward the end of the branch and the pale-furred warrior's heart leapt into his throat. No way would he jump off to get the mouse after struggling to get up into the tree in the first place. He couldn't and he wouldn't. No. I won't allow it. He's going to get injured and he'll pass it off again just like last time!

Above the horizon glowed a pleasant sun, a bright grin printed across its features. It allowed a somewhat dim, though still rather luminescent light to flood the clearing. It flicked throughout the branches and the trees, slanting directly into Pantherleap's green eyes. They glimmered shinily, shimmery in the dimmed golden light.

He's going to jump off!

Alarm flashed in Adderheart's dark gray gaze, terror spreading through him like forest fire.

"Pantherleap, don't you dare-"

He didn't listen.

The pale-furred warrior continued to head toward the ever-narrowing branch, pelt being scraped by the needles upon its branches on the way. He pressed closer to the tree, tail kinking over his back as he narrowed his eyes at the mouse. And with a swift motion, he attempted to leap off.

Pantherleap hung suspended in the air for half a moment and then he fell.

Plummeting to the ground, the tom suppressed a cry of pain. Instead, he let out another hiss of agony, and Adderheart sprung from his hiding place. Rushing over to the other warrior, he crouched down, peering over the tom.

"I said not to," Adderheart hissed, "are you okay? What hurts? That looked painful. I said not to jump!" His tone drifted to a snarl as he stamped his paw sharply against the ground, gaze glazed with terror.

Pantherleap murmured something in a raspy, husky tone, struggling to his paws. His tail waved dismissively.

"What? I didn't hear you," Adderheart pointed out sharply.

"I said stop," Pantherleap turned to Adderheart, gaze edged. "I'm fine. I just f- I fell. That's all," he answered, tail whipping as he turned around. He gritted his teeth, adding another string of words as if to convince the other tom he was okay: "I'm fine- I'm fine...!"

Adderheart realized he'd likely come off too strong, so he carefully crept around the tom to face him.

"I'm sorry. I... was just worried," he said, ears lowering. He forced them up, resolving his expression to be simply concerned, nothing like the fear he'd felt a few moments before...

"I noticed." Pantherleap's tail whipped. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. We have hunting to do, Adderheart. Bury your mouse and we can start on finding prey."

"Pantherleap, wait, are you going to be okay?" Adderheart's tail flashed in the way of the warrior.

He offered a small sigh, a light bobbing of his head following. "Yes, Adderheart. I'm okay. I just need to stop... overreacting, with small injuries like this. Coalbelly will be angry if we waste herbs."

"Waste?" challenged Adderheart.

A light smile drifted across the strong tom's features. "Intelligent, I see. I figured, with you, that would be the case anyway. But, I'll be okay. Now bury that mouse and meet me toward the border."

Pantherleap's head bobbed in a polite and respectful dip of his head. Then he turned around and plunged into the bushes.

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