chapter thirty eight

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The very second they arrived in camp, Adderheart almost thought that the entire camp had been notified of what happened.

It was as though there had been some sort of message that had been sent out before they'd arrived. Instantly, Cougarstar sprung out and glared at the two as he whipped his tail. That alone seemed to notify the rest of the camp, and warriors flooded from the den, curiosity shining within their gazes. Palewhisker and Bearpatch stalked from the den, yet the latter more so slipped out in a much smoother way.

"What's going on here?" Cougarstar demanded, slapping his tail against the ground. Sola groaned as she finally seemed to slip away from Adderheart's grasp, and she simply thunked against the ground as though she were a rock.

"Who's that?" Palewhisker questioned, flicking his tail sharply at Salem and Sola. "Marigoldcry, Freckletuft, get them to camp's center." The two warriors quickly rushed from the gathering crowd and dragged them both to the camp's middle, whereupon both black cats hissed.

Adderheart peered closer as Pantherleap yanked him back into the crowd and he could easily see blood seeping from where the two warriors were grasping their scruffs. Holding back a flinch, the pale-furred tom allowed his gaze to meet Cougarstar's.

"Who are they, I said?" Palewhisker badgered, turning a hostile gaze on both toms.

"Salem," Pantherleap answered, pointing his tail at the tom. "Sola."

"Siblings, different litters though, and rogues. We found them searching for our camp, due to orders issued by Tawn, their leader, from their camp," Adderheart added. Anxiety swirled deep within his figure yet he tried his best to breathe normally. If I explain this, then I'll be in his good graces. At least for right now.

"Ages?" pressed Cougarstar, who had stalked over to both of the rogues. Marigoldcry had Sola pinned by her throat, yet Freckletuft had her paw slammed fiercely down on Salem's tail as to ensure he didn't squirm. When he inched to the left, a loud ripping sound threaded its way through the camp, and he roared in an agonizingly loud tone.

"Shut up," snapped Palewhisker as the tom's hisses devolved into pained whimpers, "and don't rip his tail, maybe it has a trail to their camp."

"Sorry," mumbled Freckletuft, looking down at the now-still tom. "He was the one who moved."

"Sola is eighteen. Salem is ten," Pantherleap answered, allowing his voice to grow loud as though to catch the attention of the crowd. It apparently worked, for the majority of the spectator's gazes flitted to survey Pantherleap. He seated himself and Adderheart did the same, his tail wrapping over his paws.

"Warrior and apprentice," mused Cougarstar, venomously glaring down at both rogues. Sola glared up, fierce determination glittering within her gaze. He simply chuckled and allowed a paw with claws unsheathed to dangle above her features. She bared her teeth and he trailed a claw across her cheek.

Instantly she convulsed, which happened to allow Marigoldcry's claws to sink right into her throat. She whined in agony, her paws flailing as she tried to get free.

"Don't move," Palewhisker spat, stalking over to her as he sliced a claw across her flank. The black rogue flinched, tears bubbling at the edges of her usually shiny, though now dulled with agony, blue gaze.

"Don't h-hurt me!" She gasped, managing to shove Marigoldcry off her throat as she choked for a moment, coughing up blood as it bubbled at her maw.

"Stop talking," ordered Palewhisker, and the she-cat seemed to stop, though she managed to lift a paw to harshly swipe at the blood now pooling around her neck and muzzle. She huffed as though to try and breathe and the deputy glared harshly down at her.

"How'd you find them?" Cougarstar glared at Palewhisker as though to order to him to ensure the she-cat didn't make any more noises. The deputy leveled his gaze before averting it, swallowing an evident lump in his throat.

Pantherleap responded, "Sola was stalking us and trying to gain information as to where our camp was. Salem was alongside her yet he hid and attempted to attack us, though Adderheart saw him in time and pinned him."

Bearpatch, who had appeared beside his father, sent a dip of his skull to the warrior. Adderheart couldn't help the confusion and worry that quickly spiraled up within him. I thought he was supposed to be neutral. Unless he's not? Or maybe Cougarstar is making him do this all.

Though Cougarstar, similarly, sent him an approving nod and, really, he wasn't appreciative of it at all. It meant that a leader agreed with what he'd done; a leader that was horrible in every way possible had approved of his actions. A leader that disagreed with something he was doing so strongly he was willing to cast cats from his Clan approved of what he'd done.

Shifting, he allowed his ears to twitch as though in a half-reply. He was unwilling to speak to them, at least, he was unwilling to do so directly, and especially when they'd been so evident in their actions. He could almost sense the sharp gazes of other cats trained upon his pelt, scorching and harsh in nature.

"So, tell us about Tawn." Palewhisker's tone was sweet like honey yet it was an order. "Who wants to go first?"

"Sola? Salem?" Cougarstar prompted, slipping over to peer down at the former cat. She had gone still, attempting to breathe, and she'd even managed to lift a paw and apply pressure to her neck. The blood around her was evidently harsh-smelling and horrible to look at. Within the sun's light, it momentarily glinted and shimmered.

"You want to go first?" Palewhisker commented, harshly poking Salem in the side, and he mutedly shook his skull. With that, he turned back to Cougarstar, who was still hanging over the dark-furred she-cat. "Okay, it's decided then; Sola, go ahead!" He purred, poison flitting in and out of his sweet tone.

The she-cat huffed, rising unsteadily to her paws. Cougarstar glared at her yet she ignored it, huffing and panting as she attempted to gain balance and breath. She managed to spit out, "If I d-die, then I won't be able to tell you an-any information— so give me s-some herbs, or I won't— I c-can't—"

She quickly stumbled over her words before toppling back to the ground, seeming to begin gasping for air once more. Without any orders, Coalbelly dashed over, dropping a few leaves in front of her before tossing the same ones over to her brother. Yet, before much else could occur, the two cats quickly ate them, trying their best to appear weak.

It was clear to see that they were weak, but they could've easily been weaker. They easily could've been dying on the ground, and while they could've easily been assumed close to such, they had the little strength left to allow them to move minimally.

"What are you doing?!" Palewhisker demanded, hissing as he stepped up to Coalbelly, who now was swiftly wrapping cobwebs around Sola's figure. "Don't help them!"

"Sola's right. If we want information, they can't be dead," the healer replied in an even tone, soon enough moving on to Salem to do the same. "I'm not giving them too many herbs, only wrapping their injuries."

"What? You can't be serious. Helping a rogue? Two rogues?" The deputy scoffed as he allowed his paw to slap against the healer's skull. She swallowed something that seemed like a snap as he glared at her, and Bearpatch's voice split the clearing.

"Don't hit her."

Palewhisker stepped back, fury still clear within his eyes as he seated himself near to the rogues. The Clan watched silently as a small trickle of blood slowly formed from where the deputy had hit Coalbelly's skull. She worked silently, not making a single sound as the two rogues occasionally hissed or groaned in pain. Eventually, the dark-furred healer finished and rose quietly, heading off to her den.

Cougarstar said and did nothing to his son, and Tinydust carefully huddled beside the much larger brown-furred tom. The heir didn't seem angry, and if he was, he was hiding it well. He was simply watching, gaze sharp and now narrowed as he surveyed the Clan.

"You have to tell us about Tawn," Palewhisker retorted, narrowing his pale brown eyes at the two rogues. "Sola, you were to go first. Go ahead."

The black-furred she-cat had cobwebs wrapped around several portions of her frame, including most prominently around her neck. The bleeding was slowly pausing as time went on, at least that was what Adderheart thought. He wasn't sure what the herbs she'd eaten were, but they were likely for strength.

Sola pulled herself into an awkward sitting position with an irritated hiss, lifting a paw as she licked it and drew it over her ear. Craning her neck momentarily, she turned to glare at Palewhisker before beginning to speak.

"What will you do if I don't?"

"Hurt you," Cougarstar interrupted, stalking over to her as he towered above the smaller she-cat. His green eyes were like poison, and they dripped furiously into his tone and into every action he did.

"How?" She questioned in reply, struggling to keep her voice steady.

"Whatever you can think of." The leader's reply was followed up with a large and bloodstained smile, his white teeth already harboring crimson blood upon their sharp surfaces. She narrowed her eyes, swiping her paw against the ground.

"Fine," she replied, clearly cross. "Tawn is my leader and she leads the rogue group I live with. She's tawny-furred with darker paws and dark golden eyes and her build is like yours."

Cougarstar's eyes flashed with something that almost looked like panic, but he quickly concealed it and harshly flicked his tail at Tinydust. The she-cat's features turned to a confused frown yet she quickly turned and hurried off, attempting to drag her son off with her.

The tom, confused, attempted to get away from Tinydust, yet she tugged harshly upon his paw. With a confused expression scrawled all over his appearance, Bearpatch turned and followed the she-cat. She darted for the leader's den and quickly headed in, and voices immediately exploded from the den.

With a huff, the leader paused and turned, waving his tail furiously in front of the den, and the talking grew quiet once more.

"Go on," ordered Cougarstar.

"She wants us to attack you," she continued, her tail wrapping around her paws as she glanced around the camp. Adderheart kept his dark gray eyes trained upon the ground underneath her. He was unwilling to look at her.

Cougarstar laughed before he stopped himself, and he asked sharply, "When?"

"I don't know, she didn't tell me. But we have been looking for your camp, and we also have been looking for one of our ranks that disappeared while injured," she commented, glancing to the leader. Panic leaped up within Adderheart. That can't be—

"Well that's nice, but we're not here for that," the leader interrupted, tail waving dismissively. Adderheart could almost feel his head shaking. His throat felt dry and he huffed as though to gain control over the breath that was swiftly spiraling away from him. No, no, don't! Don't—

"His name's Carmin, and he had dark blue eyes," she continued, and he wanted to run right there. He hated it all. Why did I have to be there? Why? Feelings long buried rose harshly and with a newly conjured vengeance, and all he could do was sway slightly as he swallowed nervously.

"Oh, him, he's dead," Palewhisker cut in with a shrug. "Our first encounter with rogues left the poor injured tom dead," he continued before his tone turned much more mocking, "a shame. He was going to join us."

He wasn't! He wasn't going to do that! He wasn't ever going to join!

Fury followed more by panic and worry sprung up within the warrior. Palewhisker was just lying all the time and he refused to tell any scrap of the truth. These cats are stuck in our camp and he just keeps on lying! They'll probably stay and die here because Palewhisker refuses to feed them and orders nobody to interact with them.

Yet nobody said or did anything. All except Sola of course, and her maw dropped open out of surprise before she quickly covered it, eyes rounding as Salem looked to her.

Tinydust exited the leader's den and quickly skittered to stand beside her mate, her tail waving behind her. She was silent and the Clan turned to look at her, and immediately she seemed to shrink backward, yet Cougarstar's paw inched her forward. Though she said nothing and simply watched, eyes trained upon Salem with her paws shifting momentarily.

"Oh," Sola mewed after a moment of silence had blanketed the camp. She carefully rose to her paws and huffed, noting her position in the camp before she seemed to topple over, skidding closer to the camp's entrance.

"What're you doing?" Cougarstar demanded, stepping over as Salem seemed to do the same.

"I slipped!" She protested furiously, anger quickly leaping up within her blue eyes. He huffed and stepped to be nearer to her, peering down at her with a sharp gaze.

"Whatever," he retorted, "tell me about your little rogue group."

"What about it?" Salem interrupted, and Palewhisker turned to glare at him.

He criticized, "Whatever you want to tell us. The cats in it, the size, where you are, direct instructions... you know, the stuff that's actually important to us." The deputy smiled and lifted a paw with his claws clearly unsheathed and both rogues shivered for a moment, inching backward and closer to each other.

"It has a pretty big number of cats," Salem began, "and we're all trained. There aren't many cats younger than Sola and I in it. There aren't any nursing queens and there aren't too many siblings."

"Trained? How so?"

"With unofficial cats who train each other," Salem answered, "my unofficial trainer is Lyra, but Boulder's is someone else."

"Who's Boulder? And Lyra?" Palewhisker interrupted.

"Boulder's one of the three cats younger than me. Emesan is youngest, and Faevyli trains her," he replied shortly after. "And Lyra is ivory-gray toned. She's nice, and many consider her a good trainer."


"How many cats? And where is it? And tell us about some of the cats, what they look like, how they act, more than what you gave us for her" Cougarstar chimed in shortly after.

"Wasari is the second youngest, and Maya trains him. The two aren't a good pair but he's ten moons just like me, so he has a little while to go," the dark-furred tom continued, and at noticing the sharp glare from Palewhisker, he inched closer to his sister, who found it reasonable to speak up.

"It's not a big group," she said, but it was ultimately too clear she was lying.

"Liar," claimed Palewhisker, stalking up to her as he waved his claws within her face. He caught them upon her cheek and smiled, shrugging shortly after. "Sorry," he mewed, though he turned once more to hide the rising grin.

She lifted her paw and wiped her cheek, and Salem cast her a concerned gaze. Yet, this seemed to anger Cougarstar, who sprung forward and clasped the tom by his throat. Immediately he fell to the ground, gasping upon air he could no longer breathe, and Palewhisker slammed a paw on the ground to draw the Clan's attention away.

"How big is it, Sola?" Palewhisker asked, slipping forward as he lifted a paw to drag it underneath her chin. "How many cats?"

"Not many," she replied again, figure still.

He slashed a claw down her neck and she shifted to allow it to slice right through the cobwebs, and the tom's maw dropped open as he kicked her belly. Falling backward, her hindlegs soared into the air and kicked him in the face; instantly, he snapped his jaws around it and bit. She roared loudly, thrashing before he asked again.

"How many cats?"

"Not... many," she spat once more through gritted teeth, but her tone quickly rose to an agonized yelp as he sunk his claws into her hindleg.

"How many?"

"Thirty, thirty," she spat, hissing, trying to contain herself as she trashed. "Thirty cats! Since you killed Carmin there's thirty cats! Now let go of me and my brother, we need to go, it's time, we need—"

Palewhisker laughed loudly, throwing the she-cat away as he let his grip finally go. She scrambled up to her paws, breathing heavily as she looked to her brother, who had gone limp within Cougarstar's harsh clutch. He was still breathing, at least it was assumed so, because he twitched every now and then as the moments passed.

Then the leader dropped the tom on the ground, and the two black cats immediately launched themselves toward the camp's exit. Cougarstar whipped around and various members of the crowd lurched forward but just like that, the two sprinted out.

As the group rose and some immediately sprung after the two rogues, many simply stayed, and Cougarstar watched, maw dropping. He slammed both front paws against the ground in a largely frustrated manner, his green eyes turning to daggers.

"You failures, go and get them!" Cougarstar's thundering voice ripped through the clearing like an undeniable order, and from there, several cats sprung to catch up with the two escaping rogues, racing after the already departing cats. Palewhisker darted after, huffing irritably.

Yet Adderheart simply slipped into the ground, unwilling to leave, unwilling to stay, not knowing where to go. A familiar panic was rising and he had no idea what to do. Cats don't deserve that. Or this. His gaze darted to the blood and immediately he wanted to vomit everywhere. How come everyone's so bad in this Clan? How come we can't have one good cat?

And just like that, as a panicked silence had settled over the group, Coalbelly stepped out into the clearing.

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