note and trivia

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Hello everyone and welcome to the end. You did it! You read every single word of this entire book - hopefully, anyways. If you did, I thank you immensely. I published this book on December 26th, 2018. Today, December 14th, 2019, is just 12 days away from a year of posting it, and many more days of writing and planning.

I am incredibly proud of this book and even prouder to say this book is a major improvement from my last one. I thank everyone who read this one, who read the last one, and even more thanks to those who left comments and votes. I appreciate every single one of you for reading this book, even if you didn't vote.

Don't go yet. I do have some trivia for everyone. 


— Pantherleap was killed in order to provide Adderheart the realization that the world is not all that bad; if he were to live under Pantherleap's shadow, he would've never grown emotionally anymore

— Tawn, Pantherleap, and Cougarstar are all of the same litter. A long time ago, Tawn was also in SageClan, but she left when she realized she was gay; this is another layer as to why Cougarstar dislikes cats who are LGBTQ+

— Willowdapple's litter was actually fathered by Nesro, and Adderheart was a coverup for this relationship

— After the battle, SageClan continued on as normal; no changes were made, except that Bearstar has claimed the throne and Marigoldcry quickly took up deputy position

— Palewhisker has actually had two rogue mates, sprung from the fact that his mother, Speckle, was a rogue, however, he killed both of them; their names were Bat and Heather

— Birchpaw was not originally meant to die; his warrior name would have been Birchsight

— Adderheart died of old age

— There was a brief stint where I reconsidered killing Pantherleap in favor of having him have a traumatic injury but decided this would not allow Adderheart to have the right reaction

— Adderheart died at 76 moons and retired at 66; Pantherleap died at 66 moons

— Doepool, the cat in the epilogue, is the exact same cat as the cat in the prologue

— Milkfrost and Vixenfeather had always been together, yet they had kept it concealed enough so that nobody noticed

— Originally, Adderheart wasn't supposed to go to the rogues, and instead stay with SageClan

— I updated this book (almost) every single Friday of the entire year; while I did miss a few days, I was very consistent 

— This book was almost always several chapters pre-written

— The cat who was speaking to Adderheart at the end was Nova


That's all. 

Thank you for reading sage | a warrior cats fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed.


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