Chapter 2: Knight of Tranquility & Knight of Wisdom!

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Last time Bandora and one of her servants, Pleprechaun began making preparations to attack Mount Fuji in order to prevent the Earth Guardians from being revived. Minako managed to find the tomb containing Griffin as she reminisced on their first meeting during the Silver Millennium. However did the search go for the other Senshi?

While Minako had been busy on her journey to the Tomb that held Griffin, Makoto and Ami had been preparing their own journey across the mountain.

Makoto: Mamoru said that the Dino Medals would lead us where Cassius and Alvis are. How do you think we trigger it?

Ami: If I had to give my best hypothesis, if we siphon some of our magic into the Medals, they should guide us to their location.

Makoto smirked before she pulled out her Star Stick, Ami quickly did the same.

Ami: It has been awhile, but shall we test our new transformation tools?

Makoto smirked and nodded before they both held their Star Sticks above their heads.

Makoto: Jupiter Star Power Makeup!

Ami: Mercury Star Power Makeup!

Lightning strikes Makoto's arm as it crackled across her body forming a Sailor Uniform with a green skirt and shoes. The symbol of Jupiter appeared on her forehead before it turned into a gold tiara. Water sprayed out of Ami's Star Stick as it flowed around her body, forming a sailor uniform on her body with a blue skirt with blue boots. The symbol of Mercury appeared on her forehead before it turned into a gold tiara.

Jupiter and Mercury looked at one another before they nodded and held up the Dino Medals. Green magic energy crackled out of Jupiter's hand and into the Mammoth Medal as it shined and shot a beam of purple energy. Blue magic flowed out of Mercury's hand like water and into the Triceratops Medal as it shined and shot a beam of blue energy. The purple and blue beams coiled around one another forming a singular beam that revealed a staircase in the side of the mountain.

Jupiter: A staircase? Since when did Mount Fuji have a staircase built into the side of it?

Mercury: I believe this is architecture from the Silver Millennium, most likely preserved by magic when the universe reset. It should make reaching Alvis and Cassius rather simple.

Jupiter nodded before both Sailor Senshi began ascending the staircase that led to what they assumed was where the two Guardians of Planet Earth. However as the duo climbed the staircase, following the beam of light created from both Dino Medals, Jupiter found her mind started to wander. A memory from the Silver Millennium surfaced in the Lightning Senshi's mind, one of how she met a certain Knight.

Jupiter's Flashback
Sailor Jupiter was not amused in the slightest, for the last month, Venus had been sneaking off to Earth alongside the Princess. The Lightning Senshi had attempted to confront their leader on this strange behavior, only to get the response that the Princess was intent on going to earth.

Jupiter: I our leader won't drag the Princess back to the Moon Kingdom, then I'll have to do it.

A scowl spread across Jupiter's face as she made her way through the Earth Castle, not caring if the guards of the castle saw her. Her Princess was currently lost somewhere on this planet and she intended on finding her.

Jupiter: I swear, Venus is to soft sometimes with Serenity sometimes. Like always I have to be the one to dish out tough love.

Jupiter stomped through the halls of the Earth Castle, none of the guards dare try and stop after witnessing the lightning occasionally crackle across her body due to her anger. The Lightning Senshi turned down a corridor on her left, only to bump into someone.

Jupiter: Watch where you're going! I have important business to attend to!

????: My, you seem rather angry My Lady, what troubles you?

Jupiter took a step back and shot a glare at the figure she bumped into, only to be surprised when she wasn't face to face with the person in question. Jupiter always knew she was tall, standing at five foot and nine inches, however Jupiter had to crane her head up to meet the eyes of the person in front of her. The man stood at six foot and two inches, he had messy black hair and stoic brown eyes that held a slight gentleness. He wore a black tunic, brown pants that were tucked into black armored boots. A black shoulder pauldron adorned his left shoulder, his hands and arms covered in black gauntlets. Draped around his shoulders was a tattered gray cloak and an axe sheathed on the back of his waist.

Jupiter: Who are you?

????: I am Cassius, Knight of the Sharma Tribe that inhabits the snowy mountains of earth. I serve as one of Prince Endymion's Royal Guard, I am the Second in Command. Who are you My Lady? I have never seen you in the castle before.

Jupiter shot Cassius a frustrated glare, she didn't have time to waste talking with this Knight.

Jupiter: I am Sailor Jupiter, Princess of Planet Jupiter and one of the Sailor Senshi sworn to protect Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. She snuck off to your planet once again and my leader has seemingly been complying with this behavior. I am here to put an end to it.

Cassius studied Jupiter closely, seeing the frustration and tension in the woman's body language.

Cassius: Ah yes, Lady Venus. She and my leader, Yamato Tribe Prince Griffin came to an agreement to stand guard together over our Prince and your Princess.

Jupiter's eyes widened in shock and surprise at Cassius's explanation before her eyes narrowed in frustration. She didn't know what frustrated her more, her Princess and Leader fraternizing with the Prince and Royal Guard of Earth despite the tensions between earth and the rest of the Solar System. Or the fact that the man in front of her explained in such a calm manner as if the potential risks of these meetings.

Jupiter: Does it not occur to you how dangerous letting such meetings continue? The Earth is not seen favorably amongst the rest of the Solar System, do you realize that one disagreement could lead to a potential war?!

Cassius: There is certainly the possibility, however from what I have observed, my Prince is rather taken by your Princess and I dare say she is rather taken with him.

Jupiter's eye began to twitch as the more and more she learned about these unauthorized trips to earth, the more frustrated she found herself growing.

Jupiter: I am putting an end to this, I will not standby and let an entire war breakout due to a scandal!

Jupiter stormed past Cassius, but the Knight grabbed her by the wrist of her right arm. The Lightning Senshi shot a glare over her shoulder at the Knight, lightning crackling across her body dangerously.

Jupiter: Unhand me....

Cassius: I believe you are being far too hasty Lady Jupiter. You immediately assume this innocent love between our Charges will lead to ruin. While I do not deny it as a possible outcome, I believe ignoring the possible good it could do for both Planet Earth and the rest of the Solar System is something to take into account.

Jupiter cocked her head to the side in confusion as she didn't understand at all what the Knight was prattling on about.

Jupiter: Potential good? How could a forbidden love affair possibly do the Moon Kingdom or the Earth Kingdom any good?

Cassius: To start, if the Moon Princess could fall in love with the Princess of Earth, does that not prove the people of earth are not savages as your Princess explained some nobility from other planets seems to believe?

Jupiter flinched and looked down at her feet, not wanting to make eye contact with the Knight.

Jupiter: I-I never said the people of Earth were savages. I just think that you can handle conflict a bit better.

Cassius remained quiet for a moment before letting out a gentle chuckle, surprising the Lightning Senshi.

Cassius: I suppose back in our early years humanity was rather fond of conflict. However the Tribes of Earth have been at peace for centuries now, brought together by the Guardian Beasts and Dinosaurs.

Jupiter looked at Cassius surprised by his words, but something else proved to be bothering her.

Jupiter: You are rather calm Sir Cassius, very few take aggression or hostility as well as you have this entire conversation.

Cassius: Tranquility is the virtue the Sharma Tribe values above all others. If one lets their negative emotions cloud their judgment it can only lead to ruin. Keeping a calm mind even in the most trying of times will help you through even the coldest of snowstorms. However many believe we are much too stoic for our own good.

Jupiter giggled at the last part of Cassius's statement, she could definitely see why some would find him far too stoic.

Jupiter: I dare say those accusations might be right Sir Cassius.

Cassius once again let out a gentle chuckle before releasing Jupiter's arm as he took a step back from the Senshi.

Cassius: Now that you've calmed down, would you care to join me in standing guard over My Prince and your Princess? I was on my way to relieve my fellow Royal Guard, Leigh from such duties.

Jupiter: I think I would enjoy that Sir Cassius.

Jupiter then took hold of Cassius's hand as she let him guide her to where her Princess had run off to.

Jupiter's Flashback End
Jupiter let out a sigh, that had been her first meeting with Cassius. The tall Knight had won her heart rather quickly, he was one of the few people who could see through her tough exterior and see Princess Jupiter, rather than the strong warrior Sailor Jupiter. She could ran and rave about whatever troubled her and he would listen with a calm ear devoid of any judgment.

Mercury: Makoto, are you alright?

Jupiter snapped her head to look to her right seeing Mercury giving her a concerned look.

Jupiter: Yeah Ami, I'm fine, just thinking about a few things is all.

Mercury studied the Lightning Senshi for a moment before letting out a sigh of her own.

Mercury: It was about Cassius wasn't it?

Jupiter's eyes widened in shock as she didn't expect the Water Senshi to figure her out so quickly even with her intelligence. Mercury however let a gentle smile spread across her face before she nodded.

Mercury: I understand, Alvis has been on my mind as well. I can only imagine how excited he will be to learn about all the modern day's technology and the history he has missed out on.

Jupiter smirked as she noticed that they were about halfway up the large staircase.

Jupiter: Well, we're half way there so you won't have to wait much longer.

Mercury nodded before both returned to a comfortable silence. However as they did, Mercury's mind began to wander to a certain Knight she crossed paths with a lifetime ago.

Mercury's Flashback
Mercury walked through the garden of the Earth Castle, slightly confused as to why the Guards seemed so unconcerned with her presence. The Water Senshi had her own reasons for visiting Earth, particularly in relation to her Princess's habit of wandering off to the planet, however what baffled her more was Venus and Jupiter's sudden support of such behavior, going as far as to escort her when they think no one is looking.

Mercury: Is there some kind of objective or reward worth such risky behavior?

The Water Senshi let out a sigh, she would get to the bottom of this strange behavior. Mercury continued to walk through the garden, until she saw two figures in the distance. One was a young man in black armor with silver pieces, a sword sheathed on his hip. Mercury assumed this was the Earth Prince, however her attention was focused on the person next to him, a girl with long blonde hair and gentle eyes, she wore a beautiful white dress. A slightly stern expression spreading across her face as she intended on getting the answers she desired on this whole odd situation.

????: One of the Moon Princess's Senshi I presume? I politely request that you do not interfere My Lady, My Prince is rarely this happy.

Mercury quickly whipped around to face the voice that had just called out to her. The Water Senshi spotted a man, he had navy colored hair and intelligent red eyes. He wore a blue and black tunic, black pants with silver pieces of armor adorned his legs. He sat under a tree, a double sided lance resting against its trunk and a book held in his right hand.

Mercury: Who might you be?

????: Alvis, Knight of the Etoffe Tribe of Earth. I am one of Prince Endymion's Royal Guard, I suppose you could also view me as the Prince's Advisor.

Mercury studied Alvis closely, she could tell that despite his well built physique, he was a rather studious person by how he spoke and carried himself.

Mercury: If that is the case Sir Alvis, perhaps you could shed some light on why my Princess insists on continually sneaking away to your planet?

Alvis: I figured it would be obvious, it would appear my Prince and your Princess have developed a mutual attraction to one another.

Mercury frowned at Alvis's words, casting a quick glance over her shoulder at her Princess and the Earth Prince before turning to look at Alvis once more.

Mercury: I hope that someone with intelligence such as yourself can see the potential dangers such relations could cause for both our kingdoms?

Alvis stared at Mercury, the expression on his face made the Water Senshi feel as if he was studying her.

Alvis: There is certainly proof that your hypothesis could very well be true, however would you allow me to posit my own Hypothesis on the topic?

Mercury: What do you me Sir Alvis?

Alvis closed his book as he gestured for Mercury to join him by the tree. The Water Senshi hesitated for a moment before walking up to the Royal Guard.

Alvis: My hypothesis is that the relationship between our respective charges could in fact usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for the entire solar system.

Mercury: That's a rather optimistic hypothesis, what information or theories do you base such an idea on?

Alvis smirked at the Water Senshi before he set to explaining his thought process.

Alvis: A union between the Prince of Earth and Princess of the Moon could show that us Earthlings are not the barbaric warring people we once were. If the gentle hearted Princess of the Moon could fall in love with an Earthling, that is plenty sign there is more to us then our less then stellar past no? Furthermore such a union would bring Earth into the Silver Millennium, such trade opportunities would only help earth develop further into a more respectable planet.

Mercury's eyes widened, despite having no concrete proof of such a union being successful, Alvis clearly crafted theories that showed what benefits could be reaped if it was nurtured.

Mercury: Well said Sir Alvis, however how would Earth joining the Silver Millennium benefit the Solar System?

Alvis: I predicted you would ask such a thing, the other planets would be given the protection of the Guardian Beasts naturally.

The Water Senshi looked at Knight with curiosity evident in her eyes, she had never heard of the Guardian Beasts.

Mercury: Guardian Beasts?

Alvis: The Five Guardian Beasts, they are beings of immense power that are worshipped by the Tribes of Earth. When they unite, the Great Beast God, Daizyuzin will appear. It was through his power and compassion that humanity was able to finally lay down their arms and stand united. Daizyuzin values all life, I imagine if Earth joined the Silver Millennium he would only find it natural to protect the other planets as well.

Mercury looked at Alvis in surprise, if what he said was true these Guardian Beasts and Daizyuzin must hold immense power.

Mercury: You've piqued my curiosity Sir Alvis, would you care to explain these Guardian Beasts in greater detail?

Alvis: I would be elated to do so, however may I ask for your name? If we are to meet for further discussions, I would like to know how to properly address you.

Mercury smiled at Alvis before nodding her head.

Mercury: Sailor Mercury, Princess of Planet Mercury. I am one of the Guardians of Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom.

Alvis nodded before he set to explaining the history of the Guardian Beasts to the Water Senshi. This being the first of many debates between the two.

End of Mercury's Flashback
Mercury let out a sigh at the memory, Alvis understood her better than most. One of the few not intimated by her intelligence, he would debate with her, thinking of sound counter arguments to any points she made. It was one of the things she loved about him back then.

Jupiter: Ami! I think we're here.

Mercury jumped and quickly turned to look at Jupiter before turning to see a large stone wall in front of them.

Mercury: It would appear so. I believe if we siphon more magic into the Medals, it should open the entrance for us.

Jupiter nodded before they both focused, pouring more magic energy into the Dino Medals. The beams grew more intense, causing the stone wall to split vertically as it opened to reveal a staircase. Both Senshi descended the stairs as fast as they could finding themselves within a tomb adorned with the banners of the Sharma and Etoffe Tribes. Jupiter then noticed an axe on a pedestal that was all to familiar.

Jupiter: The Mothbreaker! This belonged to Cassius.

Mercury however had taken notice of a different weapon, a pair of spears on displayed on a pedestal.

Mercury: the Trice-Lance, these were Alvis's weapons.

Jupiter and Mercury both then noticed a giant Purple Crystal on the left side of the room and a giant Blue Crystal on the right side of the room. Both crystals had a silhouette within them. Jupiter ran up to the purple crystal while Mercury ran up to the Blue Crystal.

Jupiter: Do you think that if we pump enough magic into these crystals, they'll break?

Mercury: I imagine that would be our best course of action.

Jupiter nodded before placing the Mammoth Medal on the purple crystal before green magic energy crackled across her arms and was poured into the Dino Medal as the Crystal immediately started cracking violently. Jupiter wasn't holding back, she was rapidly pouring as much magic as possible. Sweat began to run down Jupiter's head, but she didn't care she was breaking this crystal as quick as possible.

Jupiter: Sit tight Cassius, I'm busting you out of this stupid thing!

Jupiter doubled her efforts as the cracks on the crystal grew larger and larger until it finally shattered into pieces. Jupiter smirked before she felt her legs buckle and she started to fall towards the ground. However before she could hit it, she found herself gently wrapped in someone's arms. Standing there was the same Knight who saw past her tough exterior.

Jupiter: Cassius.....

Cassius: I should've known you would've overexerted yourself trying to free me Jupiter. Honestly slow and steady is just as effective.

Jupiter smiled up at the Knight of Tranquillity, it was good to hear his voice again.

Jupiter: Makoto Kino is my name now, Earth has changed a lot since you were put to sleep.

Cassius: I suppose you and I are strangers then, my apologies for my rather forward greeting.

Jupiter noticed the slight disappointment in his eyes, which caused her to let out a small giggle.

Jupiter: It just means we get to know each other all over again right?

Cassius smiled at the Lightning Senshi before helping her back to her feet. While that was going on, Mercury was doing her best to free Alvis from his imprisonment. Cracks had spread across the giant blue crystal as sweat ran down the Water Senshi's forehead as she continued to pump magic energy into the Triceratops Medal. Eventually the crystal shattered as Mercury let out an exhausted sigh of relief.

Mercury: Thank goodness.....

Mercury's legs gave out as she fell forward only to be caught by a man with a familiar set of red eyes she knew a lifetime ago.

Mercury: Good to see you awake Alvis.....

Alvis: Mercury, I knew you would be the one to deduce how to free us from our deep slumber.

Mercury gave the Knight a weak smile as he helped her stand back up.

Mercury: I'm known as Ami Mizuno in this time, you have missed out on many developments. So many scientific and technological advancements.

Alvis: I suppose I have much to catch up on, hopefully I will be able to debate with you on such things once I have brought myself up to date.

Mercury smiled at Alvis before gently patting him on the shoulder.

Mercury: I would be more than happy to help you study Alvis.

Alvis: I would like that Ami.

Mercury and Jupiter looked at one another and smiled as they had succeeded in waking up two of the Royal Guard. However this small victory was interrupted by the tomb suddenly shaking.

Alvis: Is the Tomb collapsing?

Jupiter: No, that Witch Bandora must've been freed and figured out where we are!

Cassius: Then we don't have much time, we best get moving.

Jupiter and Mercury nodded as Cassius retrieved the Mothbreaker before strapping it to the back of his waist. Alvis retrieved the Trice-Lance and strapped them to his back before all four of them ran out of the tomb. The group had a singular goal in mind, regroup with their allies and push back the witch's assault.

So Jupiter and Mercury managed to free Cassius and Alvis from their slumber and they are now on their way to help stop Bandora's attack. We once again got a glimpse into the past and witnessed just what kind of connection the Senshi had to the Royal Guard. However how did Rei, Usagi, and Mamoru fair in their mission? As always leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments! What were Rei, Usagi, and Mamoru doing while the others freed three of the Royal Guard? What memories will resurface for them? Find out in the next Chapter of Sailor Moon: The Five Ancient Warriors of the Earth!

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