Chapter 4: Warriors Reunited! Dino Buckler!

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Last time Rei, Usagi, and Mamoru managed to free Leigh and Zia from their slumber while memories from their past resurfaced. However now the entire group must reunite as Bandora's monsters have arrived at Mount Fuji! Will they be able to fight them off?

Griffin and Venus ran down the path that led to the tomb he was held in as they desperately tried to make it back to where they had first arrived at when teleporting to Mount Fuji.

Griffin: Venus, are you alright? You usually don't have a hard time keeping up with me?

Venus: Don't worry, just a little exhausted from using up so much magic to free you.....

Griffin looked to his side and saw that the Love Senshi was indeed tired, but was clearly pushing herself given the danger that was currently present.

Cassius: Griffin! Thank the Guardian Beasts you are awake!

Griffin turned his attention forward and a smirk immediately spread across his face, standing there was Cassius, his second in command. Behind him were the rest of his fellow Royal Guard, the other Senshi, and his Prince and the Moon Princess. Griffin in a rare moment of lack of restraint tackled his friend into a hug, who happily returned the gesture.

Griffin: I know for all of us it feels like no time has passed at all, but words cannot describe how relieved I am all of you are okay!

Cassius: We have a lot to catch up, however it is a relief that all of us are unharmed from our millennia of slumber.

Alvis, Leigh, and Zia all quickly surrounded their two teammates and joined the hug as well, all of them relieved to be reunited once more.

Alvis: I have much to study, with so many developments we were absent for, the work ahead will certainly be daunting.

Leigh: Nothing a little spying and scouting won't solve, it'll be nice to get to stretch my legs again after being stuck in that damnable rock for so long!

Zia: I'm just relieved we are together again, honestly you four are hopeless without me to lend an ear to your problems!

The five Royal Guard all laughed before breaking their hug and turning to face Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon, both of whom were smiling at the five. The Earth Guardians lined up before all dropping down onto one knee.

Griffin: My Prince, it is wonderful to see you are in good health.

Tuxedo Mask: Peace old friend, I am far from a prince in this time, there is no need to bow to me.

The Earth Guardians however remained in their bowing positions as Tuxedo Mask let out a frustrated sigh, he figured they wouldn't listen. Sailor Moon however giggled before stepping forward.

Sailor Moon: Prince Griffin of the Yamato Tribe, Knight of Bravery please stand.

Griffin rose to his feet and stood at attention. Sailor Moon then walked over to Cassius, stopping in front of him.

Sailor Moon: Cassius, Knight of the Sharma Tribe, the Knight of Tranquility, please stand.

Cassius rose to his feet and immediately stood at attention. Sailor Moon then moved onto Alvis, stopping in front of him.

Sailor Moon: Alvis, Knight of the Etoffe Tribe, the Knight of Wisdom please stand.

Alvis rose to his feet as he stood at attention alongside his fellow guardians. Sailor Moon then walked up to Leigh and stopping in front of him.

Sailor Moon: Leigh, Knight of the Dime Tribe, the Knight of Truth please stand.

Leigh rose to his feet and stood at attention, shooting a smile at Sailor Moon before she walked up to Zia and stopped in front of her.

Sailor Moon: Princess Zia of the Lithia Tribe, the Knight of Passion please stand.

Zia stood as Sailor Moon smiled at all of them and she gestured for her Senshi to stand beside her.

Sailor Moon: You have all been asleep for so long, planet earth, your home will most likely feel alien to you. However please allow me to make one selfish request. There are evil forces that still threaten this planet, I beg that all of you assist us in protecting it and its people.

Guardians: We are yours to command once more Prince Endymion, Princess Serenity!

Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask smiled before Sailor Moon and the Inner Senshi walked up to the Five Guardians before handing them their Dino Medals. The Guardians held them up, a relieved smile spreading across each their faces to have their powers back once more. However the moment was interrupted by pink lasers being fired at the ground around the group, causing explosions to go off around them. All of them were knocked to the ground.

Griffin: Bandora's forces have arrived! Everyone protect the Prince, Princess, and the Senshi!

The Five Guardians quickly got back on their feet as they heard the rattling of bones and the marching of feet. In the distance a skeleton wearing a hat and cape with a sword sheathed on his hip led a group of roughly twenty Golem monsters.

Alvis: One of Bandora's Dora Monsters and a platoon of Golem Soldiers!

Leigh: We just woke up and that hag already managed to craft a fighting force? I guess she wasn't too amused about us sealing her in that Urn.

The Skeleton Monster stepped forward and drew his sword before pointing it at the Guardians.

????: Heed my words Guardians of Earth! I am Dora Skelton! My Mistress has ordered your deaths.

Cassius: It would not be the first time she made attempts on our lives and it certainly won't be the last.

Zia: If your mistress wishes to threaten our planet like she did a lifetime ago, then you will need to slay us!

The Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask got back on their feet, all of them still exhausted from magic drain, but got ready to fight.

Sailor Moon: Everyone, we need to back them up. That's a lot of monsters they're facing!

Tuxedo Mask: Usagi, let them handle it.

Sailor Moon and the Inner Senshi looked over at Tuxedo Mask in shock.

Venus: You expect us to standby and let them fight this alone?

Tuxedo Mask: You never witnessed it back during the Silver Millennium given it was a time of peace before Beryl and Metalia set their plans into motion, but my Royal Guard have powers of their own.

The Sailor Senshi looked confused until they turned to see the Five Guardians reach for their belt buckles.

A handle ejected from them as they all pulled them off their belts and revealed a silver side that had "Zyuranger" written above and below a circular port in the center. The Guardians placed their Dino Medals within these ports before standing shoulder to shoulder.

Griffin: Everyone, let's transform!

Four Guardians: Okay!

The Five Guardians held the Dino Bucklers out in front of themselves before twisting their arms.

Guardians: Dino Buckler!

The silver plates slid up and down as a bright light flashed around their Dino Medals. A grid of energy appeared on each of their bodies in their respective colors. These grids formed bodysuits with a white diamond pattern across the chest and helmets that were themed after each Tribe's Guardian Beast.

TyrannoRanger: TyrannoRanger, Griffin!

MammothRanger: MammothRanger, Cassius!

TriceraRanger: TriceraRanger, Alvis!

TigerRanger: TigerRanger, Leigh!

PteraRanger: PteraRanger, Zia!

TyrannoRanger stepped forward as he raised his arms.

TyrannoRanger: Kyōryū Sentai!

All the Rangers then sunk into battle stances.

Rangers: Zyuranger!

Sailor Moon and the Sailor Senshi stared dumbfounded as they had no idea that the Guardians of Earth could transform.

Jupiter: How long have they been able to do that?!

Tuxedo Mask: Since they were chosen as my Royal Guard. When the Dino Medals are combined with the Dino Bucklers, my Royal Guard can transform into the Zyurangers. Human avatars for the Guardian Beasts to fight on Planet Earth in their stead.

The Sailor Senshi once again were completely caught off guard by this information. The Zyurangers however had already begun their charge towards Skelton and the Golem Soldiers. MammothRanger caught the fist of a Golem Soldier before grabbing its arm with both hands. MammothRanger then lifted the Golem above his head before slamming it down on top of a second Golem Soldier that charged at him with its arm turned into a crude sword. When the two Golem Soldier bodies collided they shattered into stone. However before he could recover, two more Golem Soldiers grabbed him by his arms, restraining him.

ManmothRanger: A poor plan of attack gentlemen.

The Golem Soldiers looked at MammothRanger in confusion until they were swiftly lifted off their feet and smashed together in the air above MammothRanger's head. Pieces of rock rained down around MammothRanger as four more Golem Soldiers charged at him from behind.

MammothRanger: Alvis, some assistance?

TriceraRanger leaped over MammothRanger as he drew the object holstered on his hip, it unfolding into a gun.

TriceraRanger: Ranger Gun!

TriceraRanger fired four lasers hitting each Golem Soldier in the chest before landing on the ground. TriceraRanger lunged at the four disoriented Golem Soldiers. TriceraRanger spun around on the heel of his right leg before delivering a roundhouse kick to two of the Golem Soldier's heads. The two Golems were knocked to the ground as the other two Golem Soldiers charged at TriceraRanger from the left and right, their sword arms poised to strike.

TriceraRanger: Such predictable attack patterns.

TriceraRanger holstered his Ranger Gun before raising both his hands as gently pushed each Golem Soldier's sword arm, redirecting it slightly as he leaned backwards. The two Golems ended up stabbing each other in the chest as TriceraRanger quickly drew his Ranger Gun once again and shot both of them in the head causing them to shatter into rock. The other two Golems had recovered from the roundhouse kick and charged at TriceraRanger from behind only for him to whip around and shoot them both twice in the torso, resulting in their destruction as well.

TriceraRanger: My reaction time is slightly sluggish, seems that millennia long slumber has caused some side effects.

Meanwhile TigerRanger found himself backed into a corner as four Golem Soldiers charged at him. The Golems charged at him with sword and hammer arms raised, poised to strike.

TigerRanger: Four on one? Thats not very fair.

TigerRanger lunged forward before leaping into the air as he ran across the Golem Soldiers shoulders before front flipping off the last one. While upside down mid-flip, TigerRanger drew his Ranger Gun and fired lasers into each Golem Soldier's back before landing on the ground.

TigerRanger: Ranger Sword!

The Ranger Gun's handle folded up as a blade flipped out from the barrel creating a short sword weapon.

TigerRanger held the Ranger Sword in a reverse grip with the blade pointed at the ground before he charged towards the disoriented Golems. TigerRanger swiftly stabbed the first Golems Soldier in the back, causing it to crumble into stone. Two more Golem Soldiers lunged at him from behind, only for TigerRanger to spin around  and swept their legs out from under them. TigerRanger swiftly slashed the two downed Golems across the chest twice, reducing them to pebbles as well. The last Golem Soldier attempted to stab TigerRanger in the back, only for the Ranger to whip around and toss dirt in its eyes blinding it. TigerRanger lunged forward before stabbing the Golem Soldier through the guy, causing it to crumble.

TigerRanger: Unfortunately for you, I don't fight fair either.

PteraRanger found herself surrounded by four Golem Soldiers as she reached behind her back.

PteraRanger: Ptera Arrow!

PteraRanger pulled out her bow and arrow which much like its wielder had undergone a transformation.

Two of the Golem Soldiers lunged at the Ranger as she twirled her bow around before slashing each across the chest with the blades on either end of it. PteraRanger twirled around before swiftly stabbing the other two Golems in the chest with the arrow.

PteraRanger: Having a hard time keeping up?

All of the Golem Soldiers got back on their feet before charging at PteraRanger from all sides. PteraRanger leaped high into the air as she notched the arrow onto the bow string as it glowed with pink energy. PteraRanger fired the arrow as it split into four pink energy arrows, each one piercing through a Golem Soldier's chest, causing them to crumble into pieces. PteraRanger gracefully landed on the ground as she left out a content sigh.

PteraRanger: That takes care of them, better go help the others.

While his teammates dispatched the majority of the Golem Soldiers, TyrannoRanger charged towards Skelton, four Golem Soldiers blocking his path. Clutched in his right hand was the Ryugeki Sword, which much like its wielder had also transformed.

The four Golem Soldiers charged at TyrannoRanger, their blade arms poised to strike. TyrannoRanger slashed one Golem Soldier across the waist as he ran past it before spinning around and slashing another two across the torso. TyrannoRanger then leaped into the air and front flipped over the last Golem Soldier before slashing it across the back, all four crumbling into pebbles as TyrannoRanger turned to face Skelton.

Skelton: Very impressive Guardian, but you stand no chance against me!

TyrannoRanger: Draw your sword and face me, then we will see if your claim holds any truth!

Skelton drew his sword from his hip before both he and TyrannoRanger charged at one another, Skelton swung his sword down, aiming for TyrannoRanger's head while TyrannoRanger swung his sword upwards, aiming for Skelton's torso. Both blades collided as sparks flew of them. Skelton's eyes started to glow pink as TyrannoRanger quickly kicked the Dora Monster in the chest, causing it to stumble backwards and haphazardly fire off its eye lasers. TyrannoRanger rolled across the ground underneath the lasers, narrowly avoiding the attack. TyrannoRanger drew his Ranger Gun from its holster with his left hand before taking aim.

TyrannoRanger: Ranger Gun!

TyrannoRanger fired three lasers into Skelton's torso, causing the monster to stumble backwards further. TyrannoRanger holstered his Ranger Gun before charging towards the disoriented Dora Monster. TyrannoRanger spun around before slashing Skelton across the torso. The Ranger then whipped around and slashed the Dora Monster twice more across the chest with the Ryugeki Sword. Skelton's body crumbled into pieces as TyrannoRanger turned away from the defeated monster letting out a relieved sigh.

TyrannoRanger: Earth is safe once again.

However TyrannoRanger failed to notice Skelton's head float into the air, its eyes glowing. The skull fired eye lasers into TyrannoRanger's back causing sparks to explode off his body. TyrannoRanger was sent flying through the air before he roughly crashed into the ground.

MammothRanger: Griffin!

The other four Zyurangers ran up to their downed leader, all of them surrounding him in a defensive manner. The Zyurangers watched as the bones of Skelton's body floated into the air before reassembling themselves. The skull then placed itself back on the body as Skelton let out a cackle.

Skelton: As I said Guardian, you can't defeat me!

TriceraRanger: How puzzling, a monster who can reassemble its body. This could prove difficult.

TigerRanger: Maybe not, his body can be reassembled, but what about his head? That was the only part that Griffin didn't cut to pieces.

The other Zyurangers looked at TigerRanger realizing he might just be right about this.

PteraRanger: What should we do Griffin?

TyrannoRanger stood back up before readying the Ryugeki Sword once again.

TyrannoRanger: We test Leigh's theory. Cassius, Leigh, and Alvis restrain Skelton. Zia, you take the shot on his head.

The Zyurangers nodded before MammothRanger and TigerRanger drew their Ranger Swords from their holsters before charging towards Skelton as the monster fired lasers from its eyes. The lasers hit the ground in front of the two Zyurangers causing explosions that kicked up dust. However MammothRanger and TigerRanger leaped through the dust cloud before they both slashed the Dora Monster across the torso in a cross pattern. Skelton stumbled backwards as MammothRanger grabbed his left arm while TigerRanger grabbed his right, the two rangers restraining his limbs.

Skelton: Let go of me you pests!

Skelton flailed around in an attempt to free himself, but MammothRanger and TigerRanger held tight, keeping him restrained. TriceraRanger charged at Skelton next, drawing his Ranger Gun before firing two lasers into the Dora Monster's torso, causing sparks to fly off his body. TriceraRanger leaped into the air and front flipped over Skelton before landing on the ground behind the Dora Monster. TriceraRanger wrapped his arms around Skelton's waist, restraining him further.

TriceraRanger: Zia, now's your chance!

PteraRanger notched an arrow on her bow before drawing the string back as the arrow glowed with pink energy.

PteraRanger: Ptera Shoot!

PteraRanger fires the arrow at Skelton's head, but the Dora Monster merely cackled before his head popped off his body as the arrow harmlessly flew over his neck.

Skelton: You fools! Do you honestly think I would leave my weak point so defenseless?! Now to kill you pests!

TyrannoRanger: Tyranno Slash!!!!

Skelton looked up to see TyrannoRanger leaping through the air towards him, the blade of the Ryugeki Sword glowing with red energy. TyrannoRanger swung the Ryugeki sword vertically, cutting Skelton's head in half. The Dora Monster's body began to violently spark as MammothRanger, TriceraRanger, and TigerRanger all rolled away from the body before it exploded into a massive ball of fire. The Zyurangers let out a collective sigh of relief as the earth was safe for the time being. The Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask looked on in awe and relief.

Venus: We've got some serious backup, with all of eleven of us protecting Tokyo should be a breeze!

Mercury: We won't know how effective we will be as we have no experience working with them, but the extra hands are welcome nonetheless.

Tuxedo Mask smiled as he looked at his Royal Guard, it was good to have them back after so long. Sailor Moon leaned her head on Tuxedo Mask's shoulder, a content smile on her face. 

Sailor Moon: I told you reawakening them was the best course of action. It'll be good for you to have them back in your life.

Tuxedo Mask: Thank you Usagi, however now comes the challenge of helping them all adjust to the modern world.

Sailor Moon giggled as she couldn't wait to see the Five Earth Guardians fumble around in confusion at all the technology they don't understand. Sailor Moon smiled at the Zyurangers, she was happy to know they were back and willing to help them with whatever dangers lay ahead of them.

Bandora's Palace
Bandora was on the balcony of her palace looking through her telescope, she had just witnessed the destruction of Dora Skelton. The witch grit her teeth in frustration as her plan to kill the Zyurangers had backfired.

Bandora: That worthless waste of clay! He couldn't even kill the Senshi before they awakened those damnable Earth Guardians!

Bandora snarled and kicked her telescope over as she stormed back into the castle as she was barely containing her rage at this point.

Bandora: If I still had my full power Skelton would've crushed those pathetic earth guardians! However that accursed Daizyuzin placed Magic weakening seals on that accursed Urn! My magic is a shadow of what it once was!

Bandora collapsed back onto her throne as she rubbed her temples in frustration. Now she had not only the Moon Princess, Earth Prince, and Sailor Senshi to worry about, but the warriors who sealed her away a lifetime ago.

Bandora: If only I could revive Dai-Satan, but that wench of a Moon Queen's purifying magic hurled him into the deepest and darkest recesses of space!

Bandora slumped on her throne, an aggravated expression on her face. However the Witch took a deep breath before letting it out to calm herself down.

Bandora: No use in flying into a rage, I will simply need to start planning my next move. That city those Senshi and their princess live in would be a wonderful first target. So many innocent bystanders to put in harms way. Especially those disgusting children....

Bandora's face twisted in pure disgust at the mention of children, she hated them almost as much as she hated the Dinosaurs. Bandora then let a smile spread across her face, an idea coming to her.

Bandora: Those Earth Guardians were always such bleeding hearts. If I were to endanger enough people, they would focus on protecting them over fighting properly!

Bandora let out a malicious cackle before she stormed off to speak with Pleprechaun, she had much planning to do with him for their next assault on Earth.

So the Zyurangers have finally reunited and have regained their full power and managed to defeat Bandora's Dora Monster and Golem Soldiers. However the Witch is far from defeated, she is already planning her next attack. This time her eyes are set on the city of Tokyo.

With this the Awakening Arc of the story is over. Expect the next few chapters to be more episodic with simple monster attacks and character building. After that the events to the Dark Moon Arc should start to be added in.

As always please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments! What awaits the Zyurangers as they set foot into the modern world? What challenges will they face as they try and adapt to such unfamiliar territory? How will Bandora plan her next course of action in the meantime? Find out in the next Chapter of Sailor Moon: The Five Ancient Warriors of the Earth!

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