Chapter 1: Day on A Yacht!

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(Present Day!)

Mandy Saccomanno has recently made history at the most recent NXT episode, Worlds Collide by becoming the first Unified NXT Women's Champion in history, she's really become one of the best in the WWE right now and it shows from her in ring capability.

What most don't know about her is she has a daughter, little Rose Saccomanno is the spitting image of her mother, both with blue eyes and dark brown hair, then again she could look like her father as he also has blue eyes and dark brown hair but he's a story for another day.

Mandy: You ready to go princess?

Mandy asked her daughter as she came running out of her bedroom with a smile and bag on her back, Mandy has put Rose into a child play group where she can make friends for when Mandy has to go to work, luckily she's not away much only on Tuesdays, Wednesday's and Thursday's the later two she's at the PC to prepare for the next show.

Rose: Yep. Let's go mommy!

Rose shouted excited about going to see her friends, Rose hugged Penny before they both left the top floor apartment, Mandy carried her bag out to the car as she's meeting a few friends at the docks today, they've rented a boat and their going to be going scuba diving with a pro.

Mandy's kind of excited after she hasn't been scuba diving before, she also didn't think it was something for a 4 year old to do so she's taking her to the play group, Mandy opened the back door for Rose to climb in and she did buckling herself in.

Mandy smiled to the little girl walking around the car and climbing in herself, Mandy put her bag down on the passenger seat with her bathing suit, towel and clean clothes that she'll need for after the day out, Mandy put the radio on to a kids station that plays mostly Disney songs and started the drive, Mandy and Rose had a fun time singing along to the songs until Mandy pulled up to the front of the daycare center, Mandy put her car in park and turned to Rose as she was looking out her window.

Mandy: All set sweetie.

Mandy smiled to her daughter as Rose was just looking out the window, Mandy's not sure what she's looking at until Rose looked down to her bear in her hands that she carries around with her at all times.

Rose: Why don't I have a Daddy?

Mandy knew that question would come up sooner or later and looked out the car window to see a father saying bye to his son, Mandy sighed sadly still turned to facing her daughter while she answered as best she could.

Mandy: Some family's don't have both Mommy's and Daddy's some have both, others have one or the other...

She was going to tell her about some having two Mommy's and two Daddy's but she'll wait a little longer to tell her about that side of family's and stick to what is much more easier to explain.

Mandy: ... Our family just has a Mommy and a beautiful little princess. You're Daddies working on Boats, he'll come back soon.

Mandy finished off say giving her right cheek a gently pinch making Rose smile to her mother, that was all Mandy knew about him as Saraya told her the next morning that they are Sailors other then that Mandy doesn't know anything about him, Mandy has however changed everything in her life for this little girl, the 18 months she was off the WWE played it as a ACL injury as Mandy wasn't sure she wanted the world to know about Rose just yet, and Mandy jumped back to NXT after touring around the country with the Main Roster made her spend too much time away from her daughter. At least with NXT she can leave Tuesday evening then come back Tuesday Night just in time to tuck her in at night.

Mandy: Go have fun.

Rose happily got out the car with her bag and friend in hand, Mandy thought that her carrying the bear around was odd and apparently it's just her trying to fill the gap for the lack of Father figure in her life, Mandy has tried to fill that gap but every time she try's to start dating, as soon as they find out about her they tuck tail and run, most of the time it's after they got Mandy into bed.

Needless to say Mandy gave up on the dating scene and hasn't been with a man in nearly 2 years, it's the price you pay for mother hood, although she's is tempted to get herself a one night stand as even the Ken dolls to her daughter's Barbie sets are starting to look good to her.

Mandy shook those thoughts out her head though and made her way to the docks this time listening to a different radio station, Disney with a 4 year old girl is a 24/7 thing so to get a break is a nice thing, unfortunately it didn't last long as she pulled into the docks ready for her day trip with Daria, her girlfriend Toni, Gionna, Taylor and PK standing in front of the boat...

... Mandy got out her car just as Gionna and Daria walked over to her, PK and Taylor must already be on the boat waiting for them.

Daria: Finally, what took you so long?

She asked not harshly but more worried about what took her best friend so long to get here, Mandy looked between them and all her colleagues know about Rose, have met her and adore her so she can speak openly to them about her.

Mandy: Rose asked why she didn't have a Dad.

Mandy took her bag out the passenger seat and shut her car door locking it as she went, the trio of girls walked onto the rented boat, Gionna then spoke up wanting to help her friend out, okay their not super close but she's still a friend.

Gionna: Well, the guy who owns this boat is single, he's nice and a former Sailor for the HMS Navy.

Mandy looked to Gionna and wondered if she should give it a shot, like she though it's been a while and maybe a former Sailor could help her relieve a little tension.

Mandy: I don't know Gio. Where are the other two anyway?

She asked wanting to change the subject, if she wants a man she can get one for herself, she needs to focus on herself and her daughter before all that though and put a smile on while Daria answered her question.

Daria: Their downstairs but you should think about Gio's friend. I'm gay but even I would.

Mandy chuckled to her as they all made their way below deck to get changed ready for the adventure, they didn't know where Gio's friend is but they could hear talking downstairs in the engine room so they all assumed he was down there talking to someone.

PK: You three ready yet?

PK asked as she and Taylor walked into the room they were giving to change in, Mandy, Daria and Gionna are all ready as they turned to see both PK and Taylor...

... They looked hot as always, Mandy's a little surprised they made it her today considering they need to be at Smackdown tomorrow night but that didn't stop her from smiling to her friends as she finished getting herself ready...

... Mandy stepped towards them, Gionna and the other two were close behind all ready for the day in the sun...

... They all smiled and laughed their way up top, Mandy thankful they forgot about her troubles with Rose and not knowing where her father is, she doesn't even know his name passed Logan, do you know how many Logan's there are in the world, the phrase "Needle in a haystack" comes to mind but only if you times the haystack by 12.

Anton: All set ladies...

Mandy looked to him and could swear she's seen him before but can't quite put her finger to it, she ignored it though as he walked up towards them, he sat on the steps going up to the controls while they sat around on the small lounge, this is where they get the rules.

Anton: ... First rule is to have fun, we don't want anyone saying today was boring...

Mandy looked to him and still wondered where she's seen him bother and also wondered how Gionna knows him, he is quite cute though and since he's single, maybe she will ask him out.

Anton: ... Secondly, you're in safe hands with us so don't worry, if you feel intimidated by the deep blue at any point then just take a deep breath and relax...

Mandy noted that he's British just like Logan is, it's a longshot but what if they know each other, if she can find Logan then she can at least tell him he has a daughter he's never met, but the odds on them knowing each other is the closest thing to impossible Mandy's ever seen.

Anton: ... And the last one, stay out the engine room, it's for you're own safety.

Mandy would never think to go into the engine room, why would she, it does make her wonder what happened for him to put that in the rule book.

Daria: Wait, you said us. Who's us?

Daria asked as everyone now realised he did say "Us" meaning two, there's two guys on the boat with them and now they all wondered who it is.

Anton: He might grace us with his presents but you never know, he's been a bit of a bummer for the past couple years.

Anton told them standing up from the steps and going to step up to the tip top deck to start the boat and their little journey.

Gionna: Hold on...!

Gionna called to him making him stop and look to her, she got up and skipped over to him and pulled him into a kiss, Mandy, PK and Taylor were surprised by that but apparently Daria and Toni knew the Smackdown Women's Champion is dating this guy, Mandy now just wondered why Gionna would try and set her up with the guy she's dating.

Gionna: ... You can go now.

Gionna happily skipped back making him smile before climbing to the steps, Gionna sat back down wiping her lip after the kiss while they all looked to her mainly Mandy wanting to understand what's going on.

Mandy: Gio? Why are you trying to set me up with the guy you're clearly dating?

Mandy asked while the girls were giving drinks by the barman, Mandy was hoping Gionna isn't talking about this guy because every time he looks at her it makes her skin crawl, something about him reminds her of the man who broke her heart 5 years ago, her ex that drove her into Logan's arms.

Gionna: No not him, that's Anton. He's mine, you get his friend...

Mandy was now curious about who this other guy is, if he's anything like Anton then she'll happily get to know him at least.

Gionna: ... His name's Logan...

That clearly caught her attention but then she calmed down as once again, their are millions of Logan's around the world that doesn't make this one the same one she shared a special night with and a beautiful daughter.

Gionna: ... Anton told me they came over here about 5 years ago and he fell for someone, the next time they had ship leave they came back over here but he couldn't find her, apparently he hasn't been the same since...

The girls aw'd at the story thinking it was sad and adorable that he tried to come back for her, Mandy however was starting to feel more and more hopeful about the day hoping she can give her her daughter the Father she's always wanted...


(To Be Continued)

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