Chapter 3: You're A Father!

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Logan's at the hospital in Orlando where he seems to be perfectly fine, his arms now bandaged up as the Shark didn't get him too badly but it still got him meaning he'll have a couple new scars too show off.

Mandy: Thanks...

Logan is sat on the edge of the bed as his shirt is still off and only wearing his swimming trunks, they didn't really have time to change, Mandy although did just before she left...

... She didn't think that walking around in a bathing suit at a place of medicine would be very professional so she got changed as quickly as she could leaving her hair damp and make-up off, that didn't matter though as she's just showing of her natural beauty.

Mandy: ... For distracting the Shark, how's you're arm?

She asked sitting next to him and Logan didn't seem all that bothered about it and why would he be, he's been practically living at sea for the past 20 years of his life, this isn't his first Shark attack.

Logan: I'll be fine, can't be mad at the Shark though.

Logan hopped off the bed and walked towards a bag that Anton brought by for him, it's just got a change of clothes, his phone, his wallet and other personal effects, Mandy sat their and watched him pull stuff out  the bag while wondering what made him think that.

Mandy: How come?

She doesn't hate Sharks but the Shark attacked him, he'd be withing his right to hate that Shark but instead he got away bleeding and the Shark got off with just a small winding.

Logan: We were the one's in it's home, how'd you like it if someone kicked down you're front door and took over you're living room?

Logan looked to her playing with a T-shirt in his hands, Mandy gave a small tight lipped nod not being able to argue with that, not many people stick up for Sharks like Logan does, he's like the real life Aquaman.

Logan: It won't be nice, huh?

Mandy shook her head to him with a smile as he was smiling, she's not sure what he's smiling about but she's hoping he will once she told him what she needs to tell him.

Mandy: Logan, I need to tell you something.

Logan picked out a pair of clean boxers from his bag and turned to her holding his index finger up asking her for one minute.

Logan: Give me a sec, I need to get out these shorts.

Mandy understood that, he's been in those damp shorts for a few hours now and that can be really uncomfortable, Logan went into the rooms bathroom to get changed while Mandy was now left with her thoughts on how she's going to tell him, it kind of has to be quick because she needs to pick Rose up soon from the play group.

Mandy: Deep breaths Amanda, just tell him he's had a daughter for the past 4 years that he never knew about. How hard can it be?...

Mandy said with a small chuckle to herself as it is actually pretty difficult, she then sighed to herself as she doesn't know how Logan will react, will he be happy and want to be her father or will he flip and walk out leaving Mandy and Rose alone once again, she can't really think about that though because whatever he does he has the right to know about her and vice versa, all Mandy was able to tell Rose about her Daddy is he was in the British Navy, that and his first name was all she knew before.

Now she knows his last name and Kenway is a great last name, Mandy sat their and thought about the perfect scenario to this situation and it ends.

Mandy: ... Amanda Kenway... 

Mandy smirked a little as it had a good ring to it, even Rose Kenway made sense but that's only if he one, wants to be part of their lives and two, he still has some kind of feelings for her, he might just be her baby daddy for the rest of time.

Logan: You okay?

Logan asked walking out the bathroom in just his boxer briefs, they hugged to his body comfortably but that just made his buldge even more evident to the NXT Women's Champion and her mind couldn't help but wonder.

Mandy *Thoughts*: Did he get bigger? Mama likes...

Mandy bit her bottom lip a little while tilting her head slightly to get a better look, It's been a while for Mandy and she knows he could make her cream with that thing, Mandy's thoughts got out of control but Logan had to ruin her fun and pull on a pair of jeans, slowly starting to get ready to leave the hospital and continue with his day.

Logan: What do you need to tell me?

Logan asked slipping on his trainers, part of her whished he would put a T-shirt on already so she could focus on more then just him bending her over this bed and fucking her brains out but a small part of her enjoyed the view.

Mandy: Um... Well, I don't actually know how to tell you...

Logan actually did slip a T-shirt on this time...

... Then he walked over to her sitting on the bed beside her, Mandy looked away from him as her starting that train of thought has got her a little hot and bothered, she can't look at him now without a tingly in her pussy, so to lose the torture she just told him what she needed to tell him.

Mandy: ... After you left, I started to feel sick and I thought it was food poising at first but Saraya told me I could be pregnant...

Logan eye's latched to hers as she looked back to him, Logan looked like he'd seen a ghost and could already see where this is going, Mandy knew that he could already tell but just encase and he probably wants her to say it just so he's sure.

Mandy: ... You're a Father.

Mandy waited for him to kick off and say that he never met her or something but he didn't he just sat there with a straight face probably not knowing what to say or do, it's a big thing to be told you're a parent after 5 years of not knowing.

Logan: Have uh... Have you got a picture?

Logan asked clearly he's not going anywhere which was a relief to Mandy, now she doesn't have to tell Rose her dad want's nothing to do with her, Mandy took her phone out and found a picture of both her and Rose taken only the day before today.

She gave Logan her phone with the picture and he couldn't help his smile, even if he wanted to but he can't, his smile went from ear to ear with his pearly white teeth showing, Mandy couldn't help but smile as well, if he stays for their daughter maybe she can make him hers again.

Mandy: She's got you're eyes.

Mandy admitted as before she had nothing to compare them too both her and Logan having Blue eyes she wasn't sure if Rose has her's or Logan's but now seeing Logan's world light up she can tell their daughter has his eyes, Rose defiantly has Mandy's Dark Brown hair though.

Logan's hair's more dark then her's is and Rose has quite Light dark brown hair, it doesn't make sense but it is what it is.

Logan: She's beautiful...

Logan handed her phone back to her as they didn't know but Gionna, Anton, Toni and Daria had all returned to see how he was doing, they can hear them through the small crack in the door as Mandy took her phone back from him.

Logan: ... She looks just like you.

Mandy smiled to her phone as she knew that Rose took most her looks from her, Logan stood up and looked out the window sighing as Mandy thought about what he just said.

Mandy *Thoughts*: Did he call me beautiful?

Mandy was slowly becoming obsessed with this guy and that's odd because normally it's the men who get obsessed with her not the other way around.

Logan: Can I meet her?

Logan asked turning back to Mandy and she looked up to him, this is going better then she though and nodded to him more then happy for her daughter to meet her father, it's only right.

Mandy: How about you meet us at Disneyland...

Mandy got the idea as Rose has always wanted to go to Disneyland but Mandy has kind of been avoiding it for a later date, not many people remember things from when they were 4 and Mandy wanted Rose to remember her first time at the self proclaimed "Happiest place on earth", what can be more memorable then this.

Mandy: ... Rose has always wanted to go and this seems like a good reason to go now.

Mandy stood from the bed facing Logan as he heard his daughters name for the first time ever, Mandy didn't even realise she hadn't told him her name yet until he chuckled a little.

Logan: Rose? Her name's Rose?

Logan thought it was because Mandy's WWE name is Mandy Rose but it turns out the Rose is her middle name so it fits their little girl even better.

Logan: Disney sounds great.

Logan smiled even more as Mandy was over the moon from how this has gone, she'd be lying if she said she didn't half expect him to just walk away but now she doesn't have to be alone in the parenting, Mandy's got her baby daddy back...


Logan's with Anton and Gionna at the front of Disneyland...

... Waiting for Mandy to to bring Rose to meet her father for the first time, Logan's nervous but glad his best friends here, Gionna was a little pissed at Logan early after hearing he left Mandy with the baby but after what they heard at the hospital they all realised he didn't know anything about it.

Logan: I hate this feeling...

Logan sighed and took a deep breath 18 years he spent in the navy and learnt how to coupe with high pressure situations but nothing could ever prepare him for this.

Gionna: Seriously? The stories of what you two have done and this makes you nervous?

Gionna asked with an attitude and it's true, they done stupid shit in their youth and during their work but boys will be boys and they do stupid shit, this however isn't a boy thing, this is when Logan needs to step up and be a man, a father.

Rose: Gio!

They heard a small voice call out and all turned to see Mandy walking towards them with a little girl, clearly this is Rose and Logan just watched as she ran to Gionna hugging her legs, Gionna hugged her back but then Rose looked to Logan and Anton.

Rose: Who are you?

She asked innocently as she held her bear in her hands, Logan knelt down to her level and smiled as Many watched nearby, Gionna however was being sneaky and filmed the scene of a little girl meeting her Sailor father for the first time in her life.

Logan: Hi, I'm Logan.

Logan held his hand out and she shook his hand, Mandy taught their daughter to be respectful and she's being that now, while she spoke to Logan for the first ever time.

Rose: My daddy's name's Logan.

Logan chuckled to her as she looked as nervous as Logan is, he's not sure if Mandy told her she was meeting him or not but apparently she didn't because Rose has no idea who he is.

Logan: Is that you're friend?

Logan asked pointing to the bear in her hands, Rose nodded hiding behind her toy, Logan held his hand out asking to hold the bear and Mandy watched as her daughter gave it to him, Mandy hasn't been able to get her to put that bear down for ages now and Logan did it without asking.

Rose: He's called Logan too, I named him after my daddy.

That made Logan smile even more as this is going better then they could have expected, Mandy stood near Anton and Gionna hugged Mandy's side, this is getting her kind of emotional.

Rose: He's a boatman like my daddy is.

Logan and Anton chuckled to her calling them boatman, it's cute she's 4 and learning it's fine, Rose laughed to Logan's chuckle as Logan held her blue teddy bear in his hands still squatting in front of her.

Logan: I used to work on boats...

Logan said looking to her and it took a second but Rose looked to Mandy who had a tear rolling down her cheek, Mandy nodded to Rose as Rose seemed to piece it all together, she's a smart girl and didn't need much encouragement and turned back to Logan.

Rose: Are you my daddy?

Logan smiled with his own tears brewing as he nodded and could only mouth yes, the emotion he's going through right now didn't make it easy to say, Rose was also clearly happy and cheered hugging Logan...

... Logan lifted her up and held her in his arms for the first time in their lives, Rose has a father that he's always wanted and Logan's got a beautiful daughter with a beautiful women, Mandy chuckled with a laugh wiping her tears away as both Logan and Rose shared the hug, Rose wrapped her legs around Logan's waist and her left arm over her shoulder as Logan held her up.

Rose: You're not going to leave again right?

Logan shook his head no as Gionna got every single moment of this scene on her phone.

Logan: I'm not going anywhere.

Rose smiled and hugger Logan once again as Logan tucked her bear between them, Logan saw Mandy off to the side and called her into the hug, Mandy joined them all three of them hugging as a family for the first time in front of all these strangers all looking forward to the day at Disney.

This is defiantly a day for them to remember and what a day it's been...


(To Be Continued)

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