One of the Last Saiyans

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3rd Pov

On an unknown planet in Frieza's side of the galaxy....

In, an unknown planet that hosted some aliens there was one of the population that wasn't apart of the species that was living on the planet. And the person was an saiyan, one of the few remaining left as his name is Daiko and he was seen resting against a tree as he quickly wakes up as he was having the nightmare.

Daiko: *panting and holds his chest* That damn nightmare again...*sighs* Damnit all.

He gets up and cracks his back and walks away from the tree as he was looking for himself something to eat and he found a weird looking fruit and grabbed the fruit and took a bite.

Daiko: Hm, sour....But it's food. *took another bite of the fruit*

Daiko was eating his snack until he sensed a few power levels he never sensed before as he looks around for where they are at.

Daiko: Okay....I'm sensing ten small to middle size power levels coming from....*looks to his left* That way.

He then floats up in the air and then flies over to where the power levels are at and after a few minutes of flying he stopped midair and see a group of people doing things as he never seen these people before.

Daiko: The hell?

At the ground the people was actually Frieza's soldiers as one of them picked up Daiko's power level and was frozen in fear as another soldier looked at him.

Rasberry: Novia what's wrong with you?

Novia: I-i'm detecting an very high power level....It's above us.

Rasberry: Above us? *looks up and check his scouter* Wh-*detected Daiko's power level* T-the hell?!?! WE GOT AN HIGH POWER LEVEL HERE!! CONTACT LORD FRIEZA!!!

Daiko who was still in the air somehow heard the name Frieza and started to have an memory of that mention name and growled and powered up and flies straight down and landed hard on the ground making an small quake creating smoke. Some of the soldiers gets up and looks around but was getting stabbed left and right as they was screaming in pain before dying. Soldiers' screams was heard left and right as the smoke clears up ti see Daiko stabbing an dark red ki blade he made into one of the soldiers before cutting him in half.

Daiko: *sighs and looks around the dead bodies* I count nine....where's the last person....

The last soldier rushed in and punched Daiko in the face but the punch didn't do anything as Daiko kicked the soldier in the air and fired an ki blast earsing the soldier fast. Daiko crossed his arms as he then sensed an power level but it was familiar towards him as he smiles a bit as it was his girlfriend, Bonyu who lands onto the ground and crossed her arms.

Bonyu: Jeez, you still hate the soldiers huh?

Daiko: Well expect you. You is the expection. So why are these now dead soldiers here?

Bonyu: Well my saiyan muffin. Frieza order some people to gather some supplies and bring them to him as he's on Planet Namek now.

Daiko: *points at her scouter* Is that off?

Bonyu: Honey it's been off since we first met. *smiles*

Daiko: And that weird ass team you is on.

Bonyu: I can leave and come back when I feel like it. So back to what I was saying. He's trying to be immortal with the dragon balls.

Daiko: Dragon balls?

Bonyu: *sighs* I explained you what they do honeypie. Collect all of them, summon an dragon that will grant you a wish. Remember now?

Daiko: *rubs the back of his head* Oh right. So you want me to head over there and steal it?

Bonyu: Yes. I sent up one of the pods to go to Namek and remember lower your power level. They got scouters.

Daiko: Yeah yeah.

Bonyu grabbed Daiko by the ear and pulls it and glares at her boyfriend.

Daiko: Ow ow ow ow ow!!!

Bonyu: Speak right to your girlfriend. Got it?

Daiko: Y-yeah Bon bon...

Bonyu: *smiles and kissed his cheek and lets go of his er* Thanks you. Now hurry up and go to Namek.

Daiko: Okay okay bon bon. See you later.

Bonyu and Daiko kissed each other quickly as Daiko walks towards the pod and gets into it and the pod floats up a bit and then shoots into the sky and into space and started making his way towards Planet Namek.

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