Let The Match Begin

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The sun shone brightly while the clouds were hovering in the air like cotton as the team along with Detective Onigawara wait out on the field for Larry since it was the day on which the deciding match would be held. Everyone was tensed since this match would either bring Fubuki back to safety or their soccer be banned, allowing Larry's plan to proceed.

"Um.. Kantoku how will we arrive to the base?" Endou asked confused.

Kudou didn't respond upon which Someoka howled with anger. "You don't know!"

"Well maybe Larry would send someone to lead us to the base," Detective Onigawara suggested.

"Then there is nothing we could do but wait," Kazemaru sighed while the others groaned.

They have been waiting for about an hour now which disturbed everyone since already the anxiety was filling fear in them but the suspense and the wait was just pure torture.

Everyone waited till a black colored car stopped infront of them from which a reddish brown haired boy came out as Gouenji, Someoka and Endou stared at him. Sudden realization came to them that the boy was....

"Luke!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Guess you know me already," he said seriously and somewhat sadly not willing to know how did they knew him although they haven't met before. The gloom on his face and in his voice was obvious but everyone brushed it off.

"If you don't want your precious soccer to be banned, follow the car," Luke said as moved in the car, not even waiting for an response.

Everyone rushed into the Inazuma Caravan since the car didn't waited for them to be seated. If they didn't hurry, they would lose sight of  the car and it would all be over. Soon after a half an hour of traveling, they all arrived at the base where Larry was waiting peacefully while playing with a blue rose.

"Hello, it's so delightful to have you all here," Larry spoke with a devilish grin plastered on his face while bowing. "Such charming little children but so foolish. No wonder my little flower wasn't able to bloom with you weeds."

"What does he mean by his little flower?" Detective Onigawara muttered under his breath but soon realization drawn upon him.

"What have you done to Fubuki!" He exclaimed  worried for him since he was the one who failed to make sure to security of his that he promised to.

If he ordered to attack them, Larry would do worse than what he has done to Fubuki who was held hostage or was he?

"Guess you want to see him, huh?" Larry smirked. "Let's go to the field and there you would see how much he has bloomed. I bet you would be amazed."

They went to the field where the team was waiting among whom one was wearing a black colored cloak covering not only his face but also his entire body which only increased the worry of the team.

Everyone ran towards the team and demanded to see Fubuki upon which they all stepped back except that particular veiled one who seemed to be smirking under his hood. 

"Fubuki!" Everyone ran towards the cloaked boy with concern reflecting in their eyes and their voices.

"Fubuki! Are you alright?" Someoka said while holding Fubuki's shoulders and slightly shaking him back and forth. "Say something!"

Fubuki smirked and pushed back Someoka ruthlessly causing everyone's eyes to widened as Someoka fell on the ground with gleaming eyes.

"Fubuki!" Someoka spoke disbelievingly since not in a million years their Fubuki would push anyone away this rudely especially his best friend.

Fubuki then removed the cloak as it reveals the changes that has happened to him due to the serum that was injected into him upon which others gasped making them ghosts of themselves.

Fubuki's hair has changed color and also the style that was styled into. Half of his hair spikes were facing down, grayish white in color similar to snow while the other half were spikier facing up and gained the color salmon. His two eyes changed shape, one was like that of Shirou droopy while the other similar to Atsuya but bright orange in color and was pointing upwards.

"Get ready to be crushed," Fubuki laughed as he balls his hands into fists outstretching them. "I'm going to break every single bone of yours!"

Fubuki voice sounded like a mixture of two voices, one harsh and aggressive while the other soft but menacing, scaring the living daylights out of them.

Everyone was in utter shock to see their Fubuki Shirou like this. So much has happened to him and even imaging the torture he has faced made them shiver with fright.

"Fubuki! What happened..." Endou asked but was interrupted by Fubuki who growled with pure anger that flowed in his veins.


Fubuki started to laugh inhumanly with the loudest voice ever that send shivers down everyone's spine.

What has happened to Fubuki? Endou thought as his insides made several twists and turns. He is acting very differently as if there is someone else standing in front of him instead of Fubuki but fate let him be there.

"Everyone in position, I want you all to play as aggressively as you can, break every single bone in them," Fubuki ordered while grinning devilishly as he slightly tilted his head to his side. "Don't let a single drop of hope left in them."

"Hai Captain," Everyone replied sadly.

Somehow the team looked really depressed for a reason which was brushed away from noticing since their first priority was saving Fubuki.

Meanwhile Endou tried to raise the hopes of others who were terrified. Everyone was feeling so lost that someone has to pull them together or they won't survive the match. Although Endou himself felt like breaking down on his knees and crying his heart out but this would only weaken the team spirit.

"Minna! Remember worrying won't help, if we kept on worrying like this then we won't be able to reach out to Fubuki who right now needs our help. We would show him, make him feel the same feeling we feel when we play soccer together," Endou spoke in a cheerful tone along with assuring himself from inside.

"Right now that guy over there isn't Fubuki Shirou at all. Our Fubuki is in deep depths, screaming for our help so it's up to us to bring him into the light," Endou continued with gleaming eyes but his voice was filled with determination.

The determination to bring his old pal back from the darkness that he was caged into.

"I agree with Endou," Kidou spoke with a smile. "If we keep on worrying like this then we won't be able to play with our full potential and that won't do any good besides we have improved so the chances for us to win would be more."

Everyone nodded knowing what to do to rescue Fubuki from the hell Larry has created for him.

Meanwhile, Larry sat down on one of the benches still smelling the rose.

"Just a wonderful scent but I bet my flower over there would have a better one."

He stood up from his seat as he exclaimed. "Let the match begin!"

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