random writing thingy a bobbers...

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Fell: the second best pun I've actually heard and encountered in the wild was when I was walking down the street in the "hip" part of town and saw a couple of Budweiser cans thrown in a bush. And I said to a walking stranger walking nearby "damn, the local beer harvest is really poor this year". And the stranger responded with...

Wingding: "give it time they're only buds"


Bulldog!Gaster: in my senior drama class I had to play as Gordon Ramsey for a film project but we could only film in school so we had to find a closed off room to use. The thing is the room wasn't exactly soundproof and apparently someone heard us... and that's the story on how the vice principal and four freshmen walked in on me wearing a chef's hat and yelling at my friend because his squid was so raw I could still hear it telling Spongebob to fuck off...

Spartan!Gaster: did you get the A?

Samoana!Gaster:*jokes* did you get the A Squidward?


Lust!Gaster: screw cosplay I'm just cut armholes in an anime body pillow.

Wingding: when you an anime girl and you tired of everybody saying your their wifu so you gonna beat the shit out of them.


Bear!Gaster(aka Teddy): the bees and wasps recognize me as the person who gives them water. Which sounds cool but it means everytime I go outside they harass me until I fill up the waterer. On the bright side, I no longer have to fear wasps as they just buzz around me non-threateningly now.

Emily: you are their water deity now.



Melody: minecraft fulfills the Gen Z and millennial fantasy to build your own house, befriend animals, and build mining zones without safety inspectors chewing you out...

Jasmin:*acting as the safety inspector* you can't hide from me forever, Melody.

Melody: oh shi-


Bellona: cannon = thing that goes boom.

Emily: canon = an event that occurs within a published story.

Jeremy: they both destroy ships though...

Zoey: did you just...?


Melody: in every new Fnaf game...

Emily:*as phone guy/hand unit* you new her?

Zoey:*as everyone* not exactly.


Emily: so my cousin was in a gay pride parade and everything in her outfit and makeup was rainbow but she was wearing red eye contacts and while marching, a protester shouts...

???: "your going straight to hell!"

Emily: and she turns around to face him with her fucking blood red eyes and said...

Zoey: "well duh, I got a kingdom to run"

Emily: and the protester nearly fucking passed out. That is her legacy... I want to be like her.


Zoey:*not doing the skit anymore* you sure about that cousin?

Emily:*quickly replies with a no and says* "I did it for the skit..."

Zoey: oh... *pouts*


Gaster: how do you manage all these Androids your keeping?

Fell: the secret is, I don't. I have no control over them what's so ever.

Fell: this morning W.D.800 yelled out to me and when I showed up to see what's going on, S.F.800 shot me in the throat with a nerf gun...


Emily, Zoey, and Jasmin:*look unamused*

Melody:*looks at Swapfell in the eye* pardon my French, but your being a douchebaguette...


Melody, Emily, Zoey, and Jasmin:* snicker trying not to laugh at the situation*


Stars: Marker!

Marker:*thinks* the fuck... Stars I'm busy...

Stars:*repeats Marker's name until he gets a response*

Marker:*getting annoyed at his husband* what?

Stars: baby, are you an enderman? Cuz you've stolen my heart.

Marker: ... *stands there unsure on how to respond for a second until he gets an idea*

Marker: babe, are you made of obsidian? Cuz I'm gonna use my diamond pick to mine that cave~

Stars:*has a very dark purple blush*


Melody:*minding her own business working on making diamond picks for her and Jasmin*

Jasmin:*target locked and pounced* Melodysynthesis!

Melody: !!! *flinches and is surprised and soon has a dark blush on her face*

Emily and Zoey:*snicker at what happened*


Wingding:*still in the lab working but is really tired now* I'm... tired... *passes out at his desk*

Stars:*sighs and takes Wingding to bed*

(This one is made based off)

(This gif)


Emily:*blushes madly and looks at Swap with slight annoyance and her mouth was slightly agape* excuse me?! You arrogant snot, who the hell do you think you are?!

Swap:*looks at Emily a little annoyed while holding her chin* the one your shipped with... and don't you ever curse at me!

(This one is based on)

(This gif)


Melody:*in a room with friends* storytime, everyone in this room is entirely straight.

*everyone looks at Melody*

Melody: April fools.

Emily: FAKE NEWS!!

*everyone else laughs*


Anyways I think I'm done with these for a while... at least...

Emily, Zoey, and Bellona Spartan!Gaster belongs to  EmilySkelewolf

Jasmin belongs to LuckyLoto12

Samoana!Gaster belongs to SamoanaGirl101

Teddy, Bulldog!Gaster, and Melody belongs to me

The two gifs shown are from the anime Junjou Romantica...

Anyways see you in the next chapter my fluffy clan members...

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