Swap and Yandere!Bond

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Swap as soon as he tried to run and had disobeyed and gotten his rescuer in danger but Swap continued to run even as his rescuer sacrificed his life to be able for Swap to escape. The winding woods he was taken to was confusing as it just took him back to the house in the forest that he came from but he did one thing he knew run and hide and he did. Swap hid under the couch as he heard the front door of revealing his blood covered captor Bond making Swap tremble in sheer terror. "Swappy come out of hiding right now..." Bond spoke with anger and obsession to it but Swap didn't come out of hiding and watched as Bond walked to the next room. Swap could hear furniture being moved and he almost bolted to the open front door but he didn't as he saw Bond came out of the room and walked towards the couch causing Swap to panic and crawl back as he saw Bond's hand though Swap's sweater sleeve grazed it and caused Bond to move the couch causing a yelp/scream from Swap as he soon bolted to the door. Bond's fingers lightly grazed his fingers but as soon as Swap got out the door he felt Bond grab the back of sweater causing Swap to scream out in protest. Swap soon was pinned and given a hard slap by Bond.

Swap's voice was so quiet he didn't know if Bond heard him or he just ignored his pleas.

As Bond spoke Swap felt his soul drop.

Swap's screams were muffled when Bond kisses him but Swap knew now... he will never be able to escape.

Well here's this...

LuckyLoto12 is the owner of Yandere!Bond

Swap belongs to to Bunnymuse but I'm playing as him in an RP with LuckyLoto12

Hopefully this will be alright... and sorry for the rushed sketches...

Anyways see you in the next chapter my fluffy clan members

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
