the Void calls, will you answer? part 3

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A few days go by as Steve tries to get used to no arms and the inability to pick anything up, feed himself, or even dress himself but Herobrine stayed by Steve's side the whole time and catching when Steve is hungry "was this poncho really necessary...?" Steve asks as he looks at Herobrine "yes because the over world's colder weather is coming up and I don't want you sick..." Herobrine replied to which Steve seemed to smile to because he knows Herobrine cares about him and it made him feel happy to the point he nuzzled Herobrine due to not being able to hug him "remind me that you don't need any sugar..." Herobrine said looking at Steve but before Steve could reply Herobrine continues "your sweet enough as it is... and if you have more sugar you'll be to sweet to handle..." when Herobrine finished speaking Steve smiles more and nuzzles Herobrine again causing both of them to chuckle afterwards "you getting hungry?" Herobrine asks looking at Steve "kind of..." was all Steve replied to but he couldn't forget what he almost did to his skeleton friend Mike "you know Mike doesn't blame you for what happened..." Herobrine stated "I know... but I still feel bad about almost hurting him..." Steve replied while looking away which in turn got Steve's head moved to look at Herobrine when he used his hand to move Steve's head "it's not your fault... you were tricked..." Herobrine stated when Steve whined "b-but..." Steve was about to say but gets cut off "no buts... I ain't going to let you belittle yourself..." Herobrine said to which Steve seemed to hold back tears causing Herobrine to hug him "shh... it's alright..." Herobrine said rubbing Steve's back.

Overtime Steve was starting to get used to Herobrine aiding, watching, and comforting him since Herobrine is known to be strict, stubborn, and having a bad temper but can be sweet and patient when needed "is it weird for you to help a human...?" Steve asks looking at Herobrine "eh... kinda... but your the only human I'll be doing that too..." Herobrine replied causing Steve to nod then noticed Mike and Ira walked in to give their reports "am I the only human that you trust...?" Steve asks even though it's simple to which Herobrine only nodded too "you are..." Herobrine replied then looks back at the paperwork but keeps an eye on Steve as well.

When nighttime came along Herobrine let Steve go outside but only if he was with him "no wandering off to far..." Herobrine called out when Steve was looking around "alright..." Steve replied turning back to look at Herobrine before looking up to the night sky then noticed a sunflower causing to walk up to it and sniff but due to the void creature's influence the sunflower was like a cat high "Steve?" Herobrine said looking over and noticed himself when Steve rubbed his face into the flower causing Herobrine to chuckle a little bit then pull Steve away from the sunflower this in turn got Steve nuzzling him instead "Steve" Herobrine said smiling and lightly scratching Steve's head causing a laugh when Steve nuzzled his cheek "I think that's enough sunflower for you..." Herobrine said picking up Steve and taking him away from the flower to which caused Steve to calm down enough to focus "what the...?" Steve seemed confused and was trying to ask what happened "the void creatures get sunflower high it seems... or well... some of them..." Herobrine replied letting Steve calm down more "oh...?" Steve seemed oddly curious but didn't want to do whatever happened again since he can't really remember what happened "was I acting weird...?" Steve asks looking Herobrine "cuddly... but not weird..." Herobrine replied looking at Steve "but I'm not going to use the sunflower on you..." Herobrine continued to which Steve nods then started to get a bit hungry "common... let's get you some food..." Herobrine said walking through stopping to let Steve catch up "are you hungry...?" Steve asks as he caught up "gods don't really need to eat so no... but we can eat... it's just something not needed to us..." Herobrine replied when he looks over to Steve "is that why your favorite things to eat are steak and mushroom stew?" Steve soon asked then looked off into the forest "yeah... for their foods I enjoy... but you used to make them for me when I visited you... back when you turned eighteen... I was curious enough to try them too... and I was happy with what you made..." Herobrine said rubbing the back of his neck "to bad I can't make it anymore... I don't have arms..." Steve said with a sigh "do you remember the ingredients...?" Herobrine asks a little curiosity in his tone "yeah... why you want to try making them how I did it...?" Steve replied but with a question of his own "that is impossible to copy the same taste... but I can make the same thing... even though I'm not a great cook... like you used to be..." Herobrine said turning his gaze away from Steve "Herobrine... you missed the days when we hung out huh...?" Steve asks getting Herobrine's attention "yeah... it was calming... relaxing... I didn't have to act like a stuck up god around you... nether... you even saw yourself... I'm usually hot tempered... ready to strike out at any other mortal..." Herobrine said looking at the night sky then continued what he was saying "you were the first mortal who managed to calm my rage... to see a different side of me... unlike those who look at me in fear..." Herobrine finished speaking only for Steve to respond "I'm the first mortal who ever befriended the nether god... that everyone fears... I mean they're scared of you... but us mortals don't really know any better... mortals tend to fear what they don't understand or what are too powerful to them..." Steve said "I guess you have a point there..." Herobrine replied then states under his breathe 'weaklings' causing Steve to snap his gaze on to Herobrine "so that means I'm a weakling too huh?" Steve said to which Herobrine looks over "no... you don't fear me... and were willing to learn... instead of fear... it means your stronger then the other mortals..." Herobrine replied looking Steve in the eyes and sighs "let's head back... the sun will be coming up soon..." Herobrine stated and Steve nods and walks with Herobrine back into the ravine where a path was made to get down so no one had to get wet "Herobrine... am I annoying to you because I can't do anything like I can before...?" Steve asks pausing in his step "no... you don't annoy me... why should I be annoyed by the one mortal I actually like and trust...?" Herobrine replied looking over at Steve who seemed to start doubting himself "hey... just because you don't have arms doesn't mean your annoying or worthless... nether... that caused you to have a strong kick..." Herobrine said giving his mortal companion comfort and a hug "when did you get sweet on me?" Steve asks causing Herobrine to chuckle "well looks like your sweetness is rubbing off on me" Herobrine replied "yeah..." Steve laughs as the continued back into the ravine to a cave and to where they call home.

[1237 words went into this part of the story...

and yes we have a little bit of a backstory... on how Steve and Herobrine became friends in a way...

More will be added later on...

Anyways see you in the next chapter my fluffy clan members]

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