another part of the Bowuigi thing

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"Well looks like you guys gave me the damn excuse to take Greenie away from ya" Bowser may sound calm but in all honesty he was livid "and to think you would hurt your hero's brother" is all he says back taking Luigi and the shipment, Once Bowser returns with the shipment Kamek and Kammy are startled seeing him injured but also a bleeding and unconscious Luigi with him but they get to healing Luigi instead of letting him bleed out but the magickoopas hear one thing Bowser says though it's quite "I'm going to kill those little mushroom pests..." he growls after "and here I thought finishing the damn peace treaty would be a good idea but no... they sure ruined that..." Bowser huffs and then looks at Luigi "Greenie... please wake up soon..." is all Bowser can muster as he takes Luigi to his nest to rest and to be properly examined but Bowser couldn't help the high amounts of stress since his boyfriend Luigi is injured, by Luigi's on allies at that to "at least everyone is a lot better now then they were... the guards saw the situation and they are pissed... but rest assured... your care is top priority before a damn war..." Bowser spoke and wished he got an answer from Luigi to know that he's waking up but there's nothing "...please... wake up... my little green bean..." Bowser sulks as he watches his magickoopa advisors heal Luigi and have guards keep a very close eye on the border between the darklands and mushroom kingdom border along with any pipes that can lead back and forth from the two areas which the guards and those who knew what Luigi Was doing did just that and without a word even more guards patrolled both the inside and outside the castle, they saw Luigi as one of them due to what the toads had done but they know Mario will come rather quickly to get his brother back after he seriously deals with the Toads "Greenie... I think your brother is going to angrily scold those toads huh...?" Bowser yet to get a response gently pets Luigi's hair "... I'll also make sure you get a new mushroom hat... you were so adorable in it... your adorable either way though..." Bowser had to admit that he actually loved Luigi dearly and seeing what happened to Luigi really angers and saddens Bowser but when a small hand twitch happened he sighs as he notices Luigi show signs he's alive but not fully there " dear green bean, please tell me if your head hurts..." Bowser pleads but gets a sudden groan in response as Luigi's eyes open but Luigi still needed to rest "easy my little green bean... you got hurt... I don't want you stressing yourself out..." Bowser spoke softly and Luigi whines a little bit "...d...on't go..." Luigi spoke but It sounded strained "shh... rest... I'm not going anywhere... I'll let Kamek and Kammy know your speech his off... probably from what Kamek had me learn is that its from a concussion... which if I remember causes some speech errors to..." Bowser calls out to his advisors and they appear, Bowser gives them a rundown of what's going on and they immediately aid Luigi "...thank... you..." Luigi spoke which Kamek and Kammy nod to and disappear again then Bowser softly speaks to Luigi "you need rest but you probably want to get cleaned up huh...?" Luigi nods Bowser takes Luigi into the bathroom and makes sure Luigi is clean and in clean clothes so he can relax and rest.

[This only came out to 604 words but oh well... I'm a bit busy to add more so for the time being enjoy this, hopefully I can get more down the next time if my writers block doesn't stop me after I get free time... anyways enjoy]

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