baby Jenna walking

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Lemon sat on the couch watching tv while Ash and Melody were in the kitchen making lunch as Jenna crawled on the ground with her favorite teddy bear to sit down beside the couch soon using the couch to help her stand thinking 'if mommy, mamma, and big brother can walk then I can to!' type of attitude as she let go of the couch and stayed standing for a few seconds then walked over to Lemon's feet which got his attention "mommy! momma! Jenna's walking!" Lemon shouted getting both Ash and Melody's attention as they ran out of the kitchen to notice baby Jenna walking "I can wawk to!" Jenna said with a slight lisp because of having small baby teeth "Ash! get the camera!" Melody said hastily with glee in her tone 'that's so cute!' Eclipse said in Melody's thoughts as she watched little Jenna walk Lemon gets off the couch soon running a little bit away then turns around " common baby sis you can do it!" Lemon said excitedly soon clapping his hands in front of him making Jenna determined to walk over to her big brother and show that shes a big girl 'I will be a big girl! big girls can walk by themselves!' Jenna thought as she carefully walked to her big brother          

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