Blaine's OD species project information

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Od3087: looks like a dog but with distorted features and is covered in blades are blood it's spine can be seen outside it's body and has a skeletal tail with a blade at the end it's flesh is  molded and decaying if you hear it's clacking metal claws stand still it will think your a statue and leave you alone it can be heard scratching at it's cell door

Od2213:looks like a blob of rotting flesh it's main food is flesh as it digests it's victims like a slug or snail and can often hear it groan and try to melt it's cell door

Od1342: it looks like a child sized teddy bear it's said that it weeps if you get to close it will kill you and eat your heart not much in known of this creature only you can hear it crying from it's cell

(Denmark's bio in book check it out)

(Melody)Od8779:* the information seems to be ripped out*

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