Distortion's little nightmare

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Distortion: *wakes up with a start while inhaling sharply*Ashton...babe... if you hadn't came into my life... I'm not sure how sane I would be... heh my universe's common knowledge is destorted and strange... and if I was still trapped by the people who... used me... a...abused me... let's just say... that I wouldn't be the same skeleton you see in front of you... and... *starts shaking while tears start to form from his sockets* I'm afraid that... I could hurt you... or w-worse... kill you... *hugs Ashton tightly while shaking and crying into Ashton's shirt clearly showing that he had a nightmare of being back in that place that he was abused in he calls hell* I... *hic* don't want to go back there... I... *hic* I... want to stay here with you... and my son... I love you both to much to let you go... *starts crying again this time unable to form words* I... *hic* I... *tries to find the right words to say while crying and clinging to Ashton like if he were to let go Ashton would disappear*

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