information on fairy/angel bitty's

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Healthy: when perfectly healthy their hair and tail tip sparkle magically.

Sick/wounded: their hair and tail tip are dull and are unable to sparkle.

Near death: all hair from their heads and tail tip vanish as their magic returns back to the earth.

Fairy/angel bitty's are sensitive to the difference in positive and negative emotions and will disappear when the balance is uneven until the balance has been fixed.

Due to their rare encounter rate they are known to have great mystical energy to grant powerful wishes and to aid those who are sick via invisibility as they do not want to be seen and they live very deep in the forest that houses a giant tree that was dated to be four thousand years old.
Due to the lack of knowledge of these bitty's not much is known of them.
Fairy/angel bitty's appear in old fantasy stories as the great protectors of the forest and what dwells in the giant tree.
the queen of the fairy/angel bitty's is the largest bitty know to exist in the world and is the strongest of their kind.
Fairy/angel bitty's eat nuts and berries as their main diet and will not harm animals due to their love of nature which makes them vulnerable to rats and snakes for their only defense is a magic force field that can fall easily if hit with fisical attacks.

*When creating a fairy/angel bitty they can be any gender and any color*
Color ratings:
Red- scavenger
Orange- observer
Yellow- gard
Green- farmer
Blue- inventor
Purple- royalty 
*this hopefully will help with your fairy/angel bitty's state in the colony as they adorn different types of gems in a choker that is given to them by the queen and are already arranged to marry with another bitty when they reach twenty four years old to have the next generation... the gem has to be the same color as the one who their going to marry so cross breeded gems don't happen*
Fused gem colors:
Pink- more likely to become sick.
Black- more likely to die at birth.
White- are more likely to have defects like being blind, mute, deff, or lack any flight in their wings.
*so watch what color you give your fairy/angel bitty's*

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