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24th December, 2024
23:59:59 PM

As soon as the hands of the grandfather clock kissed at twelve, Birdi flew out of her home. "Chu chu. Chu chu. Chu chu. Chu chu. Chu chu. Chu chu-"

"Shush, Birdi!" Butter said, gesturing to the cuckoo bird to fly down. "Why are you making a ruckus at midnight when the mistress told you specifically not to do so?"

"Now, don't be such a sour puss, Butter. Did you forget what today is?"

"Of course, I didn't. But the mistress just put little Ps to bed. She is tired; A new kid is making her life tough."

"Oh..." Birdi cocked her head, "Can't Sal help? I mean, he is still in the game. He can help-"

Butter nodded. "Yes, but Sal's on hiatus. He can't keep flaunting himself like he used to. Little Ps need him when their mom's away. Moreover, mistress is not the damsel in distress kind. She has only ever relied on herself."

"That is true." Birdi picked up a lonely yellow string of wool lying under the window sill.

"It's Sal's. He has picked up a new hobby, as you can see," Butter said, gesturing to a few more abandoned strings littered under the chair by the window.

Birdi cocked her head to examine the strings. "Knitting! I approve." She chirped.

Butter could see the wheels in her head turn; he was sure the bird was contemplating picking up a new hobby as well. Watching her reminded him of something he had been meaning to ask her.

"Say, it's been almost a year since Sal and Pepper tied the knot, and we shifted to this"-Butter ran his eyes around the dark hall-"palace-like place. Why haven't you introduced yourself to Sal yet?"

"I don't know... It's just difficult for me to greet a human."

"Trust me, he is cool. Did you know he has been in love with Mistress Pepper since he was sixteen?"

"Oh, really?"

"Unbelievable, isn't it?"

"Wanna know something more unbelievable?"


"Mistress has been in love with him for just as long!"

"You're lying."

"I swear, I am not." Butter touched his left paw to his forehead, "Cross my heart."

Birdi sighed. "Still waiting for death, I see."

"Without an end, life is not worth living, my friend. By the way, how's your mum doing?"

"She is near her end. I can tell."

"I am sorry to hear that, but you know what?"


"She has lived a happy life. Your dad must be waiting for her in hell. Do you really want to keep him hanging longer?"

Birdi shook her head. "No, I suppose not. Truth be told, she has been wanting to see him for years now. Thanks, Butter, I feel much better after chatting with you." With that, the bird took flight. "Bye now, see you-"

"You can fly in to see me anytime, but just keep it down, alright?"

"Got it!"

After the cuckoo retired to her nest inside the antique clock, Butter tiptoed into the master bedroom. His eyes moved from Sal to Pepper before settling on the handmade wooden crib, sitting snugly beside the bed.

Butter, having outgrown his kitten phase, closed his eyes and concentrated. He could hear two pairs of heartbeats. The slower belonged to Pepper and Sal, and the faster to their children, Pablo and Poppy.

He glanced back at Pepper. "Happy Birthday, my lady," he wished the softly snoring witch before approaching the crib and climbing on the bedside table; watching the infants sleep had become his favorite pastime. His keen green eyes followed their cute faces as their crib rocked to rhythm of their mother's heartbeat.

This was his own personal hell. And he was enjoying every second of it. The knowledge that every passing day took him closer to death made every single moment he lived- surrounded by love- special.

Climbing down from his tower, he walked back to his spot. Sal had gifted him a custom made window sill with a view of the local mountain range, just like the one he had gotten used to in Whistling Greens.

Whistling Greens, Butter mused, looking at the clear night sky. He still couldn't believe he had not turned into a vegetable. He suspected Lord Satan's hand in it.

The Woodgrip familiar had often wondered why the Lord had gone the extra mile to help him fulfil the prophecy. The truth had revealed itself the day Pepper was about to walk down the aisle all by herself.

A few hours before the commencement of the ceremony, Your Mightiness had arrived at the Woodgrip's doorstep dressed in a fine three piece suit that mirrored the color of a moonless night sky. This was when he had acquainted Butter and Pepper with the reason for his over involvement in the matter.

"The Woodgrips are my direct descendants. Poppy was my granddaughter." Lord Satan had announced to his unsuspecting audience. "For centuries I have waited for them to find happiness. It is only natural that I attended the ceremony," he added, looking between the kitten and his mistress with narrowed amber eyes as if either of them had the guts to turn him away.

To say that this incredible, unbelievable fact had blown their combined minds would be an understatement. But the two had acclimated to the news pretty quickly. In an unexpected turn of events, Pepper had boldly suggested he, their Lord, walk her down the aisle.

Butter had almost peed his pants then. Mistress is indeed brave, he had thought, hoping the Lord would at least entertain the idea before dismissing it. Surprisingly, the all-powerful one, who looked no less than a celebrity himself, accepted the idea with haste.

Butter had nerve been more relieved, but his work was far from done.

For when Pepper had walked down the aisle on her great, great, great, great...grandfather's arm and he handed her over to Sal, his amber eyes shone with warning: Just remember who you are marrying, young human, making beads of sweat erupt on the innocent groom's forehead, it had fallen on Butter, who had witnessed it all, to save the day.

The Woodgrip familiar had reassured the all-mighty one that he would keep an eye on the human personally and give him regular updates about the same.

The proposition had greatly pleased Your Mightiness, turning him into the most ideal '(fore) father of the bride' anyone had ever seen.

Butter smiled at the memory. "Meow." He purred, shook his head, and thought back to the confession, the one Sal had made over the cup of coffee Pepper had suggested they have at the vet's cafeteria exactly a year ago.

So much had happened between then and now. All good things. Beautiful things. The feline couldn't have asked for more.

Finally, everything was as it should be, or as Butter liked to call it: Just Purrrfect.

Chapter word count: 1158
Total word count: 30954

This brings us to the end of this tale.
I want to thank everyone who gave this book a chance. I hope it didn't disappoint you.

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