Chapter 4

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Jess' POV:

The next morning I wake up really early and decide to head down and make breakfast for everyone. I quickly change into an olive green crop top, black skinny jeans with rips in the knees, and black heeled combat boots. I throw my hair into a high pony before heading to the kitchen.

When I get down there I quickly make a large batch of scrambled eggs, bacon, and biscuits. By the time I'm finishing up the others are starting to wake up. Erik is the first one down. "We will be testing your powers today, I hope you're ready for that." He says. I nod in confirmation.

Breakfast is then eaten in silence. By the time we finish the rest are settling down. Erik motions for me to follow him and I do. We walk out to the back grassy area. "Ok, so first I want a demonstration of all your powers." He says. I nod. I look for something I can practice on.

I spot a stone vase of flowers. "Do you think Charles would mind if I destroyed that?" I ask him. His lips twitch as if he is about to smile, but then it goes back his usual stoney expression. "Do what you must. I shall deal with Charles." He says. I nod.

My hands start to glow as I shakily lift the stone vase into the air. "No, stop." He says. sighing I set it back down. "What?" I ask. "It's shaky which means you're not trying hard enough. It means you're scared of what will happen if you go all out.

Believe me, I know. But you need to not focus on the repercussions. You are among people here who will not judge you for your power." He says. "It's just. I feel all this power inside of me and there's no where for it to go. I don't know if I want to release it." I tell him.

"Don't be afraid of it. I'm going to go stand by the house. Once I stop I want you to scream. I want you to release that pressure you feel it your chest and scream as loud as you can." He says. "But what if nothing happens?" I ask. "Oh trust me, something will." He says.

Then he walks back over to the house. Once he turns to face me, arms crossed I take it a deep breath. I feel the power building, bubbling up inside me until, finally, I can't hold it in any more. I let out an earth shattering scream, sinking to my knees.

Wisps of red explode out of me, destroying the closest stone vases. When I'm done I'm exhausted, but also, I feel free. I've never been able to let loose with my powers and it is undeniably freeing. 

I look over at Erik and his facial expression is the same only his eyes show a sense of pride. I grin, feeling the euphoria of a power high. I look back at the vase I was struggling to lift earlier. I raise one hand and lift it easily. I then throw it and catch it on fire. 

Grinning I begin to experiment with my other powers. By the time I'm done I'm tired. Erik walks over to me. "You didn't need training, you needed someone who would tell you to let go." He says. I smile at me. "Thank you." I say. 

"Tell me, what was your first experience with your powers?" He asks me. My smile fades. "Uh, on my 21st birthday, I came home from my party and was attacked in my home. I couldn't scream or fight." I say, tears coming to my eyes at the memory of the feeling of hopelessness.

"Then, all of a sudden, the guy was a flung off of me and when I turned to thank whoever helped me there was no one. The guy charged me again and accidentally caught him on fire and inevitably burned him alive as well as burned my apartment complex down." I finish.

"I guess I've always been afraid of my powers. I don't like hurting people." I tell him. An unknown expression crosses his face before he pulls me into an unexpected hug. "I'm sorry that happened to you. While I am around, you will be safe, always." He says. 

I pull away slightly and look at him confused. There's an unknown look in his eyes as the go back and forth between my eyes and my lips. I slowly feel myself leaning in. Our lips are almost touching when I hear a voice call out to us. "You two finished out here?" Charles. 

We hurriedly pull away, me blushing profusely. "Yes, I'll be right it." Erik calls back. He looks me dead in the eye before leaving to go see what Charles needs. Once he's gone I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I run a hand through my pony tail. Did he regret almost kissing me? 

Was leaning in a mistake? Am I mistaking his kindness for affection? All these thoughts are running through my head and I cannot seem to get them to stop. The feeling I am feeling are new and untouched, pure. I have no idea what to do with them, but one thing is for certain. 

This is real. I am undeniably in love with Erik Lensherr. The only question is, does he love me in the same way?

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