Chap 10

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Haha Just Kidding

     Ash was getting closer to Todd's desk, he assured, wondering why then he answered himself. Because Sal was standing next to him, Ash wanted to meet Sal, which would seem more reasonable, Sal was now the center of the school thanked to Larry (thank God Larry) otherwise Sal had been to the hospital already.


Monday morning
8.30 am
   Sal lazily crawled out of bed, he had a feeling that he didn't want to go to school today, there seemed to be a tremendous pressure that forced him to stay at home on Monday morning (regardless of the students,  Sal assured that)

   But then, Sal was still at the school, sat in Mr. Matt's geometry class, from the moment he entered first grade until now, Sal had never missed a lesson, it is not a model,  it was a dodge, Sal didn't seem to want to be lonely all day at home, despite having Gizmo nearby.  But it was also contradictory, Sal didn't care to make friends at school, Todd was the first to talk to Sal and then both began to become partners.

    Matt's lectures were always easy to catch up with, but today, Sal cannot concentrate, two periods of Space Geometry and the derivative of trigonometry elapsed (that was all that Sal  paid attention, and for the content, Sal is completely blind). How could he focus on the lessons?  When Sal had a feeling, no, he insisted that he was being stared from the behind as if "their eyes" wanted to pierce his whole body. And those looks came from someone he had known too clearly and a stranger who had just moved in or "return" to this miserable Silent Hill.
   Travis Phelps or Phelipson, Sal couldn't remember his name. Only having heard that his family had been living here for ages and even owned a series of factories that were still operating in the South, very far from the town center.  Unknown for some reason, they suddenly left ten years ago, causing a big stir for the residents of Silent Hill, some thought that because of the Johnson family, the rival of the Phelipson family, took the control, some argue that there are big conflicts between the Garfields and Phelipson.  And now Johnson and Garfields worked together.

    Travis's return, especially at Harvey highschool, caused all the students there to discuss, various of the hypotheses were given, such as: Travis returned to steal all the powers from Larry, to bring  The Phelipson ruled Silent Hill again, or Travis returned because he wanted to get rid of Larry, to revive the old story, that he wanted revenge because Larry had stolen Her from Travis,...  Sal only heard that, but did not understand, but who was She?  Why didn't anyone say the name and just call HER?  After having mentioned it, they looked carefully around.  Even to Todd, Sal's new friend,  just shook his head, making a face like "Don't ever ask if you want to see me hanging upside down" when Sal asked, stabbing Sal out of curiosity.  Thought that Larry was very puzzled, now the second mysterious guy was Travis, and how coincidental both of them were staring at Sal that he was about to explode.

    As soon as the lesson ended, Sal could not stand for another second, immediately stood up, rushed out of the class before the two guys could do something.

     Sal felt sick.

     Travis was about to run after Sal but be stopped by Larry.

        - What are you come back for?

       - You must know why...

    Travis pointed toward Larry's chest, he frowned slightly then whispered to Larry's ears. Clearly a provocation.

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