Chapter 17

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Percy's POV

Why? Why did they have to give me one more person to worry about? Estelle was young and inexperienced! She would get hurt! Then I realized, "Is this what Mom is like?" Worrying and panicking for children? I brushed off the thought, and went to go get some advice.

"What's up Percy?" chimed the voice of Piper. She'd been one of my closest friends for advice on... well... pretty much everything to do with Annabeth and dating. This time however, it was different. "Perce, you can't let yourself think that she's incapable of anything! Have some faith that she knows how to protect herself and stay safe." She sure had a way with that Aphrodite charm of hers. Then she gave me a peck on the cheek. A sisterly gesture for sure, but it made me feel a whole lot more relieved.

Next stop: Bianca. "Nico?" I asked. "All set when you are." he said. As soon as the last of the fries dripped down from the Happy Meal and into the grave, a figure with a silver jacket, an empty quiver, and basically Hunter level equipment. "Percy! And Nico! You've grown at least a couple more inches. I heard you finally have a boyfriend of yours. I hope you're not scaring him... What's up?" While Nico tried to stop himself from turning the color of a beetroot, I explained my predicament. "Well Percy, us Hunters can't love, so we don't usually give advice like this. But here's some: Don't make Annabeth seem weak. Us girls are stronger than we may appear. Have trust in her." And with that, Bianca's blue ghost slipped into the ground. I felt bad that I couldn't do anything, almost useless. I would just have to wait to see how this played out.

Estelle's POV

I felt useless. Josh was rowing along while me and Fiona ate our portions of food. Finally, after a while, Josh spoke. "Can you communicate with the local Nereids? Maybe get a general direction of where the heck we're going? Cuz pretty soon we'll reach the end of this river and we'll have to go on foot." I obliged by concentrating. I felt a tug, and a voice popped in my head. "Hello!" "Hi." I responded. "I was wondering, where would we go towards New York, Manhattan?" I asked. "Well, you need to go eastward. It's still really far. 2,946.3 miles to be exact. Good luck!" And with that, the Nereid disappeared. "They said that it's eastward for a long while." I reported back. And so on it went.

Pretty soon we reached the end of the river, and Josh stored his raft and we went on foot. We continued onwards until we saw a couple of cynocephalus. We rushed ahead, and met them on foot in no time. I sliced one's head off, while Josh stabbed another another and turned it into an ash pile. We continued onto what seemed like forever until we came upon a rock with a glowing sign on it. Delta. "Does anyone know what this sign means?" Josh asked. "Delta, a sign for the Labyrinth. Something Annabeth told me before she disappeared." Fiona answered. "Labyrinth? isn't that the endless maze of dumb traps and stuff?" I asked. "Yeah, but it could also cut our journey in half! Think about it. We could go in here, navigate it, and instantly end up in Manhattan!" Josh said. "But we have no way to navigate it though..." I replied. "I think it would be best." Fiona replied. We still have a long way to go, and two days have already gone by. The quicker we could do this quest, the sooner your mother loses her 'shine' or whatever it is."

So naturally, we entered.

Fiona's POV

It was dark. Or at least it was, until Josh brought out the flashlight he had with him. "Which way?" he asked darkly. I still had a hunch he was still mad at me. And the more that I thought about it, the more I saw wht he was saying was true. What had I done during this so far? All I've done was opening the Labyrinth door and fight with others, causing us to waste time. "This way." I said. We continued that way until we heard a small noise. A cracking noise of some sort. "What was that?" I asked. "What was what?" Estelle asked. "That crackling noise, no one heard it?" I said. "Nah, now keep moving before monsters kill us all." Josh retorted. And so on we went.

It had just been two seconds after that when a voice echoed around us. "Hello, my dears...." We all went wary. Josh turned his caduceus into sword mode. Estelle brought out her pen. I took out my knife. "Sweet innocent dears, you won't make it." the voice retorted. "And why's that?" Josh daringly replied. Then we saw why. My eyes went wide with shock, and I immediately curled into a defensive ball and shut my eyes. My body had gone into immediate shock and would not budge. But whatever it was, it triggered some bad memories for it to paralyze me this bad.

Oh no.


Hey guys, Josh here. Comment on what you guys think she saw! Also, comment if you guys want a sequel with your own character in it! It would be really cool if this could reach 1K because that'd be one of the best thing ever. Screw my reveal book. We get 1K, I'll do a voice reveal. That's it for now.

-Love y'all!


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