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His arrival was documented by the churches. In fact, it was prophesied thousands of years ago: an Angel would fall, struck down to earth in heavenly shame. He would be corrupt, and God would have charged the humans with His purification. They will need to drive the darkness out of the Holy Being, restore Him to his former glory, and when He returns to heaven, He would shine favour and goodness upon the humans as thanks.

This was the prophecy that was given by a priest in the early sixteenth century, and since then, the great Church of Christianity has been waiting for this Angel to fall to them. And it had finally happened.

In the dead of Gotham city night, a flash as bright as the sun lit up the sky and a being fell. He fell hundreds of feet through the air, to crash into the waiting arms of the Church of Christianity, a huge, ancient building of stone and marble. He landed in the courtyard, right where his arrival had been Seen, and did not get up again.

The priests that had been waiting for him rushed him into the church, marvelled by his pure-white, velvet-soft feathered wings, each an imposing eight feet tall folded and ten feet extended, the secondary set slightly smaller and the third and final set the smallest at about six feet extended. A thin white tail draped over his legs, a tuft of feathers tipping the end like a lion's tail. The Angel's skin was a perfect, flushed match to his snowy wings, His hair long and flowing like liquid moonlight.

When He was rushed into the building, under the light of the lanterns and holy candles, the priests recoiled in disgust. As heavenly as the Angel was, he was just as Demonic. Dark veins seeped from his closed eyes, and his fingers were tipped in inch-long, deadly sharp claws.

The priests spoke in hushed voices. "It is worse than we thought," one whispered. "The evil has begun to manifest in Him. This will require harsh action."

"He will be thankful once we have purged the Demon from him and he can return to heaven whole."

"Call the Father, he will know what to do."

The rest of Gotham never discovered what had made the bright flash, and it was attributed to an astronomical anomaly in the end. But the Church knew better. The Angel knew better, and as much as He screamed and fought, the Church remained firm in their belief of purification. As they removed all the Demonic parts of the Angel, as His holy blood flowed in rivers of bright gold, to be collected by the priests and used as they wished.

No matter how many times He screamed He was not an Angel, nor was He a Demon, He was nothing, the priests knew He was not in His right mind. He would thank them in the end, when all their servitude to Him paid off.

He would thank them. 

yall wanted it, here it is. I'm hoping this will help me past my writers block that is brutally murdering me rn, so cross ur fingers **cries** 

and if any of yall r hunger games fans or reading my fic starved, (Peetaxmale oc) i will update that soon, but my hunger games book that im heavily relying on for the correct dialogue/plot is at my other place rn **cries again** but keep ur eyes open all right 

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