Sam Hurt - Twisted Chapter 59

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2 years later

In the woods

Sam - Out of breath out of breathe .

Colby- Are you Alright

Sam - Yeag just out of breath that's all

Colby- Arrgh right hang on Where's Chloe

Chloe - I'm here

Smitty - and I'm here too .

We all screamed

Sam - Chloe stay - Behind us

Colby- Yeah chloe cause we don't know what he'll do next

Smitty- Oh your protecting little'un

So adorable 😍 💖.

Smitty - So let's try this again shall we hand chloe over and None of you will get hurt.

Sam - We will never

Smitty - You know golbach I have always hated you .

Sam - 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥱how dare you.

Smityy- OK out of the way I've got to get to little'un

Sam No way if you want us you have to go through me and Colby.

Smitty - Okay if that's the way you want it .

Smitty wissled

A nun came out

Smityy - Hold Sam

Nun - Yes

Sam before even the nun got to him he went to the floor and choked up blood .

Sam 👄👄👄👄👄👄👄👄👄🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸.

Colby petrified - Sam are you okay bud .

Sam - Cough Cough cough

Nun - Held Sam

Sam - Let me go you don't realise what you're doing.

Smitty - Oh but you are you see I do realise what I'm doing

Nun - what shall I do lord business

Smitty - Take Colby to the attic and take Sam to the Cellar I will be down to deal with Golbach in a minute .

Sam- I won't let you touch her

Chloe- Grasp Grasp Cough Cough

Colby- Omg Sam are you okay

Sam - Yeah I'm fine Cough Cough he collapsed.

Colby- SAM !!!! come back matey come back to me mate .
My life is not complete without you.

Smitty ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha ha ha 😂 😆. Colby little'un needs you .

Colby- OK You ARSEHOLE 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡..

Smitty - know Colby that's not nice 😕.

Colby I don't care .


Sam - Where am I

Smitty - I was hoping you say that
Smityy- Bashed Sam against the wall he fell against the wall went unconscious


Laid Sam on the table and marked X on Sam Chest .

He turned Sam and wounded him to the core chucked him to the core and light it on fire

And shut the door and locked it

In room 24 ..

Colby- Sam where are you?.

Room 24

Colby- Sam !!!

Colby- Took Sam out of the room and just stayed with him

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