Twisted Chapter 24 - Missing?.

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Smitty Bed and Breakfast

Sam golbach woke up at Seven o'clock for a change, but when he woke up something was very wrong the thing he hoped or the nightmare he hoped wasn't real.

Sam - Ah what a lovely day sun shining the birds tweeting 😊 beautiful, I got dressed and headed downstairs to have tea Breakfast, but I noticed something tragic so let me tell you about it in a story form .

Story form

So basically last night was like a night out of no other you know all together as a family in the end Colby was cold because he said he was cold , anyway I brought him up to our duo Suite and left him to get Dressed into warmer clothes . I left little'un down in the lair cause I told my friend Colby I will go down and get her afterwards.

Further along the time passes and passes and no sign of our friend feet so you know I went down there checked it out went to the lair , then out a corner of my eye I saw a white ball of light shine in my direction.

Sam - Jesus that's bright I Said , by then I knew that it was chloes phone laying on the ground.

So her phone was here but she wasn't.

Sam - This is weird.

But I picked the phone up anyway, headed back upstairs had a Chat with Colby.

Colby- Sam what's wrong why have you got Chloe Phone and Where's Chloe.

Sam - I don't know I went down into the lair and saw her phone just lying there so I thought I would bring it with me .

But Chloe isn't Here this is mistgivious where could she be .


No she's not there

Kitchen- no she's not there

Library- no she's not there

Lair - no .

Princess room and all the other rooms .

No .

Sam- That's all the rooms I don't know where else to look .

Colby- Have you tried the Graveyard.

Sam - Why would She be at the Graveyard

Colby- I dunno 😕 maybe she just wanted a walk .

They both checked the Graveyard..

Sam 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 . She's knowhere To be Seen.

Colby- Shh Shh we will find her .

Smitty - Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to introde . You guys okay.

Sam - Yeah fine 🙂
Colby- Same .

Smitty - Hey You both don't look fine Sammy been Crying so have you Colbs hey Boys tell me what's wrong.

Sam and Colby- Why should we tell you there's no doubt we will end up in the same place as our friend.

Smitty - Oh your friend you didn't have a friend

Sam and Colby looked at each other- Yes we did Chloe remember.

Smitty - Oh that friend little'un she's fine she's playing patta cake patta Cake.

Colby 😭- How do we know that what you are telling us Is the truth.

Smitty- True or I maybe lying 🤥 🤷 who knows ha ha 😂.

Sam lauched himself at Smitty

Sam- Heyy you knuckle head tell us where Chloe is or we are going to get the cops .

Smityy - Ooh sams Being protective.

Sam - Grrr do you know how many times she's saved our life .

Smityy - Lots not paying attention Sam sorry but I don't care about your friend she belongs where she is .

Colby- Look at here you little Snitch , do you know the meaning of love and friendship well you don't we love chloe like our own sister not even sister daughter cause when you meet a fan who have a good connection with you you do a lot for them .

Smitty - Ooh Colby Porgy is being protective now but sorry I can't tell you where she is .

Sam - Well Your alot of help .

What the sherrif said at the Diner.

Sam and colby went to bed that night knowing that there fan no friend is out in the wilderness probably shaking to death hang on what about Aggie the ghost has she Been to see her .

What the Sherrif said so Sam was the first to go to sleep but Sam and Colby had the Same nightmare

" You know you little'un should watch your back cause who knows a little'un like you could go missing around this neighbourhood. But the sherrif that you'll meet at the end of the story is a different sherrif.

Sam and colby both woke up

Sam- That was terrifying
Colby- Same

Sam and colby wait we had the same dream .

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