Twisted Chapter 49 - Sam Golbach puts me to sleep by Singing

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Following Day

Chloe- Yawn 🥱 I wonder what Golbach is up too let's go See .

Duo Suite

Chloe - Sam are you in here bud

Sam - Yes Sweetheart

Chloe- Hug 🫂 🤗

Sam- Hug 🫂 🤗. You wanted a hug sweetie

Chloe- Yes please.

Sam- Come here then Sweetheart.

Chloe Hug 🫂 🤗 ❤️ eyes Closing.

Sam- How are you feeling Chloe
Chloe- I'm OK Samuel

Sam- Good.

Later that night

Knock Knock

Sam- You alright Sweetheart 👍
Chloe 😭 😭😭😭😭🥱🥱🥱I can't sleep.

Sam- Oh baby would you like me to sing you to Sleep 😴.

Chloe- Please

Sam- Alright Bub lay in my arms then sweetheart.

Laid in his arms.

Sam- Comfortable Chloe
Chloe- Just being in your arms Golbach makes me happier 😊.

Sam kissed Chloe's head whilst rubbing her stomach.

Sam started singing to his fav little'un

She started to fall asleep 😴

Sam-Night Sweetie Pie
The End

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