3. Dating & Farah

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She was breathtaking, in every sense of the word.

When Sam had first approached Farah two days prior, he had known how stunning she was. He had known that she was so far out of his league that he couldn't even begin to comprehend it. But seeing her, tonight, walking back to the car after dinner, Sam couldn't help but wonder how in the world someone like her had agreed to go out with someone like him.

They arrived at the door of the car and Sam opened the passenger side door for her before she stopped and looked up at him.


Sam raised his eyebrows.

"Why what?"

"Why are you opening my car door for me again? You did it when we got in as well."

Sam looked into her eyes. They weren't wild, like she was planning to go on a rampage about the patriarchy or feminism or about how she was perfectly capable of opening her own door. They were soft, curious. Genuinely interested in knowing why he was opening her car door.

He wondered if he should mention that he was a feminist. That he wasn't trying to be condescending.

"I respect you." Sam found his answer in the truth, his hand placed lightly on top of the car. "I respect you and I want to be able to do something kind for you."

Farah nodded and smiled.

"Then let's make a deal."

Sam couldn't help but laugh.

"A deal?"

"Yes." Farah nodded firmly, her hair tossing around slightly as she did so, "Since I also respect you, I want to open your door as well. What do you say we switch off; every other time you pick me up, you can open my door. And on the other days, I'll open yours."

Sam looked at her in amazement. He had never met someone quite like this; someone who was able to surprise him with every word that came out of her mouth.

"It's a deal." He grinned, reaching out to shake her hand. "Every other time, then."

"Every other time." Farah nodded, smiling as she slid into the car. Sam closed the door behind her and walked over to the driver's side, shaking his head in bewilderment at why his gut had told him to find someone who was so utterly intriguing to him.

"So, tell me more about yourself." Sam said as they started to drive away from the restaurant.

"I've already told you quite a lot. I'm the oldest of four, I'm a sophomore in college, I—"

"No, not that stuff." Sam shook his head, "tell me things about yourself that you don't tell people right away. Tell me things that make you you."

Farah was silent for a moment, and Sam prepared himself for a huge, deep revelation that would rock him to his core.

"I can rap."

He almost crashed the car from laughing so hard. He wasn't sure if it was his sheer shock at her revelation or if it was how wildly different those three words were from what he had been expecting.

"You can rap?"

Farah nodded, holding her head in the air with her nose to the roof of the car.

"I can rap. In a super white-girl kind of way, I can rap."

"Rap what?"

Farah paused for a moment.

"I don't know. Everything." She paused again, thinking. "From the entire Hamilton soundtrack to Rap God."

"Rap God?" Sam repeated, "You like Eminem?"

Farah rolled her eyes.

"Of course, I like Eminem. Do you not like Eminem?"

"I do, but I just...I don't know. That wasn't what I was expecting."

"Well, you did tell me to share things I don't tell people right away." Farah grinned, "So I did." She looked over at Sam as he drove, and he could feel her eyes trying to figure him out. "What about you, Sam? What's something you don't tell people right away?"

Sam thought for a moment, his eyes focused on the road ahead but his mind swirling as he tried to figure out what to share with a girl who was throwing curveballs at him with every turn.

"I can't rap."

Farah rolled her eyes and nudged him lightheartedly with her fist.

"Come on, be serious!"

Sam was quiet for a moment, his left hand pulsing slightly. He knew what he wanted to tell her. Or rather, what he didn't want to tell her. The thing that whenever he shared it, it sent girls running for the hills.

But for some reason, he felt like he should tell her. Share the skeleton in his closet with this girl who he had randomly approached in the middle of October, asking her to dinner and enjoying every moment of being with her.

"Sam?" Farah prompted again, "Tell me a secret."

Sam took a deep breath and shrugged slightly.

"Well...I've been engaged."

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