Sam & Farah

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Welcome to Sam & Farah!

This book is going to be a bit different than usual, in that it will have three very distinctive parts. Part I will split off into Parts II & III. Part I exists in both Parts II & III, but Parts II & III do not exist together. 

The moments that change our lives are usually small, seemingly insignificant ones. Snoozing our alarm one morning, taking a different route to work, dropping a class in college, telling your partner you love them for the first time on a Tuesday instead of a Thursday.

For Sam & Farah, there is one moment that might not have been thought to be important to the grand scale of their lives. But there is something sacred in those small moments, and they often have a power so great that thinking about it for too long would send us into an existential crisis.

I hope this book gives us all a nudge to be introspective. It's a sort of love letter while simultaneously being a breakup. Or a heart-wrenching song about lost love that still pines away for the life never lived.

Here we go.

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