Behind the scenes of season 11

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Sorry I'm late. Here the chapter that was meant to be published on Saturday 🙈

Sam's smile in particular in The Prince in Pontypandy and the sequels Monster Alarm, Wrong turn Dily's and A Pontypandy Slickers inspired me to ask myself what happened between Sam and Penny that made them both so much more relaxed than before and sometimes fool around with each other 😉 Basically there are six individual stories that belong together throughout the season. But it starts with the Pontypandy Park Festival. Have fun reading.

"Keep going, Penny. Just keep going. Don't turn around." I was always the first to jump to everyone's help, but right now I didn't let myself be dissuaded from my well-deserved call it a day.

Like the perfect gentleman I tried to be, I held up the tape for Penny to slip under.

"What's wrong with you, Sam? You can't seem to wait to get off work."

"The twins were getting to my nerves as soon as the day really started." I saw her skeptical look out of the corner of my eye combined with one of her most wonderful smiles. "They really argue a lot. But usually in the worst case scenario I can say goodbye and just leave. Today there was no escape and no matter what I tried, I couldn't distract them."

"Couldn't you have just spoken out?"

"And direct the aggression at me? Holy sparks, no! Then I would rather stand in the way of two starving lions."

"The kids have you pretty well under control, don't they?" She playfully nudged me in the side with her elbow and I shrugged as we entered the hall and headed for our lockers.

"Well, that's why I'm a beloved uncle," I replied with a wink and I saw her rolling her eyes in annoyance, but smiling as she hung up her jacket. "But I don't think I would be a good father because of that."

"I think you would be a perfect father and, above all, partner," I heard Penny say and stopped, took a step back and looked at her in surprise past my open locker door. At that moment she woke up from her lost-in-thought search for her shoes and saw my look, which obviously made her realize what she had said. She immediately blushed and began an explanation that seemed more helpless than enlightening."I'm just saying...everyone is more patient with other people's children than with their own and you are a very reliable and patient attentive and courteous helpful and friendly...charming and lovable...I think I should shut up now." She collapsed onto the bench behind us and touched her forehead in disbelief. I knew she wanted to sink into the ground because she actually said that, while I was stunned with happiness and felt like I was floating towards cloud nine. Could I take her up with me?

I sat down next to her, smiling, and took one of her hands, intertwining my fingers with hers. She let it happen, silently watching our hands before she carefully raised her gaze to my face and I immediately sank into her hazel eyes.

"You should never keep your mouth shut, Pen. We can always talk about anything and I wish you had hinted something like that to me sooner," I said quietly and it took all my effort not to scream out with happiness.

"You know that I value you very much. You are my best friend." These words came heavily from her lips as we looked so deeply into each other's eyes that I had the feeling she was looking into my heart.

"It just sounded like you wanted more than just friendship?"

"What I want or not doesn't matter much. It would be too one-sided."

"Even if I tell you that I love you?" She was already taking a breath to say something back when what I had just said sunk in.


"I love you, Pen. I have for a long time. I just didn't have the courage to tell you. I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same." I looked at her expectantly, saw tears in her eyes and was immediately unsettled. Penny never cried. At most, her eyes would glaze over when the day was particularly stressful and the burden was lifted from her at the end of the day. But she had never cried. Her tears now made me sweat.

But then she put a hand on my cheek and just a moment later her lips on mine. I didn't give her time to change her mind and pulled her close to me, feeling her hands slide into my neck and we forgot everything around us for an unknown amount of time.

"I love you too Sam," she murmured against my lips and I had to control myself not to scream with joy.

"Is that so bad?" I asked with a smile and used my thumbs to wipe away the tears that had still broken out.

"On the contrary. I never dared to hope that you would feel the same for me as I do for you. I was simply overwhelmed by joy," she replied with an embarrassed smile and I kissed her briefly again.

"I feel the same way. I can hardly believe it. If I should be sleeping, don't wake me up." I gave her a kiss on the tip of her nose while she smiled sheepishly. "Would you mind if I came to your place today?" I then asked her.

"Absolutely not, but why not to you?"

"If that's your wish, we'll do it. I just thought that since we're both free tomorrow, but the park is being cleaned up right in front of my door tomorrow, we'd have more peace and quiet with you."

"Are you avoiding work?" she asked me, seemingly horrified.

"I just want to enjoy my time with you now that we're finally together and as much of it as I can get."

"Then let's get started," Penny replied with a smile and gave me a quick kiss before getting up to close our lockers. We quickly put on our jackets and arm in arm we went to her house.


"So this fire dog is driving me crazy. Throw that thing on the scrap heap!"

"Ellie, he could be very useful."

"Sure Arnold, if Norman moves away, at least the fire dog will make sure we don't get bored."

"You're really unfair!"

"I'm just being realistic. I'll drive up to the mill with the cadetts. Keep your head up, Penny!"

"You too Ellie and have fun with Norman!"

I saw Ellie stick her tongue out at me before she stepped out of the gate and I laughed quietly to myself as I closed Venus's tailgate.

"Well Arnold, don't you think your robot dog caused enough damage yesterday?" Sam now turned to the youngest of our team.

"The cables just have to be checked, the software revised and the hard drive rebooted, then it does what it's supposed to do."

"Um, yes, exactly. Good luck and please be careful."

"Sure, Sam. We always are!"

"Now why doesn't this calm me down?" he murmured thoughtfully as he stowed the windsock on Mercury.

"Because you're a manic workaholic and always on call?" I asked him as I smiled and leaned towards him as I supported myself on Mercury's seat on the other side. We were now alone in the hall and I wanted to take advantage of that.

"That's why you love me so much," he whispered to me quietly.

"Well, a little bit too, because you always smile so dreamily when I'm around, especially when I don't see it." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before turning away - but not for long.

"How would you know if you can't see it?"

"Didn't you do that last week when I was busy organizing the prince's visit and you passed me with Elvis and the red carpet?" I asked him now, grinning.

"I hate to repeat myself, but how would you know?" His grin was so confident - still.

"I was standing in front of the whole fish Cafe when Charlie asked you about it in the backyard. Your conversation could be heard pretty well between the houses." I could see his heart sinking and, laughing, I walked up to him and put my arms around his shoulders.

"Then you heard too..." He stopped when he realized what I had heard.

"That you told him that we were finally together, how happy you were and that you both couldn't wait for little Sam's and Penny's to jump around Pontypandy?"

"Um, I think Charlie said the last thing," he replied hesitantly.

"Oh, didn't a certain someone say that he couldn't wait to make me his wife and then the kids would come? How many were there? 5 or 6?"

"You know how it is between brothers. You can't hide anything from them and they sometimes exaggerate and tease each other," he replied nervously. We had agreed that we wanted to keep our relationship to ourselves for now so that we could enjoy it in peace. Was he so nervous about telling Charlie our secret? Or because of his future plans? "Are you angry now?"

"Why should I?" I asked him, really surprised. "I think it's very nice the direction your thoughts are going," I added with a smile and laughed when he visibly relaxed before I convinced him with a kiss how beautiful I found it.

"Wow." He didn't know what else to say before we heard Elvis calling for Sam and I pulled away from him.

"But three is my last word!" I said with a wink and a big smile appeared on his face before I turned away and went back to Venus.

"Sam, there you are! Why are you grinning like that?"

"Oh, you wouldn't understand, Elvis. What did you want?"

"Didn't we want to moor to the mountain station and the windsock?"

"Oh, yes. Exactly. Let's go then. Are you okay here, Pen?"

"Of course. Steele and I are holding the fort," I replied with a smile before he drove up with Mercury and I opened Venus door for Elvis.


"I hope the rest of the night will be quieter now that everyone has gone home and stopped looking for meteorites and the X-Files," I sighed, falling heavily onto the sofa.

"Well, you couldn't resist when Hannah and Norman told you about this supposed secret organization."

I reached out to Penny and she took my hand. I pulled her close and she immediately snuggled into my arms.

"Something like that is exciting if there's something to it. But nothing really mysterious will ever happen in Pontypandy," I replied, a little disappointed. I gave her a kiss on the neck before I thought of anything else. "Even the question of where Dilys always gets her horrible clothes from will probably never be answered. When I think of the dressing gown that Norman recently used as a ghost for his film Dily's clothes probably come from another planet." Penny laughed out loud.

"Maybe she and her son are from another planet themselves. It would explain a lot."

"That's right. What he did with Joe's submarine in the lake was astronomically stupid. You, on the other hand, were perfect as always."

"Still, you didn't have to give Norman's film to the news. I hate being on TV."

"Which doesn't change the fact that you deserve it." I lifted her chin with two fingers and kissed her tenderly. "You're beautiful and your performance is outstanding. If one of us belongs on TV, it's you."

"And that's what our screen hero says," she teased and I groaned in annoyance while she snuggled even closer to me and nestled her cheek against my chest. She couldn't help but yawn, too. We didn't sleep much yesterday.

"Don't fall asleep, little angel. If the others catch us, the rest will be over. Then Ellie will really annoy you."

"She already does that anyway. She really wants me to confess my feelings to you so that I can finally be happy. She just won't let up," she murmured sleepily.

"Are you happy then?"

"I couldn't be happier," she replied quietly and I kissed her hair with a smile as she slowly fell asleep. It didn't take long before fatigue caught up with me too and I surrendered to it. I would wake up in time before the others got to work. I always did that.

"PENNY MORRIS!" We both jumped in alarm and looked up at Ellie, who was standing in front of us with her arms on her hips. "I'm talking my head off and you two are fooling us all the time? How long has this been going on with you? "

"I hardly think it's any of your business, Ellie," Penny grumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm even more sorry that you sleep on duty," Steele intervened and we both winced. "I hope this doesn't become a habit for you, that you have to use the service to recover from your private life?!" However, his grin took away the seriousness of his speech, but we both blushed nonetheless.

"No sir," we replied obediently at the same time.

"Then go home and get a good night's sleep. It's about time you finally became something." Steele turned away and I immediately grabbed Penny's hand, almost pulling her with me to escape the grinning faces of our colleagues.



"I am in the kitchen." I was setting the table when he entered the room.

"You cooked?"

"Um, yeah? Shouldn't I?"

"I thought I'd take you out as an apology for interrupting your briefing of the cadetts today," he replied hesitantly. He had to know that I wasn't angry with him, but he still had a guilty conscience that he had behaved so childishly and allowed himself to be distracted by Moose?

"Darling, that's not necessary. At least you've served your sentence," I replied teasingly.

"Do you know what Moose said about that?" I looked at him skeptically and raised an eyebrow expectantly. "That you've been keeping me under a lot of pressure since we've been together."

"Aha," I replied tonelessly and began to eat. "And what did you say?"

"That I am the happiest man in the world because I have the best woman in the world by my side and that I would do everything so that you are always happy and hopefully never get tired of me."

"Oh Sami," I sighed, getting up and sitting on his lap, putting my arms behind his neck and kissing him briefly. "That's very sweet of you, but I'll never be able to have enough of you." I kissed him again to convince him of my words and no matter how much we had already kissed, it would never be enough. I could never get enough of him, in every way. "I think you still smell like the stinky cat from the other day. Maybe we should go take a shower?"

"Again? You're still scrubbing the skin off me," he replied sullenly. I had slept in the guest room for two nights because he smelled so bad and he had showered countless times with my help and a brush until his smell gradually got better.

"I wasn't exactly thinking about scrubbing you," I replied, smiling and pulling him up from the chair. Comprehension came to his face before he grinned widely.

"And the food?"

"Will not run away and we have a microwave. Are you complaining?" I stopped abruptly and looked at him skeptically. But he wrapped me in his strong arms and gave me a kiss so passionate that my knees went weak.

"Never, my angel. Didn't we want to take a shower?" he replied with a smile and pulled me into the bathroom with him.


Sam was still reading when I entered the bedroom.

"Not tired yet, my stage hero?" I immediately snuggled up to him as he offered me his arm and gave me a kiss on the temple.

"I only had a small supporting role today."

"And yet in the end you put out the fire again and saved everyone." He just snorted dismissively as he dropped the open book onto his chest. "It'll be better next year when you get to play yourself."

"I don't really feel like it. I'm just not a good actor."

"That's right, you really aren't," I replied, laughing softly.

"Your performance as Pontypandy Pete, on the other hand, was fantastic. You could play me next year."

"No one can imitate you, Sam. You're unique. You could just lighten up a bit."

"You mean chasing alien bugs with your cell phone and singing catchy summer songs?" He made a not very enthusiastic face and I had to laugh.

"Why not? There has to be a little fun. Here comes the summer, yo, yo," I sang at the end, but he immediately pulled me back to him.

"Angel, I'm having a lot of fun, but I also have my pride." I nudged him in the side for that. "Didn't we have enough fun the other day after reading your ghost book?"

"That's right," I replied, giggling as I thought back to it. "You were up all night trying because you heard something."

"There were strange noises," he grumbled sullenly and picked up the book again.

"What are you reading?" I yawned furtively as he absentmindedly began running his fingertips up and down the back of my neck. Hardly anything was as relaxing as this gesture of him.

"A book about zombies. I want to know what I'll have to deal with when Norman lives out his fantasies again."

"Okay, but don't wake me if you hear one coming."

"Ha, ha! Sleep well, my angel."

"You too, my hero."


I woke up when Penny carefully crawled into bed with me. She didn't want to wake me up, but it never helped. When she wasn't lying next to me, I was just missing something and I always noticed when she was finally with me again. This week she had the night shift with Arnold and I normally had the morning shift, but today I was allowed to start a little later because I was supposed to be the supervisor and jury at the vegetable show and it would last until the evening.

"Good morning, my angel," I murmured happily as I pulled her close and kissed her.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No, I just missed you."

"I missed you too, my darling," she replied and kissed me again.

"Did you have a quiet night?"

"Nothing special. A small car accident outside and Norris nibbled on a cable in the Cafe. We quickly got everything under control."

"You always do," I replied, smiling as she snuggled closer to me.

"I heard that the children also want to take part in the vegetable show. I'm excited to see what's in store for you today."

"Holy sparks. Will you come to my aid later if you've had a good night's sleep?" I sensed her getting nervous and moved away from her just enough to look at her questioningly.

"I wanted to go to Newtown later, but I'll come over straight away afterwards."

"Are we empty of the fridge again?"

"I don't want to go shopping, Sam. I...I just want to go to the doctor. But you don't have to worry. I've been feeling a bit strange the last few days and I just want to get a check-up."

"What does strange mean?"

"Just a little dizzy and nauseous. I probably just caught something. The doc will find out what it is and then it'll be over quickly."

"I really hope so."

"Don't worry, Sam. It's certainly nothing bad. Let's cuddle and snooze some more and enjoy our time until you have to go," she replied with a smile, kissed me and then snuggled up to me again.

But I couldn't completely forget about her upcoming doctor's visit all day long.

Meanwhile, the day was more turbulent than expected, thanks to the twins' rogue guinea pig and then there was the rescue of James.

When we finally had the award ceremony behind us and I had put Norris back in his box, it was already dark and worried, I made my way to the station.

Penny hadn't been here yet, even though she said she would, and that worried me.

As soon as we arrived at the station, Elvis and I found Penny sitting in the kitchen with Arnold, drinking coffee in peace.

I immediately went to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She turned her face towards me and smiled at me so brightly that I couldn't stop myself from kissing her on the lips again.

"Hey Arnold," I greeted him, sat down next to Penny and turned to her. "You weren't in the park today. I was worried."

"Knowing you, you've been doing that all day," she replied with a smile, and I found it somewhat reassuring that she seemed so exuberant. "Come with me. I need to talk to you."

Oh, I thought as she took my hand and we stood up.

Steele was apparently already home because his office was dark when we entered. Penny turned on the light and I closed the door behind me before turning back to her. She immediately put her arms around me and her head on my chest, which made me so nervous that I pulled her close to me in fear.

"Oh, Sam. Don't break us."

"Never, angel. Wait. Why us?"

"The doc found the little problem and I had to go to a specialist. That's why I didn't make it to the park. But I hope you're as happy about it as I am."

"Is it possible to be happy about a problem?"

"Well, actually it's not a problem. It just gave me a little trouble."

"Holy Saint Florian, Penny! You don't usually tend to beat around the bush," I replied, a little annoyed. She was pushing my nerves more than Norman or the twins ever had. I wanted to finally know what we were dealing with and what I could do to make her feel better. However, she only smiled mildly at me.

"I'm pregnant, Sam." She laughed as my mouth dropped open. My mind had run through all sorts of scenarios today, but I had never thought of that.

It was amazing. It was a miracle. It was fantastic.

I pulled her close and kissed her passionately, which she agreed to very willingly. There were so many emotions boiling up inside me that I couldn't even get it sorted. I couldn't believe that I would soon be a father and that the woman of my dreams was carrying my child. It was incredible and indescribably beautiful.

As our lips parted, I grabbed her around the waist and spun her in circles, screaming with joy as Penny laughed at my joy.

"Sam, Penny, what's going on?" Elvis shouted in alarm as he and Arnold almost ran down the door.

"What happened?" Arnold asked in shock as he looked into my face and then I realized that I had been crying. I quickly wiped my eyes with my sleeve and put an arm around Penny's waist.

"Everything is fine. In the best way. I'm just the happiest man on earth," I explained to the two of them, but I couldn't take my eyes off Penny's eyes. And while Arnold and Elvis closed the door again from the outside, I got down on my knees in front of Penny and held her hand. "I had planned it to be much more romantic, but now I don't want to wait any longer.

Penny Morris. You are the love of my life and you have not only given me your love, your heart, but now you are also giving me our first child. You are my life, my air to breathe and my happiness. I can no longer be without you and no matter what comes our way, I only want to walk every path together with you and grow old with you. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Oh Sam, of course," she replied touchedly and pulled me up so we could hug and kiss. "I love you," she then sighed with tears in her eyes.

"And I love you," I replied, smiling and kissing her again as the alarm tore us apart.

"Work calls me and you our bed. Keep it warm," she said with a wink as she ran to the door.

"You'll get your ring tomorrow. Take care of yourself," I called after her and she blew me an air kiss before she changed and jumped into Venus with Arnold.

"Well, Sam. Are you going home now?" Elvis tore me out of my thoughts. "Whatever Penny just said to you, I like that it makes you so happy."

"It's her, Elvis. Every day is new and each one is more beautiful than the last," I replied before I said goodbye to him to go home and wait for my fiancée - my family.

To be some day.

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