Boredom in Class

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I could not believe it. Since this morning, Boyce has been telling us about workplace safety and operational behavior, but his methods and views were so outdated that following them would mean certain death. But the annual training was mandatory and so we couldn't get around it.

As a rule, it was also held by an instructor from the Cardiff Academy. But since he had become ill and the date had been set, Boyce stepped in at short notice.

He was currently trying to explain to us how to start a vehicle with a choke during the driver's instruction. No vehicle has been built with it for almost 30 years, but what was the point?! Another hour and we were done.

I looked at Penny next to me, who was absentmindedly doodling on the notepad she had brought with her for interesting notes. She had already painted the 4th page, but there wasn't a single word anywhere - so much for interesting teaching material.

But now an idea came to me.

I tapped Penny, who looked at me questioningly, and I signaled to her with a questioning look that I wanted the pad. She tore off the scribbled pages and pushed the pen and pad over to me.

>Does he really think he's teaching us anything?< I pushed the paper towards her and she smiled.


>Conclusion of the day: Everything used to be better in good old times?<

>Do you really believe that?<

>No, but Boyce do. I would like to know where he has been in the last few years that he didn't notice that cars with chokes are no longer being built?<

>My first car still had a choke. I loved it.<

>Really? Why?<

>Because it was reliable. It always started regardless of whether it was hot or cold. I like it when you can rely on something.<

>You can rely on me too, can't you?< A smile appeared on Penny's face.

>That's right.< She didn't get any further than that as she quickly hid the pad under her arms and leaned seemingly casually on the table when Boyce called us.

"Is there anything unclear for you two?" he asked us skeptically.

"No sir, we are just so overwhelmed by your very interesting comments!" I objected with my friendliest smile.

"Oh, I'm glad, Sam. I'll carry on then."

"Please, sir."

>You are a bad liar.<

>But what Boyce doesn't know.< I winked at her as I pushed the pad back to her.

>Good thing I know you better.<

>I would never lie to you.<

>Really never?< She looked at me teasingly.

>Why should I?< She just shrugged and I withdrew the pad. >Ask me anything, no matter what.< Penny thought for a moment.

>How many girlfriends have you had?<

>One. At school. She wrote me a note. It said:

Do you want to be together with me?

Yes O

No O

Maybe O<

Penny couldn't help but laugh, but immediately turned it into a coughing when Boyce looked at her critically.

"Sorry, sir. Dry throat." She took a sip while Boyce turned back and continued his speech.

>How sweet. No more after that?<

>I concentrated more on my education and had no eyes for anything else.<

>Just like all the years later.< She smiled as she pushed the pad back to me, but I let it get serious.

>Just because I love my work doesn't mean I don't have my eye on someone.<

>So?< Penny, suddenly also serious, looked at me questioningly but also a little disappointed. Could I hope? It was definitely encouraging.

>A few years ago she came to our station every now and then to help out and hit me straight in the heart like a bolt of lightning. Since she moved to us permanently, I've been on cloud 9.< I blushed and I felt Penny's eyes on me and the pad. I knew she had read it before I even pushed it over to her.

>Why didn't you ever say anything?<

>I didn't dare. What if she doesn't like me as much as I like her?< Penny looked at my words on the paper for what seemed like an eternity before briefly putting the pen to the table. But when she pushed the pad back to me, I didn't find any new notes. I looked at her confused as she tapped what I had written above with a smile and a grin appeared on my face because it now said: Do you want to be together with me? Yes, No, Maybe...with a big X after Yes.

She pulled the pad away from under my eyes and quickly wrote something underneath it.

>I love you.<

>I love you too.< She smiled at me so happily that my heart melted and I pulled the pad back.>Are you coming downstairs to the office?<


>I would like to kiss you if I can?!<

>I can hardly wait.< Now a slight blush covered her cheeks, but she smiled happier than I had ever seen her smile before and I was extremely happy that she was doing it because of me. I closed the pad and drummed my fingers quietly but impatiently, hoping Boyce would finish soon.

Less than 10 minutes later, Boyce dismissed us and Penny and I were the first to jump up and run to the bars like our lives depends on that. It wasn't really wrong, because now a completely new life began for both of us and we both couldn't wait.


A choke is a type of lever that you have to pull before the car starts. Has something to do with the fuel injection 🙈 I saw it in a documentary when I was writing it and used it. I have such a lack of ideas that I couldn't think of anything better, sorry 😩

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